Endometrioid adenocarcinoma with squamous differentiation
Types and stages of pathology Prostate adenocarcinoma is characterized by the presence of several types. The most common are:
Let's find out where a woman's uterus is located?
Causes If ultrasound results show that the area of ​​the genital organ is expanded, this may indicate
Sanitation of the vagina during pregnancy
Algorithm for sanitation of the birth canal after removal of the pessary
Every day, a huge number of representatives of the fair half of the population face various gynecological ailments that are accompanied by
Chronic endocervicitis. What is it, symptoms, treatment, can it be cured with folk remedies?
Endocervicitis treatment and symptoms | Treatment of endocervicitis with folk remedies
Causes of chronic endocervicitis Chronic endocervicitis is an inflammatory disease that is constantly progressing. Pathological process
Vaginal candidiasis: signs, causes, treatment
What is it - vaginal candidiasis? This is an infection caused by the penetration of spores of yeast-like fungi
Curettage of the uterus
Curettage during menopause, what are the complications and consequences
Uterine hyperplasia is a disease of its inner layer, accompanied by an increase in the number of cells of the mucous membrane. At
Is it possible to have sex with thrush: important for partners to know
Thrush after sex - why does it occur?
What a man and a woman should remember The set of symptoms caused by fungi of the genus Candida, firstly,
Scraping from the cervical canal and cervix
How to donate a culture tank from the cervical canal - Your gynecologist
What is a smear culture? Bacteriological culture is an analysis to determine the provoking factor.
Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in women
Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis in women: how dangerous is the disease?
Species: Hominis, Genitalium and Pneumonica Biologists still have not agreed on who to consider them
What does it show and how do they take a smear for flora from a gynecologist?
A flora smear is the most important analysis when determining the state of a woman’s intimate health. Since he
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