Uterine fibroids: types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Myoma on ultrasound is characterized by certain signs, according to which a gynecologist will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and
IVF program and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
IVF and PCOS Currently, there are many methods for treating polycystic ovary syndrome, which
Clinical picture, diagnosis and effectiveness of treatment of stage 1 uterine cancer
All iLive content is reviewed by medical experts to ensure it is as accurate and factual as possible.
Hormonal imbalance after a frozen pregnancy. Recovery after cleansing a frozen pregnancy. When to start a new life
Pregnancy is one of the important periods in the life of every woman, however, it is not always
endometriosis symptoms after childbirth
Endometriosis goes away after childbirth. Endometriosis after childbirth - features of the course and treatment of the disease. Stages and clinical picture of internal endometriosis
In this article we will look at the symptoms of endometriosis after childbirth. This is a gynecological disease, not of an inflammatory nature.
Endometriosis after cesarean section: what you need to know
Endometriosis is not fully studied, but definitely one of the most unpleasant gynecological diseases.
Uterine fibroids against the background of internal endometriosis: symptoms and treatment.
Signs of uterine fibroids in combination with endometriosis This is what fibroids look like. Fibroids are called benign tumors.
Menstruation with an ovarian cyst: delay, pain, how it comes out, how many days, removal
Ovarian cyst no menstruation. Ovarian cyst as a cause of delayed menstruation
What is a cyst? An ovarian cyst is a benign tumor formation, which is a hollow bubble,
Types of hysterectomy
Cleaning or curettage of the uterus for endometriosis: specifics of surgical intervention
Indications for surgery and methods of implementation The main goal of surgical treatment is the complete elimination of pathogenic
Possibilities of laser therapy (laser treatment) in gynecology
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