Insomnia during pregnancy: ways to normalize your regimen without pills

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by taking a long time to fall asleep, waking up early, or waking up frequently in the middle of the night. This condition often occurs in pregnant women. It is explained by a sharp jump in hormone levels, increased workload and nervous tension. Insomnia during pregnancy affects your well-being, leading to nervous exhaustion. Therefore, it is extremely important to wage an effective fight for healthy and sound sleep in order to return to the pregnant woman the joy of her wonderful situation.

Existing types of insomnia

Let's first define what insomnia is. It is usually considered a complete lack of sleep or brief “falls” into restless sleep. In fact, the criteria by which insomnia is diagnosed during pregnancy are much broader:

  • more than 2 episodes of difficulty falling asleep per week;
  • difficulty falling asleep, repeated awakenings at night in the absence of physiological reasons (pain, urge to urinate);
  • lack of a cheerful, rested state in the morning, even if it seems that you slept all night. Fatigue, daytime sleepiness, bad mood, depression;
  • a person's assessment of his sleep. If a woman is worried, the situation will definitely get worse. Conversely, a calm attitude towards periodic insomnia helps in the fight against it.

The total duration of sleep is not always taken into account, since it cannot be adequately assessed. Possible disturbances in the structure of sleep: the predominance of the superficial stage, a decrease in the time of deep stages. Such disturbances do not allow restoration of daily energy expenditure during pregnancy.

Insomnia is usually classified depending on the reasons that caused it:

  1. Primary insomnia is triggered by a person’s internal state. These could be neuroses, fear of childbirth, conflicts and stress.
  2. Secondary insomnia is caused by physiological reasons, poor sleep conditions, the use of natural stimulants (caffeine) and certain medications.

Types of insomnia

Is the inability to fall asleep quickly or periodic wakefulness at night dangerous? The main types of sleep disorders during pregnancy:

  • Transient (situational) insomnia occurs most often and does not require special correction. This condition usually lasts no more than a week and is caused by psychological reasons. Excitation of the nervous system, which prevents sleep in this case, is a consequence of a surge of experiences. Any non-standard situation with a negative or positive connotation provokes strong emotions, but as they are experienced, the state returns to normal. Therefore, a pregnant woman should be protected as much as possible from strong impressions.
  • Short-term insomnia, lasting no more than a month, is already a reason to consult a doctor. The cause of the disorder, which lasts for more than a week, can be both psychological factors and health problems. If you can’t fall asleep due to nervous tension, you need to cope with insomnia during pregnancy with the help of a psychologist. In cases where your sleep and wakefulness patterns are negatively affected by ailments or medications, you should contact a gynecologist or specialized specialists.
  • Chronic is the most dangerous type of insomnia for the expectant mother. It is quite rare, as it occurs as a result of serious pathologies or mental disorders. Since problems with sleep in this case last for months, physical and nervous exhaustion sets in, fraught with complications of pregnancy and the threat of its termination. Therefore, seeing a doctor and treatment, including medication, for chronic sleep disorders is mandatory.

In addition to the listed varieties, insomnia in early and late pregnancy is divided into stages according to the type of wakefulness:

  • The first is problems with falling asleep in the evening, when a woman cannot relax for a long time while lying in bed.
  • The second is periodic awakenings at night associated with physical discomfort or unpleasant dreams.
  • The third is manifested by early awakening, after which it is no longer possible to fall asleep again.

For each option, special correction methods are provided, but before familiarizing yourself with them, you should take a closer look at the causes of insomnia.

What harm does insomnia cause to a pregnant woman?

Sleep problems are especially common in the last trimester. Women note an increased need for rest and an inability to sleep through the night. Many people lie down to rest during the day before giving birth. There are studies that confirm the relationship between insomnia and the psychological state of a woman and even the course of her labor. If late-term sleep took less than 6 hours a day, a caesarean section is 4.5 times more likely, and 5.2 times more likely for severe insomnia. Prolonged lack of sleep exhausts a woman and lengthens the time of labor. Sleep apnea, a sign of which is usually snoring, increases the risk of hypertension in the last weeks of pregnancy by 3.5 times, and the need for surgical intervention during childbirth increases by 5.2 times.

There is a connection between insomnia and premature birth. The reasons for this phenomenon are unknown, but most likely they are completely physiological. In women with sleep disorders, C-reactive protein and interleukin 6 are elevated, which indicates increased inflammation in the body and, possibly, dysfunction of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.

Thus, insomnia during pregnancy is dangerous for both the expectant mother and the child. To improve the quality of life of a pregnant woman and reduce the risk for the baby, it is necessary to identify the causes of restless or short sleep and promptly eliminate them.

It will be useful : throughout pregnancy, a woman’s body is very weakened and susceptible to the development of infections and fungi - read how to treat thrush during pregnancy.

What to do and how to fight

To avoid sleep deprivation during pregnancy, a woman needs to take the following measures:

  1. Don't force yourself to fall asleep.
  2. You should not go to bed during the day (even if you really want to).
  3. Don't go to bed very early.
  4. Follow a daily routine; do not eat very fatty foods before bed.
  5. Avoid coffee and energy drinks.
  6. Drink herbal teas, such as chamomile.
  7. Exercise at least a couple of times a week.
  8. Go for walks in the fresh air, go to nature.
  9. Don't go to bed if you just had an argument with someone, it's better to relax.
  10. If you have nightmares, tell someone about it. Analyze your dreams, for example, with your girlfriend or husband. You can also contact a psychologist.
  11. Arrange the room in such a way that you really like it, so that it is comfortable to be there.
  12. Eliminate all sources of irritation: stop communicating with people with whom you constantly quarrel.

You should not be afraid of insomnia, you just need to diagnose it correctly and take all precautions to restore your sleep pattern.

This will be better for both the mother and the child (poor sleep can lead to sleep loss).

About the causes and treatment of insomnia in pregnant women in this video:

Why do you lose sleep during pregnancy?

Do not forget that any pregnancy is a complex process that requires significant changes in all body systems, starting with hormonal changes, ending with blood volume and the position of internal organs. The condition when it stings here and then pulls there is natural for any expectant mother. The first sleep disturbances are usually caused by hormonal changes. During pregnancy, causes of insomnia such as nightmares, muscle cramps, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome may appear or worsen.

Hormonal changes

At the beginning of pregnancy, the metabolic rate increases, blood pressure often decreases, and hematopoiesis increases. All these processes require energy expenditure that is unusual for a woman, and therefore are accompanied by fatigue. Progesterone rises sharply. It is called the pregnancy hormone, since it is directly responsible for its course. One of the functions of progesterone is to relax the muscles of the uterus, having a calming, calming effect.

According to scientists, insomnia in the early stages appears as a side effect of the rapid growth of this hormone: the body tries to mobilize, which often leads to overexcitation. This side effect is so common that insomnia is considered one of the first signs of pregnancy. A temporary decrease in tryptophan levels is considered another cause of insomnia. The body gradually adapts to hormonal changes. The insomnia caused by them stops by the end of the 1st trimester.

Anxious thoughts

Pregnancy is not only a happy time of waiting for a long-awaited baby, but also numerous worries. There are many reasons for worry: feeling unwell, frequent visits to the doctor, waiting for test results, flu epidemics, future changes in family life, fear of losing your job. For excellent students in everything, who are accustomed to always being the best and relying only on themselves, these experiences can be especially strong. The complex course of pregnancy, severe toxicosis, the threat of miscarriage, and exacerbation of chronic diseases do not add to optimism.

Insomnia is directly related to constant anxiety. Thoughts about the future prevent you from falling asleep and provoke nightmares, which in turn cause a subconscious fear of sleep. Emotional stress causes insomnia usually in the first and last trimesters.

Physiological reasons

As a rule, insomnia disappears by week 16, and the second trimester goes relatively well. By the last trimester, the problems return with renewed vigor. If earlier sleep disturbances were caused by hormonal and psychological adaptation to the state of pregnancy, now physiological causes of insomnia come first.

CausesEffect on sleep
Enlarged uterusPressure on the bladderBy the last trimester, the uterus enlarges so much that it begins to put pressure on all organs. Due to a decrease in bladder volume, urination becomes more frequent, including at night.
Changing the position of the spineIt can cause aching back pain that causes insomnia. Often you can only lie in one position; the woman wakes up every time she changes position.
Stretching of the skin on the abdomenOften accompanied by itching and sometimes pain - all causes of itching.
HeartburnThe cause is the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus. Heartburn is a common occurrence during pregnancy. As a rule, it intensifies in a horizontal position - how to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy.
Child activityChildren develop their own sleep patterns even before birth. If it does not coincide with the maternal one, insomnia is inevitable.
Training contractionsInsomnia in the third trimester can be caused by the body preparing for childbirth. Typically, training contractions appear in the last week, but they can begin much earlier, even a month before giving birth.
Obstructive sleep apneaThese are short-term pauses in breathing, which usually become more frequent during pregnancy. In the last trimester, the lumen of the respiratory tract in women is narrowed, which causes snoring, leads to frequent awakenings, and sometimes persistent insomnia.
Restless legs syndromeThe disorder causes discomfort in the legs, prompts the woman to constantly move them, and leads to sleep disturbances. The most striking symptoms are observed at rest, especially before bedtime. During pregnancy, the frequency of occurrence of the syndrome increases 3 times, it affects about 26% of expectant mothers - what to do if your legs cramp.
CrumpyThis term refers to cramps that occur in the legs and feet at night. Pregnancy leads to a threefold increase in cramps. Almost 30% of women in the 3rd trimester wake up every night with sharp pain in their legs, gradually earning insomnia.
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancyImpaired bile flow, increased levels of bile acids in the blood. Causes dermatitis of pregnant women. The condition is accompanied by severe itching of the limbs and face, which makes it difficult to sleep.

How to deal with insomnia during pregnancy

Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to eliminate the physiological causes of sleep disturbances in the current circumstances (pregnancy), except perhaps to reduce them a little. Psychological causes can be completely overcome if you take care of your health during this period.

  1. You need to distribute the load evenly throughout the day. Every woman knows at what hours she is more active; at this time it is worth solving more difficult tasks.
  2. Planning things in the morning will help prevent overwork. It is necessary to write down the most important tasks that you cannot do without, shift the rest onto the shoulders of relatives or abandon them altogether.
  3. You can try cutting down on naps during the day to help you fall asleep faster in the evening. You should try to go into the bedroom less often to lie down. It’s better to distract yourself with some simple task.
  4. It’s good if you can take your mind off the thoughts of the upcoming sleepless night.
  5. You can do race walking or swimming, and at the same time your weight will be under control.
  6. There is no need to eat dense and hard-to-digest food before going to bed. You can eat fruit, cottage cheese, drink a glass of warm milk (it will speed up falling asleep).
  7. A good technique for dealing with nightmares is to simply talk through your fears. You need to speak out well and share your concerns. Usually talking through your fears helps you get rid of them completely. Moreover, loved ones and relatives will always support and reassure.
  8. At this time, you need to avoid conflict situations, stress, and troubles. You should not watch films with an emotional plot (horror, action films, comedies) before going to bed; it is better to watch a melodrama or read something interesting.
  9. Taking a warm bath in the evening with a drop of lavender oil or adding brewed chamomile helps you fall asleep.
  10. For a more comfortable sleep, especially in the last trimester, using a large number of pillows helps. One can be tucked on the side, the second can be placed under the neck with a cushion, the third under the legs or between the knees. It is better to choose soft and fluffy pillows.
  11. In the fight against stretch marks and itching, it is good to use special lotions or regular palm oil; it will quickly absorb into the skin, make it elastic and help quickly recover after childbirth.
  12. Often in the evening, pregnant women experience attacks of weakness, limbs tremble, and cold sweat appears. At this time, you need to eat a piece of sugar or drink a glass of juice.
  13. You should not take sleeping pills to fall asleep; it is better to avoid tea and coffee before bed.
  14. A good option before falling asleep would be a light massage of your back, legs and feet. The massage will relax the muscles, help avoid cramps, and reduce lower back pain.
  15. You need to reduce the amount of liquid you drink towards the end of the day. The daily norm for pregnant women is 6-8 glasses of water.
  16. It makes sense to choose a more comfortable mattress. This could be a feather bed or a special orthopedic mattress with honeycombs.

What to do with insomnia in different trimesters

The fight against insomnia is more effective at the beginning of its onset. Methods approved during pregnancy cannot always completely normalize poor sleep. However, in most cases, women note improved sleep quality, a decrease in the number of awakenings, and a decrease in fatigue and irritability.

What to do to get rid of insomnia during pregnancy:

  1. Change your daily routine, form new healthy habits.
  2. Adjust your diet and take vitamins and minerals if necessary.
  3. Create your own bedtime ritual.

Useful : the longer the pregnancy, the more the fetus puts pressure on all organs, inevitably causing shortness of breath. See our tips on what to do if you have heavy breathing.

New habits

It’s worth worrying about introducing new habits into life at the very beginning of pregnancy. Dealing with insomnia is much more difficult than preventing incipient problems falling asleep. What needs to be changed:

Sleeping positionThe habit of sleeping on the stomach impairs blood flow to the fetus even in the short term. The most physiological position is on the left side with bent knees. In recent months, special pillows for sleeping are comfortable, which can be placed between the knees, on the side of the abdomen, or under the back. To reduce heartburn and snoring, you can elevate your upper body with an extra pillow.
Daily regimeIt is impossible to adjust erroneous biorhythms and eliminate insomnia without a strict daily routine. Try to go to bed at the same time, always before midnight. If a night's rest is not enough, set aside at least an hour for a nap during the day. No amount of housework is worth the health of a woman and her baby. Plan any activity that requires nervous tension for the first half of the day.
Fluid intakeDehydration increases itching of the skin and discomfort in the legs. During pregnancy, the need for fluid increases, so it is necessary to increase the flow of water into the body during the day. It is advisable to avoid drinks with a diuretic effect, such as tea. Insomnia during pregnancy can be caused by stimulants found in drinks. In the 2nd half of the day, completely exclude coffee, cocoa, and strong tea. After dinner, limit fluid intake.
SmokingTobacco smoke can cause insomnia. Not only active smoking is dangerous, but also passive smoking - inhaling smoke from a cigarette, staying for a long time in a room where people smoke regularly. About smoking at different stages
Fresh airWith sufficient oxygen supply to the lungs, sleep is stronger and longer, so it is worth adding room ventilation and a walk before bed to the list of good habits.

Nutrition correction

A balanced diet will help replenish energy costs and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. Reasonable restriction of calorie intake will help to avoid excess weight gain, which will have a positive effect on several causes of insomnia: it will reduce the load on the skin and internal organs, reduce the likelihood of snoring and apnea, and improve psychological well-being.

To reduce heartburn, doctors recommend avoiding spices, acids, soda, and fried foods. Dinner should be as light and healthy as possible: fermented milk products, fish, vegetables.

Restless legs syndrome can be caused by iron and folic acid deficiency. Cramps are caused by a lack of magnesium or calcium. During pregnancy, it is mandatory to take folic acid; any other minerals and vitamins to correct insomnia should be prescribed by a doctor.


Preparing for bed is necessary in order to relieve psychological stress and create a smooth transition between a hectic day and a calm night. Rituals for getting rid of insomnia - aromatic bath, reading in bed, skin care, breathing techniques, any relaxation techniques. The place to sleep should be quiet and dark. Get rid of the night lights, close the curtains, remove all sources of sound, even the ticking clock. Replace the uncomfortable mattress, pillows, wear comfortable underwear.

To overcome insomnia, drive away obsessive thoughts about the events of the past day. Choose a pleasant topic and concentrate on it. If you get up at night to go to the toilet, try to do without bright light, do not be distracted by other things or communicating with loved ones. If sleep does not come for more than half an hour, try to maintain composure. It is advisable to get up and do a quiet activity, and after a while try to fall asleep again.

In continuation

: What to do when you feel heaviness in your stomach during pregnancy

Main causes of sleep disturbances during pregnancy

As the duration of pregnancy increases, the physiological causes of insomnia also increase. It has been noticed that at later stages it appears many times more often and is much more powerful. The most common causes of insomnia are:

  • problems in choosing a comfortable position, because the stomach has grown and the weight has increased (see comfortable sleeping positions);
  • nagging pain in the lumbar and back areas;
  • active fetal movement;
  • heartburn;
  • leg cramps;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • pronounced itching in the abdominal area due to skin stretch marks;
  • dyspnea.

Psychological reasons also become prerequisites for sleepless nights during pregnancy. Among them are:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • nervous tension;
  • stressful situations;
  • concern for the child's health;
  • fear of childbirth;
  • nightmares.

The nature of insomnia is varied, but it is absolutely necessary to combat it. Poor physical condition and psychological problems should be prevented, and if insomnia has already appeared, learn to resist it.

Hormones and insomnia

First trimester. As pregnancy progresses, the causes of insomnia increase. Most often, this situation is associated with a restructuring of the body’s hormonal system. At the beginning of pregnancy, estrogens (hormones of the first phase of the menstrual cycle) give way to progesterone, the hormone of the second phase. Otherwise, he is called the guardian of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone levels brings the body into a state of full readiness, aiming it exclusively at bearing the fetus. Accordingly, even at night, this hormone does not allow the expectant mother’s body to relax and rest, so proper sleep is impossible.

Second trimester. When the second trimester of pregnancy begins, the overall picture partially changes, and night sleep improves. By this time, the woman’s body is already adapting to the hormonal surge: relative stability of the nervous system sets in, the pelvic organs, including the bladder, intestines and liver, have learned to adapt to the growing uterus. The functioning of all organs is normalized, and the stomach has not yet increased so much as to interfere with restful sleep.

Third trimester. The third trimester in pregnant women is again accompanied by insomnia, and it becomes increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position for rest. Women who have the habit of sleeping on their stomach or back have a very difficult time adapting to a different position. During this period, physiological discomfort is observed: the expectant mother develops heartburn, which gets worse when lying down, back and lower back pain occurs, and even at rest, shortness of breath appears. By this time, the stomach reaches such a size that it is difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping.

The situation becomes more alarming closer to childbirth due to regular lack of sleep and emotional unrest, often turning into nightmares. Because of this, sleep becomes more anxious and shorter. The woman restlessly listens to her well-being, expecting contractions, feels every movement of the fetus, which does not allow her to relax and fall asleep. The third trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by another hormonal surge: progesterone levels drop sharply before childbirth. Poor sleep and difficulty falling asleep can be caused by training contractions of the uterus that occur a few days before childbirth.

How to overcome insomnia

You can combat insomnia in situational ways. There are factors that will help you get a good and stable night's sleep:

  1. We avoid tension - accumulated fatigue does not always lead to long-awaited sleep, sometimes a woman simply cannot relax.
  2. We give up the habit of sleeping during the day - perhaps night sleep can be restored.
  3. We share nightmares with a close and understanding person - psychologists believe that a dream spoken out loud helps to understand that there is no danger nearby.
  4. We avoid emotional stress in the evening - we refuse to sort things out, unpleasant conversations and do not watch action films at night.
  5. We do not drink large quantities of liquid at night - the need to frequently empty the bladder will disappear, and as a result, the need to get out of bed at night.
  6. We use homeopathic remedies if recommended by a specialist.
  7. We have sex - if there are no contraindications, but there is a desire, then why not try this method?
  8. We choose comfortable clothes for sleeping - preferably, pajamas made from natural materials that do not restrict movement.
  9. We don’t get nervous and think only about good things.

And most importantly, if nothing helps and you want to resort to drug treatment, you must immediately inform your doctor. No amount of advice from friends and close relatives can replace the experience of a specialist. Only he can choose the right and safe medicine for a pregnant woman without harming her unborn child.

How to help yourself

The causes of insomnia during pregnancy differ at different stages, therefore, the ways to combat it are also different. Manipulations that help maintain a certain daily routine and nutrition are suitable for the first trimester:

  • Create a habit of going to bed at the same time, preferably before 11 p.m.;
  • The last meal should be postponed three hours before going to bed so that the stomach has time to empty itself of food during this time;
  • You will have to give up your usual coffee and tea, replacing them with a glass of warm milk, which has a slight calming and sedative effect;
  • You can use herbal infusions of chamomile and mint without fear, but with the rest you need to be careful - you should consult your doctor about their compatibility with pregnancy;
  • The nature of water procedures should be reconsidered - abandon relaxing hot baths and contrast showers, which increase vascular tone and increase blood circulation, in favor of dousing with warm water;
  • Walking for an hour before bed will relax you and help you fall asleep, and airing the room has a similar effect.

The third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by several types of insomnia: initial, with sleep disturbance when falling asleep; inability to maintain a sleep state, with constant awakenings and insufficient immersion in sleep; insomnia of the final phase with early awakening and inability to fall asleep again before getting up.

  • For initial insomnia, it is recommended to take a position lying on the left side (which side to sleep on?), which improves the blood supply to the baby, the functioning of the kidneys and intestines of the expectant mother;
  • You can put pillows between your legs and under your stomach, and raise your head with a special pillow for pregnant women;
  • To prevent cramps, you can massage the calf muscles, back and lower back, feet and ankle joints;
  • An orthopedic mattress will help prevent frequent awakenings during sleep, helping to ensure the correct position of the spine, relaxing muscles, and relieving vascular spasms;
  • For itching in the abdominal area, you can use moisturizing creams, and to prevent it you should try not to gain weight suddenly;
  • Wearing a bandage during the day partially reduces nighttime discomfort.

Video: how to sleep properly during pregnancy

Harmful methods in the fight against poor sleep

Insomnia that occurs during pregnancy excludes the use of sleeping pills. Most of these medications have a negative effect on the child. For example, zolpilem (drugs Ivadal, Snovitel) has a risk of premature birth and low fetal weight. Zopiclone (Imovan, Relaxol) penetrates the baby’s blood and can cause withdrawal symptoms.

The only approved sleeping pill in any trimester of pregnancy is doxylamine, which is contained in Donormil and Reslip tablets. These drugs are prescribed by the attending physician, and only for very serious indications. Of the traditional medicines with a sleeping effect, only lemon balm, mint and valerian are allowed.

What is the danger?

Insomnia during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the fetus. It can cause irreversible damage to the development of the nervous system and even lead to premature birth.

In a study of women who suffered from insomnia during pregnancy, an increase in cytokine proteins was found. They are the ones who provoke abortion.

What expectant mothers say

Insomnia in my case began when my pregnancy coincided with my divorce from my husband. I didn’t sleep normally for a month, only in fits and starts. Then I pulled myself together, came to terms with what was happening and, by force of will, forced myself to immerse myself in my studies. An exercise that helps you fall asleep at night is: in complete silence, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. At the same time we think about something very pleasant. For example, I imagined flowering meadows and waves. Sometimes changing the place helps you fall asleep: lay the mattress on the floor, lie down in the living room on the sofa.

I fought insomnia exclusively with fantasies, thinking in detail about the renovations that I would do in the apartment. During my pregnancy I came up with a dozen options and eventually implemented one. You can also try to freeze to fall asleep. If you open the window slightly and wrap yourself in a thick blanket, sleep will come much faster.

Methionine helped me, the tablets cost 50 rubles. This is a completely natural remedy, an essential amino acid. During pregnancy, it improves the condition of the placenta and is also a weak antidepressant. Changing your sleep patterns is also effective. I started going to bed earlier, at about 11 o’clock, and got up in the morning with an alarm even on maternity leave. I noticed that as soon as I go to bed later and get up at eleven o’clock, the next night I can’t sleep.

I had terrible insomnia that started in the second trimester and mysteriously stopped immediately after giving birth. Neither proper nutrition nor a bath with soothing oils helped. The effect was only from walking before bed. She walked like this every evening until she gave birth.


Sometimes pregnant women should listen to the advice of their obstetrician-gynecologist, this will help prevent insomnia:

  1. From the first days of pregnancy, you should introduce walks before bed, at least for half an hour.
  2. Create a routine in which you plan out all the most difficult tasks for the first half of the day.
  3. Before going to bed, ventilate the room or sleep with the window open. At night, maintain the temperature in the bedroom around +18 degrees.
  4. Avoid taking sleeping pills. Some are addictive and soon stop helping.
  5. You must strictly adhere to your diet. Before going to bed, fatty, spicy, fried and smoked foods are prohibited.
  6. You can sign up for courses for pregnant women, where they will teach you how to properly relax and do breathing exercises.

Let's watch a video about insomnia in pregnant women and find out what to do when you can't sleep, how to deal with hormonal explosions and other reasons:

A pregnant woman needs to get enough sleep and avoid overwork, which means she needs to fight sleep disturbances. Insomnia during pregnancy can become manageable. In some cases, it can be eliminated or prevented altogether.

Advice for pregnant women

Some tips for pregnant women who are predisposed to insomnia and have previously suffered from it:

  • Walk more in the fresh air; evening walks before bed are especially useful.
  • Ventilate the bedroom regularly.
  • If possible, do not eat at night (3-4 hours before bedtime); in the evening, avoid drinking invigorating drinks such as coffee and strong tea, replacing them with natural juices or milk.
  • Establish a certain sleep and rest schedule for yourself and try not to disturb it; it is most useful to go to bed at 22-23 hours.

If insomnia has been tormenting you for quite a long time, and every day the situation is becoming more and more aggravated, and all methods of combating insomnia do not bring the desired result, then only a qualified doctor will help. It is necessary to contact a specialist who will examine the expectant mother and select medications that will not harm either her or the child.

Thus, you can always find a suitable way to overcome insomnia. But still, it is better to try to warn her, avoiding serious sleep disturbances. After all, not a single human health problem goes away without a trace, leaving unpleasant consequences for the entire body!

Psychological aspects of combating insomnia

Anxiety about the baby and the upcoming birth, chronic fatigue, nervous tension, and nightmares can deprive the expectant mother of a peaceful rest. Getting rid of insomnia is unlikely without eliminating its psycho-emotional causes.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Insomnia during late pregnancy: what to do if you have poor sleep in the third trimester?

You need to try to organize your day correctly, starting in the morning and follow the following recommendations.

  • To cope with the problem, it is important to avoid overexertion during the day. Excessive fatigue can make it difficult to fall asleep.
  • It is better not to go into the bedroom too much during the day and not to lie down on the bed to watch TV or read. The bed should be a place to sleep.
  • If earlier daytime napping was a common thing, then it is better to give it up for a few days.
  • You should not plan serious conversations or important matters in the evening; it is advisable to avoid TV.
  • Two hours before bedtime, you need to create a relaxing environment: light the night lights, ventilate the room. You can go to bed and turn on quiet, quiet music, audio books, recordings with the noise of a waterfall, rain, wind.
  • If nightmares or worries begin to torment you, you should talk about it with a loved one. It will become much easier.

Excessive sleepiness during the day during pregnancy is a kind of reminder from nature that a woman needs to rest as much as possible. But in the presence of daytime sleepiness, 78% of expectant mothers suffer from insomnia. After the birth of the baby, it should pass: constant troubles, worries, fatigue will help you fall asleep without problems. Insomnia during pregnancy is a kind of training before childbirth and further care of the baby. That’s why you shouldn’t despair, everything will pass soon.

Types of violation

Insomnia in pregnant women has its own characteristics. However, there is no clear distinction between the types of disorder for all women; it can manifest itself differently, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Let's consider when and what types of disturbances can disturb the rest of expectant mothers.

Type of insomniaFeatures of manifestationTrimester of the most common manifestation

StartingIt manifests itself as the inability to fall asleep, the woman spends a long time looking for a comfortable position, going through various events in her thoughts. Lack of sleep irritates the expectant mother, which further weakens the nervous system and aggravates the problem with rest. 1st trimester
Middle phaseThis type of disorder is characterized by frequent awakenings during the night and an inability to quickly resume sleep.2-3 trimester
Final phaseA pregnant woman wakes up very early, at about 4-5 am, and after that she can no longer sleep. During the daytime, she feels sleepy due to disruption of night rest. 3rd trimester


Only your doctor can prescribe medications for insomnia during pregnancy. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. It is especially dangerous to use them in the early stages, when the baby’s body is still developing. If you have decided to use folk remedies to treat insomnia, you should also consult a specialist. If there is a suspicion of a deficiency in the blood (this may be the reason for feeling unwell at night), you need to take the necessary tests and show them to the doctor, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If you suffer from insomnia during pregnancy and the above recommendations do not help, you should consult a doctor.

Main types

There are several types of insomnia, but at the initial stage of pregnancy the most common sleep disorders are midline insomnia and final type of insomnia .

Moderate insomnia - a woman falls asleep without difficulty, but often wakes up at night, which is why sleep is periodically interrupted. After waking up in the morning, it does not leave you feeling weak and tired.

The final type of insomnia is when you manage to fall asleep without problems and the night's sleep is not interrupted, but the morning awakening occurs several hours earlier than planned and all attempts to fall asleep again remain unsuccessful.

Prevention of insomnia

In order to prevent sleep disorders, it is recommended to adhere to basic recommendations, which include:

  • Take daily walks in the evening before bed. A woman needs to walk slowly every day without heavy loads.
  • Ventilate your living space before going to bed. To improve sleep, it is recommended to increase the amount of oxygen in the room.
  • Drink two or three hours before going to bed a glass of tea with lemon balm or mint. They have a calming effect on the nervous system with a low incidence of side effects.
  • Arrangement of the bed with the selection of a hard mattress and a soft, small-sized pillow. Bed linen should be made from natural materials such as poplin or satin, which ensures comfortable sleep.
  • Avoid drinking coffee or tea in the evening, as well as foods that irritate the digestive tract. These include salty, spicy foods, as well as sweets.
  • Read books for 10-15 minutes before bed.
  • Compliance with breathing exercises. To do this, you need to alternate periods of fast breathing with holding your breath for 15-25 seconds. At this time, you need to focus on gymnastics, which will allow you to escape from extraneous thoughts.

In case of sleep disturbances, a woman should seek help from a doctor who will help find out the cause and select treatment.

The first signals of an interesting situation

Even if a woman has never had difficulty falling asleep, they sometimes appear along with two lines on the test. Insomnia occurs so often in the first trimester that experts actually consider this symptom to be one of the signs of pregnancy. As a rule, these disorders disappear from the second trimester.

Difficulties falling asleep are often replaced by periods of lethargy and drowsiness, which is explained by serious hormonal changes occurring in the female body. Carrying a baby requires extra strength and good sleep. It is important to get enough sleep regularly to restore the energy spent during the day. Changes in hormonal levels can affect the intensity of brain function. Because of this, it can be so difficult to fall asleep or return to sleep after getting up at night to go to the toilet or get a glass of water.

The first three months of pregnancy: features of the period

Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, significant changes occur at the cellular level. The unborn child reaches the fetal stage and continues to actively develop. Against the backdrop of the birth of a new life, a woman’s body experiences overload associated with hormonal changes:

  • Progesterone synthesis increases.
  • Urination becomes more frequent due to compression of the bladder by the enlarged uterus.
  • The breasts become heavier, painful and sensitive.
  • Performance decreases. Rapid fatigue appears from the moment of a missed period and persists until approximately the 2nd trimester.

Attention! Due to hormonal surges, a woman’s mood becomes unstable, insomnia, dizziness, indigestion and nausea occur.

The condition improves closer to 4-5 months. The end of pregnancy is accompanied by new manifestations associated with changes in the body characteristic of the prenatal period.

In some cases, discomfort occurs due to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The cause of the problem is an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. A gynecologist can confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Insomnia in early pregnancy

Insomnia during pregnancy can occur not only due to hormonal imbalance, but also due to toxicosis. There are women who only feel sick in the morning. There are those who feel sick only during the day. But it happens that a woman feels sick almost around the clock. Some even dream that they feel bad. Another factor is hypersensitivity. During pregnancy, a woman reacts sharply to everything: she smells more strongly, loud sounds can be irritating, and the lack of air in the room can lead to poor health. The enlarged uterus also prevents you from sleeping for the first 2–3 months: it puts pressure on the bladder, which makes you have to go to the toilet more often. This will pass by the second trimester. However, in the last stages, the frequent urge to urinate will return.

Useful tips for restoring healthy sleep

Do not expose yourself to heavy loads before going to bed.
Sometimes insomnia helps to find out about pregnancy before the delay. To ensure a quality and complete vacation, you should take advice from experts. Restoring sleep must also be done during the daytime:

  1. Take care of yourself and your health. Fatigue does not always help you fall asleep. An eventful, difficult daytime does not allow you to relax and unwind in the evening.
  2. Don't take a nap during the day. Quitting this habit can improve the quality of your night's rest.
  3. If you have nightmares, psychologists recommend sharing them with your husband or loved ones. This will even help you get rid of your fears.
  4. You should not expose yourself to excessive physical activity, but yoga for pregnant women, a simple workout or a walk in the park will be useful.
  5. You should not stay in bed for a long time; spend only nights there.

In the evening, preparations are made for a night's rest, which should be consistent and unhurried:

  • do not overeat and drink large amounts of liquid before bedtime, so as not to go to the toilet later;
  • postpone all matters related to mental and physical stress until the first half of the day;
  • avoid quarrels and communication with unpleasant people, as well as watching action and horror films;
  • just before your night's rest, take a warm, relaxing shower;
  • An aroma lamp, to which you should add essential oils of mint or lavender, will help you calm down and tune in to a healthy sleep;
  • drink a glass of warmed chamomile infusion or milk with honey;
  • Massage of the legs and collar area sets you up well for a restful sleep;
  • taking any medications, including homeopathic ones, can only be carried out as prescribed by a specialist;
  • ventilate the bedroom shortly before going to bed, and in the summer you can leave the windows open;
  • if you like pajamas and shirts, then they should be loose and comfortable, made from natural materials;
  • The quality of pillows and mattress is of great importance; orthopedic accessories designed specifically for pregnant women would be an ideal option;
  • sometimes a woman needs a high pillow to help cope with shortness of breath and heartburn;
  • the best position for sleeping is the “fetal position”;
  • If you can’t fall asleep within half an hour, get up, walk around the house, read a book or listen to a calm musical composition until you really want to sleep.

All these recommendations will help women who are expecting a child to establish a normal night's rest.

How to plan to fall asleep?

Naturally, insomnia during pregnancy is harmful, and it is important to start fighting it immediately and act not at night, but in the evening.

Ventilate the room: the microclimate in the sleeping area should not exceed 21 degrees in temperature, because stuffy and excessively dry air can cause shallow and restless dreams. Poor sleep does not always depend on the period of fetal development - 10 or already 36 weeks - sometimes getting rid of the sounds of traffic and bright lights is enough to calm down

Eliminate evening activity and stress. No newspapers, computer or books in bed. Its main purpose is healthy sleep.

A comfortable sleeping position is the main sign of comfort that insomniacs fear. If we are talking about the last trimester, when every movement is problematic, it is important to lie down comfortably on your side with a pillow under your knees - this will help maintain normal blood circulation and kidney function.

Drink a glass of warm milk at night, do a light massage (especially the lower back and lower extremities) and take a warm (but not too warm) shower.

Try not to change your position too often - sleep doesn't like that. Constant tossing and turning only increases stress, so if insomnia does not go away 20 minutes after going to bed, it is better to do something and return to bed at the slightest sign of drowsiness.

Do not eat at night and try to ensure that 2-3 hours before rest, your diet includes only easily digestible foods. Its role may be “milk” or other products with a high protein content. Avoid excess caffeine in teas and coffee, and limit the amount of liquid you drink, and remember to take a multivitamin with micronutrients, paying special attention to magnesium. It is indispensable for good sleep, so load up on bananas, buckwheat and nuts.

Refrain from using natural herbs , even the most harmless ones, such as valerian - for insomnia during pregnancy, they can be harmful, just like sleeping pills from the pharmacy. Therefore, if you take it, then only after preliminary consultation with a specialist.


Insomnia during pregnancy can develop for a variety of reasons. The main one is active hormonal changes. During the period of bearing a child, an increase in the amount of progesterone is observed in a woman’s body. This hormone is produced by the ovaries and placenta. Thanks to the hormone, pregnancy is maintained. Progesterone is a kind of antidepressant. It begins to be produced in the second trimester of pregnancy. During this period, women most often experience sleep problems.

The occurrence of insomnia during pregnancy is observed not only due to hormonal imbalance. It develops in patients under the influence of somatic factors:

  • shortness of breath;
  • skin itching;
  • back pain;
  • heartburn;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • stopping breathing during sleep.

The onset of the disease is diagnosed for psychological reasons. Most often, the pathology is diagnosed in women who are worried about the upcoming birth, worried about the baby, or afraid of changing their lifestyle after the birth of the child.

Insomnia occurs when the child moves actively. If a woman sleeps in an uncomfortable position, this leads to insomnia. Its appearance is diagnosed with an excessively large abdomen.

What should you not do if you have insomnia?

In order to cope with insomnia on your own, it is necessary to eliminate provoking factors, namely, eliminate the consumption of drinks with a high caffeine content. To do this, a woman should limit her intake of tea or coffee, as well as energy drinks. In addition, limit fluid intake during the day to reduce the urge to urinate. Completely avoid the use of diuretics, which can lead to dehydration and irritation of the bladder. Prevent the use of alcohol-based medications internally. To treat insomnia, it is prohibited to use tincture of valerian or motherwort.

In the initial stages, it is recommended to treat sleep disorders using non-drug methods that reduce the risk of side effects.

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