Creon 25000: how to take, composition, analogues, reviews

The drug Creon 10000 is highly effective in the fight against insufficiency of the secretory function of the pancreas. The active elements of the product contribute to the rapid restoration of the natural digestion process and prevent the development of a number of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Creon 10000 is a fairly active medication, which is a reason to exercise caution during therapy. You should not independently calculate the dosage of the drug, nor make adjustments to the regimen prescribed by a specialist. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is recommended to combine the use of the product with a normalized diet.

Feature of the drug

The drug "Creon 10000" is an effective and reliable remedy used for disorders of the digestive system. Nowadays, many people suffer from stomach problems. The most common reasons for this are:

  • poor nutrition;
  • abuse of fatty foods and alcoholic beverages;
  • excess weight.

Poor nutrition leads to the fact that digestive enzymes are not secreted in the required quantities, resulting in vitamin deficiency and serious health problems that require the use of enzyme preparations. One of these medications is Creon 10000.

It is used for insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes. The drug gradually dissolves in the gastrointestinal tract, the active components are mixed with the intestinal contents and contribute to their much better distribution. In the small intestine, the drug shell dissolves and enzymes are released, which then break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates. As a result of this, the body is gradually saturated with microelements and beneficial substances.

The drug contains enzymes that are essential for the digestive system. In a healthy person, the pancreas independently produces them in sufficient quantities. However, if the activity of this organ is impaired for some reason, then there will be very few enzymes and food will not be able to be digested normally. This will lead to disruption of digestion processes, as well as a lack of nutrients in the body.

The drug "Creon" helps to compensate for the lack of enzymes. It contains amylase, lipase and protease. These components are obtained from the pancreas of pigs.

The medicine exerts its effect in the intestinal lumen. There is no absorption, which has been proven in clinical testing. This is easy to explain, since enzymes are proteins in their structure and are broken down into peptides and amino acids.


Animal studies have demonstrated a lack of absorption of intact (uncleaved) enzymes and, as a consequence, classical pharmacokinetic studies have not been performed. Drugs containing pancreatic enzymes do not require absorption to exert their effects. On the contrary, the full therapeutic activity of these drugs is realized in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, by their chemical structure they are proteins and, therefore, when passing through the gastrointestinal tract, they undergo proteolytic cleavage until they are absorbed in the form of peptides and amino acids.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Creon

In patients with cystic fibrosis who took high doses of other pancreatin preparations, narrowing of the ileocecal intestine and colon (fibrosing colonopathy), as well as colitis, was noted, but controlled studies failed to obtain evidence of an association between taking Creon and the occurrence of fibrosing colonopathy

However, as a precautionary measure, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of damage to the colon in the event of the appearance of unusual abdominal symptoms or a change in the nature of the symptoms of the underlying disease, especially if the patient takes more than 10,000 IU of lipase/kg/day. Use during pregnancy and lactation. Due to the fact that there is no clinical trial data on the effect of pancreatic enzymes on the course of pregnancy, the drug should be prescribed with caution during pregnancy. Animal studies have shown no evidence of pancreatic enzyme absorption

Thus, the possibility of toxic effects on reproductive function and fetal development is excluded. Since animal studies indicate that there is no systemic exposure to pancreatic enzymes in women during breastfeeding, no effect on the breastfed child has been identified. Children. Creon can be used for children. The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving a vehicle or while working with other mechanisms. There is no data on the negative effect of the drug Creon on the ability to drive vehicles or operate other mechanisms.

special instructions

It must be remembered that Creon is contraindicated for children who are only breastfed. It can be used if the child’s diet consists of at least half of complementary foods. Otherwise, you may harm the baby's health.

In addition, the use of an enzyme preparation reduces the functioning of the child’s own pancreas. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it for more than 5 days. All doses, timing of administration, frequency of use are agreed upon with a gastroenterologist. Only a doctor can prescribe enzyme treatment. It is strictly forbidden to independently treat a child with Creon.

The drug interferes with the absorption of iron, which must be taken into account when prescribing the drug.

Possible side effects

If the dosage is calculated incorrectly, or the method of taking the medication is incorrect, the likelihood of side effects increases. In such cases, the following occurs:

  • flatulence;
  • severe constipation;
  • abdominal pain of various types;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

One of the reasons for their appearance is drug overdose. Such disorders appear against the background of major chronic diseases. According to statistics, they are observed extremely rarely.

In addition to dyspeptic symptoms associated with an imbalance of bifidobacteria or poisoning, an allergy may appear in the form of a rash (urticaria), accompanied by painful itching in the affected areas. In severe cases, anaphylaxis occurs. Allergic reactions appear as the body's response to the excipients included in Creon and the chemical components of its capsule, as well as to dyes and plasticizers. The latter, despite careful physical and chemical treatment, do not completely lose their toxic properties.

Therefore, the prescription of Creon for infants, as well as young children, is carried out strictly according to indications in order to avoid poor health while taking the drug. In other cases (for example, when used to prevent intestinal colic or functional disorders in the form of severe diarrhea), the use of this medicine will harm the growing body and lead to even greater disruption of pancreatic function.

Taking Creon is strictly contraindicated in the development of acute pancreatitis, exacerbation of a chronic process in the tissues of the pancreas, or in case of allergic reactions to auxiliary components. In these cases, the child feels unwell, and the digestive processes are further disrupted.

Symptoms of overdose

With long-term use of the drug in high dosage, the child develops:

  • hyperuricemia - high levels of uric acid in the blood;
  • hyperuricosuria - formation of stones.

If this is discovered, you need to urgently interrupt therapy and consult a doctor.

Also in the literature, cases of detection of intestinal strictures (narrowing) are described. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the instructions for use for children when treating a child with Creon. If you suspect any changes in the intestines, you should contact a pediatrician or gastroenterologist.

In addition to the listed disorders that occur with an overdose of the drug, the development of infection is theoretically possible. The causative agent is often rotavirus. This is due to the production of the enzyme: it is obtained by processing dried pig pancreas tissue. Raw materials are carefully processed using various methods to eliminate the possibility of human infection, but with the emergence of new or previously unknown viruses, such an outcome cannot be completely excluded.

Cost, terms of dispensing from pharmacies

It goes on sale in syrup form (sold in bottles of various sizes) or in powder packaging (10 pieces each).

You can purchase the product at an online pharmacy or at a regular pharmacy.

The price of Creon 10,000 is related to the volume of the medicinal product:

  • Syrup, 100 ml, costs from 600 – 700 rubles;
  • In a volume of 500 ml from 300 rubles;
  • In a volume of 200 ml from 200 rubles per bottle.
  • When ordering in powder form, the price of the package costs from 200 to 300 rubles through an online pharmacy.

A doctor's prescription is not required for sale.

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation required

Use under medical supervision

Creon during pregnancy is in most cases easily tolerated and does not cause any side effects.
However, when prescribing medication you need to consider:

  • the woman’s condition, that is, pregnancy, the presence of chronic or acute pathologies;
  • the likelihood of unexpected reactions;
  • lack of necessary studies on the effects of Creon on pregnant women.

In connection with the above, remember that Creon is taken only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision.

The drug is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, however, this does not mean that Creon can be taken independently and unsupervised. The gastroenterologist must give the go-ahead.

How does Creon affect the body?

The effect of "Creon" on the body is based on the action of digestive enzymes that are part of the medicine. Amylase, lipase and protease partially replace the body's own enzymes, which for some reason are not produced in the required quantities. The special form of the drug allows the active substances to be delivered to the small intestine. The gelatin shell dissolves in it and the contents of Creon begin their work. The medicine contains a double shell, which allows it to reach the desired organ unchanged.

This property of Creon explains the effectiveness of the medicine. Due to its bioavailability, it begins its action immediately after it enters the intestines. But “Creon” has not only a digestive stimulating effect. It contains trypsin, which affects the secretory functions of the pancreas. The use of the drug after injuries or surgical operations helps not only to support the body, but also to restore normal pancreatic function.

Creon by trimester

Each trimester has its own characteristics of using Creon.

In addition to the duration of pregnancy, the following are taken into account:

  1. Severity of the disease.
  2. The woman's health status.
  3. Patient's dietary habits.

The capsule is taken orally during a meal.
A light snack also counts. You can take the medicine immediately after eating with plenty of liquid. The capsules are not chewed, since if the integrity of the microspheres is damaged, the effect of the medicine is reduced.

If you have difficulty swallowing the medicine, the capsule can be opened and mixed with food or any liquid. It is advisable that the food be sour and warm, but not hot.

The dissolved medicine should be consumed immediately, since when combined with food, the properties of the drug are lost.

First trimester

The first trimester is characterized by the appearance of toxicosis. It can be light, medium or heavy. The first signs of toxicosis appear at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy.

In particularly severe cases the following are observed:

  • dehydration;
  • weight loss;
  • weakness.

These phenomena negatively affect the health of the mother and the unborn child. Taking this into account, your doctor may recommend starting treatment with an enzyme preparation. In other cases, experts do not recommend starting therapy with Creon in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 14 weeks.

Second trimester

The reasons for prescribing Creon in the second trimester are usually overeating and digestive disorders.
Toxicosis subsides in the fourth month of pregnancy, and the enlarging uterus does not yet cause severe discomfort. During the second trimester, expectant mothers generally feel well. Appetite is restored, which can lead to:

  1. Overeating.
  2. The appearance of heaviness in the stomach.
  3. Disruption of the normal movement of food through the intestines.

Creon for pregnant women in the second trimester allows you to cope with the listed problems.

While taking the drug, it is important to monitor for any unusual reactions. If any appear, you should consult a doctor.

Third trimester

Creon for pregnant women in the third trimester is mainly prescribed in connection with constipation or the development of preeclampsia. Problems with bowel movements appear due to pressure from the enlarged uterus on the intestines.


  • negatively affect the well-being of the pregnant woman;
  • can negatively affect the baby’s condition, since the breakdown products of food retained in the intestines enter the bloodstream.

Late gestosis is a dangerous condition, manifested by:

  • swelling;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of protein in urine;
  • pressure surges.

Preeclampsia is dangerous for both mother and child, and therefore requires immediate action. In some cases, premature delivery is required to save a life.

Nosological classification ICD-10

  • C25 Malignant neoplasm of the pancreas
  • E84.1 Cystic fibrosis with intestinal manifestations
  • K31.5 Duodenal obstruction
  • K31.8 Other specified diseases of the stomach and duodenum
  • K74 Fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver
  • K83.1 Bile duct obstruction
  • K86.1 Other chronic pancreatitis
  • K86.8 Other specified diseases of the pancreas
  • K86.8.0* Hypofunction of the pancreas, exocrine
  • K91 Digestive disorders following medical procedures, not elsewhere classified
  • K91.5 Postcholecystectomy syndrome
  • K92.8 Other specified diseases of the digestive system
  • R54 Old age
  • Z100* CLASS XXII Surgical practice

Treatment methods and dosages

The medication is prepared in the form of a capsule for oral use. It has 3 dosage options, which depends on the amount of digestive enzymes in 1 capsule - 10 thousand units (units of action), 25 thousand units and 40 thousand units. The choice of dosage is carried out individually. The doctor takes into account the severity of the pathological process, the severity of the disturbance in the functional state of the pancreas, as well as the physiological characteristics of the whole organism.

Capsules are intended for oral administration. They need to be drunk after every meal.

In early pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the formation of all systems of the fetal body occurs. This period is considered critical, so it is necessary to minimize the influence of negative environmental factors. Medications are not used whenever possible. If there is an urgent need to use the medication, the expectant mother is prescribed the minimum therapeutically effective dose, which does not exceed 10 units at a time.

The duration of treatment is determined by achieving the desired result. Usually you should take the drug for about 2 weeks.

In the last trimester and before birth

In later stages, the maturation of formed organ systems occurs in the fetal body, which usually ends during puberty. In the third trimester, use is allowed in average therapeutic dosages, which the gynecologist selects individually based on the nature and severity of the pathological process.

Rules for taking Creon while breastfeeding

There is no reliable data on the absence of drug components in breast milk after taking the capsule. During lactation, it is recommended to temporarily transfer the baby to feeding with special adapted milk formulas. Breast milk must be expressed, which will make it possible to maintain its volume. 1-2 days after the last dose, the woman can resume breastfeeding the baby.

Diseases that the drug treats

For replacement therapy in conditions of insufficient exocrine function of pancreatic cells, the drug “Creon” is used. The use of this remedy is possible for cystic fibrosis, chronic inflammatory processes in the pancreas or when it is removed, in case of obstruction of patency by tumors of the pancreas or bile duct, malignant neoplasms, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, and age-related disorders in the production of enzymes.

It is used to eliminate symptoms of digestive disorders associated with the removal of the gallbladder, some parts of the intestine according to Billroth (variants I and II), excision of the entire stomach with the subsequent formation of an esophageal-intestinal anastomosis, with the syndrome of slow emptying of the stomach cavity and slow movement of food through the lumen of the duodenum. Used in patients with obstruction of the bile ducts, cholestatic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, pathological changes in the terminal section and excessive growth of bacteria in the small intestine.

Conditions for which Creon is prescribed

For pregnant women, the drug is indicated for the development of the following conditions:

  1. Digestive disorders associated with impaired motor activity of the intestines, gallbladder and its ducts. Failures are associated with hormonal changes and uterine pressure. Disorders may be accompanied by bloating, flatulence, and constipation.
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract, the main symptoms of which are: heartburn, pain in the abdomen, nausea.
  3. Changes in taste preferences of a pregnant woman. A woman can get carried away with fried, sour, salty, fatty foods and overeat. Because of this, food is retained in the intestines or, on the contrary, stimulates peristalsis and promotes excessively rapid emptying. The result is stool disturbances, pain, nausea, and vomiting. Creon will also help to cope with these unfavorable manifestations.
  4. Intoxication caused by reabsorption of breakdown products due to prolonged constipation. The main symptoms of this condition are dizziness, feeling of weakness, headache, nausea.

Many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to drink Creon during pregnancy. The drug is considered safe. However, large-scale studies have not been conducted on pregnant women.

Creon is prescribed during pregnancy, since improved digestion under the influence of the drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mother and child.

It should be remembered that Creon during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor. Despite the absence of direct contraindications and adverse reactions when using the drug, it must be treated with caution during the period of bearing a child.

How the drug works

The contents of the capsules consist of gastro-resistant granules in the form of minimicrospheres. The mechanism of action of the drug "Creon" is associated with the gradual splitting of first the shell of larger granules, and then smaller ones. Each large mini-microsphere is covered with a stomach-soluble coating; after its destruction, smaller microspheres are released from each such granule, but with an enteric coating. Dissolving the coating of the small granules allows the active components to be released, which mix with food in the small intestine. This promotes the lipid, protein or carbohydrate breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates into amino acids, fatty acids, trihydric alcohol and monosaccharides, which facilitates the process of absorption through the intestinal wall into the blood.

Effective analogues

The most effective and popular analogues of the enzyme preparation are:

  • Mezim forte 10000. Produced by the Berlin-Chemie concern (Germany).
  • Pancreatin. An inexpensive domestic drug, the lipolytic activity of each tablet is 4300 IU.
  • Panzinorm 10000. Capsules produced by KRKA (Slovenia).

None of the drugs should be used without prior consultation with a specialist. Only a doctor can prescribe a treatment regimen and issue a prescription.


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It is important to understand that digestive enzymes cannot be taken without indications, since in this case the pancreas may reduce its activity and stop producing the necessary elements. For what diseases is the drug recommended?

  • Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that affects the digestion of certain substances, particularly gluten. Patients are prescribed maintenance therapy throughout their lives.
  • Inflammation of the pancreas has a significant effect on the body: the organ stops producing the required amount of enzymes, because it needs to fight its own inflammation.
  • Surgical operations on the stomach or intestines temporarily disrupt the natural processes of the body, digestion of food becomes difficult, so the body requires additional support.
  • Dyspepsia.
  • Oncological diseases of the pancreas.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Liver cirrhosis or hepatitis, which is accompanied by impaired digestion of food.
  • Blockage or obstruction of the pancreatic ducts.
  • Symptomatic disorders of digestive processes in elderly patients.
  • Cholestatic hepatitis.
  • Gastrectomy.

In the instructions and reviews for the use of Creon 25000 you can find the same indications for children. But the use of pancreatitis for children under 4 years of age should be under the careful guidance of the attending physician.

What is Creon

The instructions for the medication give an idea of ​​the composition of the drug.
This is a replacement dietary supplement that supplies the body with digestion-activating substances (enzymes) if the pancreas does not produce enough of them. The product is made from pork raw materials - this animal is closest in genetics and functions of internal organs to human physiology. Therefore, the drug is well absorbed, is actively integrated into the digestive process and is highly effective. The reasons for prescribing Creon to children may be the following conditions:

  • Enzyme deficiency diseases, in particular cystic fibrosis;
  • Recovery period after surgery on the pancreas;
  • Phenomena of dysbacteriosis in infants;
  • Colic in newborns;
  • Atopic dermatitis;
  • Persistent allergies in newborns and small children.

All these conditions are accompanied by abnormal reactions of the body to food intake, as a result of which the digestion and absorption of nutritional components becomes difficult. The child does not receive the amount of “building material” necessary for harmonious development. If such phenomena last for a long time, this affects the condition of the whole organism: the growth and formation of the person as a whole slows down.

Creon introduces the missing natural substances into the mixture of digestive juices. This normalizes the processes following food intake. This ensures complete digestion and improves the child’s condition.

Analogues and generics of Creon

What can replace the drug?

"Creon" does not have generics - after all, the mixture of pork and beef dried pancreas is not a patented discovery. And, therefore, there is nothing for other companies to copy after the expiration of this patent. Analogues of "Creon" are possible only by group affiliation - the price is different for everyone, the reviews are approximately similar, and the instructions for use are almost identical. The most common drugs are:

  • "Pancreatin";
  • "Panzinorm";
  • "Festal";
  • "Enzistal";
  • “Mezim”, “Mezim – Forte”;
  • "Mikrazim";
  • "Pangrol";
  • "Penzital";
  • "Pancitrate."

Do not confuse drugs containing enzymes with drugs that normalize gastrointestinal motility. Thus, Motilium (or domperidone) can also reduce discomfort and bloating in the abdomen, but the nature of this discomfort is completely different, and the drug itself acts on brain receptors and has nothing to do with enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas.

Of all the above drugs, Creon is the most expensive. Thus, a package of 20 capsules of “Creon” 25000 costs from 275 rubles, and domestic pancreatin (60 tablets) with the same dosage costs from 27 rubles. At the same time, the cleaning, level of activity and severity of the effect of Creon are very good. It is produced and has deservedly won the appreciation of both doctors and gastroenterological patients.


stomach pancreas drugs

Principle of application in the treatment of children

The use of the drug is unacceptable without the supervision of a doctor and prior completion of a full examination. It is also important to accurately calculate the dosage in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations and follow them.

It is recommended for infants to open the capsule, dividing its contents into several parts. The resulting granules must be mixed with water, formula or puree for the child.

It is important to use the diluted solution as soon as possible. Otherwise, the active components will lose their effectiveness.

As the baby grows, the dosage increases slightly. However, it is important to consult a doctor first. Only a qualified specialist can accurately calculate the safe dosage. It is still necessary to open the capsule and mix the contents with your baby's drink. Since the child is not yet able to swallow the pill on his own.

Taking the dietary supplement should be carried out under the supervision of adults and the attending physician. Self-medication and unauthorized prescription of the drug to a child are not allowed.

The main active components of Creon contribute to the rapid breakdown and absorption of beneficial substances. Therefore, it is necessary to take capsules during meals. The duration of the appointment is determined strictly individually, in accordance with individual indicators, after a conversation with the treating doctor. This may be a short course of treatment with a gradual reduction in the capsules consumed, or it may be a long course until the functioning of the glands is completely restored.

The dosage of the drug for the child is prescribed by the doctor.

When taking it, the main thing is to understand that the dietary supplement is not able to independently cope with the causes of digestive disorders. The action of the drug is aimed at delivering to the pancreas the missing enzymes that are necessary for the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Creon's list of contraindications is modest. Even infants who are breastfed can take it, but sometimes they have to refrain from taking the medicine due to contraindications.

It is not allowed to take the drug if you have an individual intolerance to one of the components included in Creon-10000. If a child swallows a capsule and has an allergic reaction, you must immediately stop taking the medication. You cannot start treatment on your own without a thorough examination by a doctor. Hyperfunction of the pancreas is a direct contraindication to taking enzymes.

Can pregnant women take it?

Digestive problems can bother expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy. The natural enzymatic drug Creon is prescribed by the attending physician for medical reasons. The annotation contains no contraindications for its use when carrying a child. However, clinical studies on the effect on the body of a pregnant woman have not been conducted.

Indications and contraindications for use during pregnancy

The drug helps improve the condition of a pregnant woman in the following situations:

  • gastrointestinal problems associated with gestosis;
  • bloating, belching, constipation;
  • pancreatic enzyme deficiency;
  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • disturbance of digestive function due to compression of the gastrointestinal tract by the uterus.

Contraindications to taking the medicine during pregnancy are hypersensitivity to the main component of the drug (pancreatin). The dosage and duration of treatment should be discussed with your doctor.

Dosage and features of use by trimester

The doctor selects the dosage during pregnancy individually, depending on the woman’s age and medical indications. The instructions indicate that the average daily dose is 150,000 units. In severe cases, it is increased to 400,000 units. The duration of therapy can take several days, weeks, months.

Features of taking the drug at each stage of gestation:

  • In the early stages, the remedy helps to cope with toxicosis (even in cases where other methods do not give an effective result). It is prescribed if there is no threat of miscarriage.
  • In the second trimester, pregnant women often overeat and develop strange taste preferences. This leads to constipation and excessive gas formation. In the absence of contraindications, Creon is taken in consultation with the treating doctor.
  • In the last weeks of pregnancy, the uterus puts pressure on the digestive organs, resulting in constipation and stomach discomfort. Creon 10000 helps eliminate this problem.

Possible side effects

The drug can cause allergies, nausea, and intestinal dysfunction. Side effects mainly occur due to overdose, if the instructions for use are not followed. The duration of the general course of therapy should not be exceeded, and in case of any negative reactions from the body, you should consult a doctor. He will determine the cause of the discomfort and change the treatment regimen.

How to take Creon

The information provided in the official instructions states that the drug Creon is used in full dosage only for main meals, and if the capsule needs to be taken with a snack, half the dose is taken. For this reason, if for the main treatment the doctor considers it necessary to use 25 thousand units at a time, then you will have to additionally buy 10 thousand units and drink these capsules with a snack. A few more points:

  • In order to prevent constipation, the instructions advise taking the capsules with plenty of water and maintaining fluid balance throughout the day.
  • If you need to open the capsule, its contents should be mixed with a sour, homogeneous food: apple juice/sauce, yogurt are excellent. Please note that the food should not be hot - this will lead to the dissolution of the microspheres before they mix with the contents of the stomach.
  • The contents of the capsules are for single use: you cannot mix them with food and eat half of them now and put the rest in the refrigerator for a while.
  • The duration of use, according to the instructions, can be several years if there is congenital digestive insufficiency that requires replacement therapy.

Creon 10000

For prophylactic purposes, to prevent a feeling of heaviness after eating, nausea or abdominal pain, doctors prescribe a single use of the drug in a concentration of 10,000 units. The initial dosage will be 1 capsule, which should be taken with the main meal (not a couple of sandwiches), washed down with plenty of warm water, or taken after meals. For chronic diseases of the digestive tract and temporary digestive disorders, you can keep this dosage, taking it 1 to 3 times a day. The duration of treatment (if necessary) is discussed with the doctor.

Creon 25000

If the pancreas does not independently produce the amount of enzymes required for digesting fats, proteins and carbohydrates, Creon 25000 is prescribed for continuous use. For the main meal this is the minimum dose, but if necessary, it may be recommended to take 3 capsules (i.e. 70 thousand units ) – their exact number is determined by the severity of the disease. Additionally, the instructions note:

  • For cystic fibrosis, the dose is calculated by weight and can reach up to 10 thousand units per kg of body weight.
  • If necessary, take less than half of the capsule at the beginning of a meal, and the remaining minimicrospheres towards the end.

Dosage 40000

A high concentration (400 mg of pancreatin per capsule) of the active substance is needed for people whose body condition requires replacement therapy with pancreatic enzymes: capsules for 40,000 units are not purchased for prevention. The use is discussed with the doctor, the classic dosage starts with 1 capsule for each meal and, calculated individually, increases to 10 thousand units/kg.

Creon for children

In addition to individual dosage calculations, the official instructions indicate the need to additionally prepare the drug for use in children: to do this, pour the contents of the capsule into liquid or soft food that does not need to be chewed. In this form, Creon is given to infants and people whose swallowing mechanism is impaired.

Afterwards, it is important to take a large amount of liquid to prevent the microspheres from settling in the oral cavity. The dosage calculation should be carried out by a pediatrician; the official instructions provide only approximate recommendations:

  • For cystic fibrosis, a child under 4 years of age is prescribed 1000 units per kg of body weight. Children over this age are given 500 units per kg of weight.
  • Newborns are given half the contents of a 10,000 unit capsule (i.e. 5,000 units), but only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Methods of using Creon

The release form of Creon is a capsule containing granules with an enzyme. When chewing granules or mixing them with hot food, enzymes are destroyed. According to the instructions, the best effect of the drug is observed if you swallow the capsule whole. However, this option is not suitable for infants and young children (under 6 years old), as they do not yet know how to swallow capsules. In their case, it is necessary to use alternative options for taking the medication.

How to give capsules to a newborn and infant?

Creon is a mild drug, so it is often prescribed to the smallest and even newborns. This drug is given to infants along with milk; for this, the capsule is opened and its contents are mixed with a small amount of milk.

For babies under one year of age receiving complementary foods, the contents of the capsule are mixed with vegetable or fruit puree. For children 3–5 years old, the medicine can be given along with yogurt or fruit juice. It is preferable to choose acidic foods, as they improve the therapeutic effect of the drug. For infants, half a capsule is enough for each dose; this amount corresponds to 5000 units of lipase.

Treatment regimen (frequency of administration, duration of use)

A third of the dose should be given before meals, and the remainder during feeding. Each feeding should be accompanied by taking pancreatin. Typically, the frequency of administration is 3–5 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the diagnosis and condition of the patient. The standard course of therapy for dyspepsia is several weeks. In the case of cystic fibrosis, the patient needs longer use of the drug.

Side effects

The instructions note that even long-term use of the drug is well tolerated, since the composition of Creon has a substance as close as possible to that which is perceived by the human body as its own. However, the occurrence of negative reactions cannot be ruled out, mainly from the gastrointestinal tract: these may be stool disorders, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain, intestinal upset, but mainly they relate to the underlying disease. In addition to the digestive organs, the following may react:

  • Skin – allergic reactions in the form of a rash, and in more rare situations, hives or itching.
  • Respiratory system - anaphylactic reactions as a manifestation of allergies.
  • Immune system - any symptoms of hypersensitivity to Creon components.

Side effects

According to numerous patient reviews, taking Creon 25000 may be accompanied by mild or moderate side effects. These are the factors listed in the instructions for use of Creon 25000:

  • From the digestive system: pain in the abdomen (very often); bloating, nausea, intestinal disorders - diarrhea, constipation (often); fibrosing colonopathy (frequency unknown).
  • On the part of the immune system: anaphylaxis due to sensitization to the components of the drug (frequency is not precisely known).
  • Reactions observed on the skin include: rash (rare); skin itching (frequency is not exactly known); urticaria (frequency not exactly known).

If side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, discomfort and stomach pain occur, you should consult a doctor for symptomatic treatment.

An overdose of the drug is manifested by increased levels of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia and hyperuricosuria).

Prescription for children

  1. If children have an acute form of disturbance in the functioning of the pancreas, as a result of underdevelopment or inferiority of glandular structures, the use of this drug is justified.
  2. It is used as a preventive measure to prevent the development of dysbacteriosis.
  3. During therapy with this drug, it is necessary to pay special attention to the child’s nutrition and organize the correct water regime.
  4. A different dosage is provided for children. The permissible adult dose per day should be divided into three parts and given to the child before meals. For infants, half a tablet is recommended before meals, for children from 1 to 3 years old - one capsule, for children over three years old - 1-2 capsules up to five times a day.

Parents should be aware that, according to the instructions, long-term use of enzymes impairs the absorption of iron, which can develop anemia.

Applications and dosages

Creon 10000 capsules should be taken after or during meals, washing down the medication with a large (300 ml) amount of liquid. It is prohibited to break, bite or otherwise violate the integrity of the capsule shell.

The required dose is determined by a specialist based on monitoring the diet, body condition and characteristics of the patient’s illness.

for adults

At the beginning of therapy, it is recommended to take one or two capsules of Creon 10000 with each meal (including snacks). In the future, this amount can be increased or decreased by the doctor. The average dosage for effective treatment in adult patients is 6-12 capsules per day.

While taking Creon 10,000, you need to provide the body with a sufficient amount of clean water.

for children

If a child has cystic fibrosis, the doctor calculates the dosage of a single dose of Creon 10,000 using the following formula: 500 units of Ph.Eur lipase for each kilogram of the child’s weight. There should be as many such receptions as there are meals.

If the child is over 4 years old, then the lipase value in the formula changes from 500 to 1000 Ph.Eur units.

for pregnant women and during lactation

For pregnant patients, an individual dosage is calculated based on diagnostic results. Failure to follow the rules of administration prescribed by the attending physician may harm the development of the fetus.

During lactation, no additional diagnostic procedures are required to prepare doses and dosage regimens. The doctor calculates the amount of the drug in the same way as for a regular adult patient.

Dosages and rules of administration

The drug is intended for oral use. A single dose is divided in half or into three parts, half or a third of the dose is drunk before meals, and the rest is taken with food. The dosage depends on the degree of the disease state and the components of the diet. The amount of lipase in one dosage should not exceed 10 thousand units when taking the drug "Creon". The course of treatment with this drug is determined by the doctor based on the dynamics and condition of the patient.

In order for the drug “Creon” to work correctly, it is recommended not to break the capsule shell, but to drink the whole one, using water for better swallowing.

If the patient, due to special reasons, cannot swallow the whole capsule, then the shell is divided into two parts and the granules are poured into liquid food or a liquid with an acidic environment (less than 5), and then the mixture is swallowed. If the granules are chewed, crushed or mixed with alkaline food, then the shell covering the minimicrospheres may collapse, which will lead to the loss of activity of their contents under the influence of gastric juice.

The dosage of lipase for insufficient pancreatic function is determined by the degree of disruption of its functioning and the amount of fat in the patient’s diet. Its quantity, when used three times a day during breakfast, lunch and dinner, ranges from 20-75 thousand units.

At the initial stages of treatment, the amount of lipase in one dose should average from 10 to 25 thousand units, and then, depending on the condition, it is increased.

Creon dosage

Creon is used internally. The dose is selected individually depending on the severity of the disease and the composition of the diet. Creon It is recommended to take 1/3 or 1/2 of a single dose at the beginning of a meal, the rest - during meals

If swallowing is difficult (for example, in small children or elderly patients), Creon capsules are carefully opened, and minimicrospheres are added to liquid food that does not require chewing, or taken with liquid. Any mixture of minimicrospheres with food or liquid cannot be stored and should be taken immediately after preparation.

Crushing or chewing minimicrospheres, as well as adding them to food with a pH above 5.5, leads to the destruction of their shell, which protects against the action of gastric juice.

For cystic fibrosis, the dose of the drug "Creon" depends on body weight and is at the beginning of treatment in children under 4 years old - 1000 lipase units / kg for each meal, over 4 years - 500 lipase units / kg during meals. The dose depends on the severity of symptoms of the disease, control of steatorrhea and maintenance of good nutritional status. In most patients, the dose should not exceed 10,000 units/kg/day.

For other conditions accompanied by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, the dose is set taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient (degree of digestive insufficiency, fat content in food). The dose of the drug "Creon" with the main meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) is 20,000–75,000 IU of EP lipase, while taking a light snack - 5,000–25,000 IU of EP lipase.

The usual initial dosage of the drug "Creon" is 10,000-25,000 units of EP lipase with the main meal. To reduce steatorrhea and maintain optimal patient condition, the dose may be increased. According to usual clinical practice, the patient should receive at least 20,000–50,000 units of EP lipase with food.

Indications for use

"Creon" and its analogues are used in all situations where primary or secondary insufficiency of the synthesis of pancreatic enzymes develops, or there is a mechanical obstacle to their entry into the intestine. The most common situations are:

  • chronic pancreatitis, except for the acute stage;
  • cystic fibrosis in children;
  • pancreatectomy;
  • malignant neoplasms of the pancreaticoduodenal region;
  • obstruction (blockage) and narrowing of the excretory ducts of the pancreas;
  • pathological formations of the common bile duct;
  • in old and senile age (due to general involution of enzyme systems);
  • after operations on the stomach and gall bladder;
  • in complex therapy of chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis and cirrhosis (due to insufficient secretion of bile).

There are other indications for the use of the drug "Creon" and analogues, which are determined by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosis.

For example, a healthy person can take this remedy to avoid painful feelings after a New Year's feast. "Creon" will help you cope with fatty, fried foods faster with less stress on your own pancreas.

Indications for use of Creon in children

The drug Creon is prescribed for impaired digestion. This condition occurs quite often in infants and young children. This is due to the fact that the digestive system at this age is in the process of maturation.

The production of enzymes is not yet sufficiently adjusted, so the stomach and intestines are characterized by increased sensitivity, and the slightest change in diet and food composition can cause dyspepsia.

Infancy is a period when a child becomes acquainted with new foods and his diet is constantly expanding. At the same time, the load on the pancreas also increases. The drug Creon 10000 for children helps to improve digestion at a time when the body cannot cope with it on its own. Manifestations of dyspepsia requiring treatment with Creon:

  • bloating;
  • belching;
  • pain;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • poor weight gain due to poor digestion.

In addition to physiological dyspepsia, characteristic of early childhood (up to 2 years), the drug can be used for other indications. Situations when a child needs to take Creon:

  • dyspepsia caused by intestinal dysbiosis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • diseases of the pancreas and its ducts;
  • recovery period after surgery on the digestive organs.

The drug should be taken only after consultation with a pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist. The doctor examines in detail all complaints and the history of their occurrence, and conducts an examination of the child. To complete the picture, laboratory testing is necessary. The child's stool is taken for general analysis and coprogram. This type of study allows you to evaluate the efficiency of digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Based on the examination results, the doctor prescribes the drug and determines its dosage.


Some patients are prescribed lifelong use of Creon. This means that every month patients have to shell out a considerable amount of money from their pockets to pharmacies. This puts many people in a difficult position, so they look for analogues of Creon. The instructions for use say that the medicine contains protease, amylase and lipase. Several other drugs boast a similar composition:

  1. "Mezim Forte" is a well-known digestive drug that is manufactured in Germany. The price for it is more than affordable: 20 pieces can be bought for 72 rubles, and 80 pieces. - for 300 rubles. In pharmacies you can find medicine with a dosage of 10,000 and 20,000 units. Due to the fact that Mezima capsules cannot be divided to avoid damaging the integrity of the shell, the medicine is contraindicated in children under three years of age.
  2. "Pangrol" contains the same active ingredient as "Creon" - pancreatitis. On sale you can find capsules of 10,000 and 25,000 units. Due to the fact that these two drugs have almost similar composition and indications, Pangrol is often prescribed as an analogue of Creon 25000. The instructions for use of Pangrol include diseases such as cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis, and pancreatic cancer. The cost of 50 tablets with a dosage of 10,000 units is 600 rubles.
  3. "Ermital" contains high-quality pancreatitis, synthesized from pig pancreas. The medicine is produced in Germany, is of high quality and has the most positive reviews. The drug is sold in capsule form, so Ermital can be taken from birth by dissolving the granules in water. A package of Ermital 50 tablets with a dosage of 25,000 units will cost the patient 600 rubles, and the maximum dose (36,000 units) will cost 1,000 rubles. But a significant advantage of the medicine is that an adult needs 1-2 capsules per day to meet the daily need for enzymes. With long-term use, this allows you to seriously save your budget.
  4. "Panzinorm" - this medicine also compensates for pancreatic insufficiency. It is produced in Slovenia, in the form of capsules and tablets with a large dosage. The price of 21 capsules of 10,000 units starts from 120 rubles.
  5. "Penzital" is also an analogue of "Creon". It is often used in pediatrics and has received many positive reviews. The cost, depending on the dosage, ranges from 80 to 150 rubles.
  6. "Micrazim" is a Russian generic that is successfully used to treat pancreatitis and other diseases associated with the production of enzymes. According to the instructions for use, the analogue of "Creon 10000" can be used from several days to a couple of months to maintain digestive function. The price for a package of 50 tablets is 450 rubles.

"Pancreatin" is one of the cheapest analogues of "Creon". This is an enzyme product, similar in composition to Creon, but costs several times less. You can buy it at the pharmacy for 50 rubles.

There are many analogues of Creon. The instructions for use contain the composition of the medicine and the dosage of enzymes. Using this information, you can easily find a replacement for the drug if it does not suit you. The main thing is to do this under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment regimens and pediatric dosages

Markings 10000, 25000, 40000 indicate the concentration of pancreatin in the drug. In the first year of life, a baby is prescribed the minimum existing dosage of medication of 10,000 units. This means that 1 capsule contains 10,000 units of lipase. The drug is prescribed individually, taking into account the existing disease, general condition, and weight of the child.

Since the dosage form of Creon is a capsule containing mini-microspheres, the effect of the drug and its point of application are significantly different from similar tablets. The gelatin capsule quickly dissolves in the stomach under the influence of hydrochloric acid, releasing minimicrospheres in enteric membranes. They are resistant to gastric juice. This ensures good mixing of the pellets containing enzymes with the food bolus and their transport to the intestines. The dissolution of the gelatin shell of the microspheres and the release of enzymes occurs in the lumen of the small intestine, where they are evenly distributed and directly affect proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Digestion products are absorbed through the intestinal walls.

When treating with any of the Creon substitutes, produced in tablet form, the dissolution of the drug and the release of enzymes occurs in the stomach. Creon physiologically acts in the intestines, where the main process of digestion of the food bolus occurs, and increases the efficiency of digestion.

How to give Creon to infants or newborns?

Creon capsules are small in size. This allows older children to swallow them without difficulty. The outer gelatin shell dissolves in about 3 minutes, microspheres immediately emerge from it. Newborns or infants cannot swallow the entire capsule on their own. Therefore, it is recommended to open it and dissolve the contents in breast milk or complementary foods. In the case of artificial feeding, you need to monitor the temperature of the mixture: it should not be hot - this will cause the destruction of enzymes.

To obtain the maximum effect, it is recommended to drink the drug correctly. The mother should give the baby a single dosage in parts:

  • before meals, it is recommended to consume approximately 1/3 of the required amount;
  • the remaining dose of the drug should be taken with or immediately after meals.

Maximum daily dose for young patients depending on age

The individual dose of the drug is calculated by the pediatrician taking into account the age and body weight of the child. To avoid constipation, it is recommended to take the medicine with a sufficient amount of clean water.

A single dose of Creon in children under 4 years of age should not exceed 1000 lipase units per kilogram of weight. For example, with a body weight of 5 kg, a child is given the contents of half a capsule (5000 lipase units) once. The maximum daily dose is 10,000 units/kg body weight.

For children over 4 years of age, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 500 units/kg three times a day. In rare severe diseases (for example, cystic fibrosis), the daily dosage increases significantly and can increase to 25,000 units/kg body weight.

Creon is taken 3-4 times a day. The dose is distributed as follows: most - at lunch, in the morning and evening the amount of enzyme taken is reduced. Starting from the age of three, Creon is also added to the main meal - lunch. At the beginning of a meal, you need to take 1/3 of a single dose or half of it, the rest - during the meal.

For children under 6 years of age, Creon is recommended at a dosage of 10,000 units; after 6 years, the drug is recommended at a dose of 25,000 units.

The maximum daily dose of the drug (in parts relative to the dose of an adult) depends on the age category. It amounts to:

  • up to 1 year - 1/24-1/12 dose;
  • 1 year - 1/12 dose;
  • 2 years - 1/8 of the full adult dosage;
  • 4 years - 1/6;
  • 6 years and above - ½ dose;

Dosage adjustment is carried out taking into account clinical symptoms and laboratory data.

Duration of therapy for a child with Creon: how many days to take?

Creon is prescribed by a gastroenterologist together with a pediatrician. But the drug is not a panacea. Any drug intervention in a child’s body is undesirable and should be carried out only in extreme cases. Creon is not taken for a long time: its use should be in emergency cases for a short course - 3-5 days, so as not to disrupt the ability of the gland to independently produce enzymes.

For chronic diseases, the duration of the therapeutic course for a child can be 14 days. But in severe cases, it is extended for the period necessary to achieve a therapeutic effect. Pediatricians may recommend taking the drug for a month. The dosage is individual. To fully restore all functions of the pancreas, it is recommended to discontinue Creon, gradually reducing the dose.

Release form and composition

The drug is a soluble gelatin capsule filled with microscopic spherical capsules containing an enzyme. The dosage of pancreatin is 10,000 units, indicating the activity of the enzyme included in the composition - lipase. One capsule contains 105 mg of pancreatin.

In addition to lipase, the drug also contains amylase and protease. In addition, it also includes components such as:

  • macrogol;
  • cetyl alcohol;
  • dimethicone;
  • iron oxide;
  • gelatin;
  • paraffin, as well as many other components.

One package contains 10-50 gelatin capsules. The main component is pancreatin. This is a substance extracted from the pancreas of pigs, which is purified from additional impurities, as well as microorganisms. It is then dried and the medicine is made into granules. The required components are added to the prepared pancreatin during the manufacturing process, and it is covered with a shell that is resistant to aggressive gastric juice.

pharmachologic effect

An enzyme preparation that improves digestion processes. Pancreatic enzymes included in the drug facilitate the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, which leads to their complete absorption.

Creon capsules containing minimicrospheres coated with an enteric coating quickly dissolve in the stomach, releasing hundreds of minimicrospheres. The purpose of the multi-unit dose principle is to mix the minimicrospheres with the intestinal contents and, ultimately, to better distribute the enzymes after their release within the intestinal contents.

When the minimicrospheres reach the small intestine, the enteric coating is destroyed (at pH>5.5), pancreatic enzymes with lipolytic, amylolytic and proteolytic activity are released, leading to the disintegration of fat, starch and lipid molecules.

Composition and release form



Capsules1 caps.
pancreatin150 mg
amylase8000 EF units
lipase10000 EF units
proteases600 units EF
macrogol; liquid paraffin; methylhydroxypropylcellulose phthalate; dimethicone 1000; dibutyl phthalate
capsule shell:
red iron oxide (E172); iron oxide black (E172); iron oxide yellow (E172); titanium dioxide (E171); gelatin

10 pcs in blister; in a cardboard pack there are 2 blisters; 25 pcs in blister; in a cardboard pack there are 2 or 4 blisters; in polyethylene bottles of 20 and 50 pcs.; 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.



Capsules1 caps.
pancreatin300 mg
amylase18000 EF units
lipase25000 EF units
proteases1000 units EF
macrogol 4000; liquid paraffin, methylhydroxypropylcellulose phthalate; dimethicone; dibutyl phthalate
capsule shell:
red iron oxide (E172); iron oxide yellow (E172); titanium dioxide (E171); gelatin

10 pcs in blister; in a cardboard pack there are 2 blisters; 25 pcs in blister; in a cardboard pack there are 2 or 4 blisters; in polyethylene bottles of 20 and 50 pcs.; 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.

Types of the drug

Depending on the content of the main active component of pancreatin, Creon comes in three varieties:

  1. Dosage of 10 thousand international units (IU).
  2. In capsules containing pancreatin equal to 25 thousand IU.
  3. Dosage of 40 thousand units.

If you convert the units to milligrams, you get dosages of 150, 300, 400 pancreatin, respectively.

Creon 10000 is preferable during pregnancy. The dosage is minimal, which means it is the safest. Capsules with 25 and 40 thousand international units of pancreatin are prescribed to adult men and women with serious digestive disorders.

How does pancreatic insufficiency manifest?

Creon 10000 photos

People with pancreatic enzyme deficiency develop digestive insufficiency. They cannot fully digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates. As a result, for example, the phenomenon of creatorrhoea and steatorrhea occurs. In the first case, undigested muscle fibers can be found in the feces after eating meat, and in the second - neutral, undigested fat, due to a lack of pancreatic lipase.

As a result, complaints arise about instability of digestion, bloating, intolerance to certain types of food, alternating constipation and diarrhea. This leads to chronic damage to the intestines - secondary dysbiosis and vitamin deficiency develop (after all, many vitamins are produced by microbes living inside us), and immunity decreases.

It is for the correction of these disorders that enzymatic preparations are intended, to which Creon belongs.

Medicinal composition

The main active ingredient of the drug is pancreatin. That is why the dietary supplement is classified as an enzymatic group of products. The composition includes a whole complex of elements that are unique substitutes for natural enzymes.

The components of the substance are proteases, amylases and lipases. And also present:

  • macrogol;
  • liquid paraffin;
  • dimethicone 1000;
  • gelatin;
  • iron oxide;
  • dibutyl phthalate and other elements.

Thanks to its unique composition, Creon allows you to improve the digestion process by delivering the missing enzymes directly to the pancreas. The active components promote complete absorption in the child’s small intestine, breaking down proteins, fats and even carbohydrates.

Prevention methods

Expectant mothers often experience digestive problems . To prevent these problems or cope with them without medication, you should consider the following recommendations:

  • The nutrition of the expectant mother plays an important role. She can't overeat. It is recommended to take food 5-6 times a day in small portions - this reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is worth giving up heavy foods, fried, fatty, smoked, too spicy and salty. Products that provoke fermentation processes are also limited. The diet should contain enough fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish, and cereals.
  • Before eating fresh vegetables and fruits, it is important to wash them thoroughly.
  • The expectant mother should avoid stress. They negatively affect not only the digestive system, but also the body as a whole.
  • To normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, you can drink herbal teas and decoctions. They help relieve unpleasant symptoms, but the risks of an allergic reaction must be taken into account.
  • After eating, it is useful to massage the abdomen, stroking it clockwise around the navel. Pressing movements are prohibited.

If preventive measures are ineffective, the expectant mother can help her body with the help of approved medications. Creon is one of them. It is not contraindicated for pregnant women, however, it should not be taken uncontrolled. The drug must be prescribed by a doctor, determining its exact dosage and course of administration.

Disturbances in the digestive tract often occur during pregnancy, which is caused by hormonal changes, changes in eating habits, and pressure from the uterus on the intestines. Sometimes conditions can become pathological, which negatively affects the condition of the mother and child. Therefore, it is recommended to report all warning signs to your doctor. Perhaps Creon will be prescribed during pregnancy. The drug is effective for many manifestations of gastrointestinal disorders.

Alcohol compatibility

Unlike antibiotics and many other drugs that cannot be used together with alcoholic beverages due to ineffectiveness, there is no such clear contraindication for discontinuing Creon.

But you also cannot have hopes for the effectiveness of treatment with pancreatin while drinking.

It is curious that the drug is not able to reduce the degree of intoxication, but it is often recommended to take it before holiday festivities in order to effectively digest food and minimize hangover syndrome.


The price of Creon consists of a combination of active ingredients and the number of capsules in the medicinal package:

  • The approximate cost in pharmacies is 230-300 rubles.
  • The cost of Creon 25,000 in the form of capsules will be about 590 rubles (20 pieces).
  • The price for Creon 40000 starts from 1300 rubles (50 pieces).

If you need to navigate the price of a specific package and dosage, you can contact your nearest local pharmacy and get all the up-to-date information.

Creon instructions

Creon is a drug used for replacement therapy when the pancreas does not produce enough enzymes to break down food.
Creon is made from pork pancreatin. The drug is produced in the form of two-color capsules, which are filled with beige mini-microspheres. These mini-microspheres are covered with a shell that dissolves when it enters the stomach, releasing a large number of smaller mini-microspheres, the shell of which is broken down only in the intestine, releasing the active substance. This complex structure of the drug allows it to better mix with the contents of the stomach and enter the intestines in this form, and there the released enzymes begin to exhibit amylolytic, lipotic and proteolytic activity.

Creon contains a complex of substances similar to natural pancreatic inclusions. Each capsule of the drug contains a certain amount of enzymes, and the dosage fixed in the name indicates the amount of lipase in the composition. Thus, the name Creon 25000 “speaks” that 1 capsule contains 25,000 units of lipase.

Types produced by Creon:

• Creon 10,000 - capsules containing 150 mg of pancreatin, which has enzymatic activity (10,000 units of EP lipase, 600 units of EP protease and 8000 units of EP amylase);

• Creon 25,000 - capsules containing 300 mg of pancreatin, which has enzymatic activity (25,000 units of EP lipase, 1000 units of EP protease and 18,000 units of EP amylase);

• Creon 40,000 - capsules containing 400 mg of pancreatin, which has enzymatic activity (40,000 units of EP lipase, 1,600 units of EP protease and 25,000 units of EP amylase).

The granule core contains macrogol 400, the granule shell consists of hypromelose phthalate, cetyl alcohol, dimethicone 1000 and triethyl citrate. The capsule shell contains gelatin, iron oxide, titanium dioxide and sodium lauryl sulfate.

Composition of the medicine

The main active ingredient in the drug is pancreatin, obtained through an extract from the pancreas of pigs. Each Creon capsule contains the amount of enzymes - amylase, protease and lipase, recommended and safe for children.

In fact, Creon is not a medicine in the generally accepted sense, because it does not force the children’s body to produce the missing enzymes, but simply supplies them to the body in a ready-made form.

That is, in fact, Creon is prescribed for enzyme replacement therapy. When the child stops taking the drug, the lack of enzymes may appear again.

Instructions for use

Capsules should be given to the child during meals, and the dosage, as noted above, is selected by the doctor individually. It depends on the reason for prescribing Creon, and on the baby’s nutrition, and on his age. Infants should be given the drug at the beginning of feeding. If it is difficult for a baby to swallow a capsule, which often occurs when the medication is prescribed to a child under 3 years of age, it is allowed to open the gelatin shell and pour the microspheres into some kind of non-hot liquid or liquid food with a sour taste, which the child will immediately swallow.

You cannot chew the mini-spheres from the capsule, as this will damage their shell and reduce the effectiveness of Creon, because the enzymes will not enter the intestines, being activated in the stomach.

The drug is prescribed by the attending doctor after a thorough examination of the sick child. The medicine is taken with every meal. To treat children from one to three years old, open the capsule and pour the contents into food, for example, tea, juice or porridge. There is no need to thoroughly mix the drug with food, since the product has no taste and is not recognized by the baby.


Medicinal doses are prescribed individually depending on the severity of the disease, age and nutrition of the child. The drug is available in several varieties, including 10,000, 25,000 and 40,000 IU, which depend on the volume of lipase in the drug.

Chewing the medicine is strictly prohibited. When added to food, the capsule must be swallowed immediately, otherwise the product will be inactivated and the intake will be useless. The dosage for children twelve years of age and older is two 10,000 capsules with meals.

Creon is prescribed to infants up to one year old in order to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is prescribed to young patients to start stable functioning of the digestive organs, helping the child’s body adapt to aggressive external factors.

For a small child, the medicine is prescribed in a small dosage and not for a long period of time, so as not to upset the functioning of the pancreas. The maximum dosage for infants, as the instructions advise, should not be more than 10,000 IU.

A very small baby under one year old is not able to swallow a medicinal capsule, so you need to carefully open it and pour the contents into a spoon with mother’s milk or infant formula. It is forbidden to add Creon to hot water.

The medicine is given to the baby every time he eats. A third of the capsule is given before feeding, a third is added during meals, and the rest is added after.

Pharmacological effects

Creon effectively influences the proper digestion of food in people of all ages, from infants to elderly patients. Helps reduce the manifestations of pancreatic enzyme deficiency.

Nutrient and vital components obtained from food are well separated under the influence of creon. This happens thanks to the substance pancreatin from which the drug is made.

It is presented in capsules in the form of tiny spherical compounds, which allows it to better mix with the contents of the stomach and enter the intestinal sections unchanged.

Penetrating into the body, these spherical granules are mixed in the stomach with the food eaten, and then in the small intestine they are released from gelatin and merge with the contents.

The reaction that occurs with food nutrients affects the absorption of enzymes or exposes them to the process of active breakdown by other gastric enzymes. This method is equally effective for all age categories of patients.

It is used to treat and restore the digestive system and its natural role in human life.

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Budget and effective

Pancreatin is an inexpensive medicine - its price ranges from 25 to 60 rubles. per package. It is the price indicator that is one of the most attractive factors speaking in favor of Pancreatin. Everyone is familiar with this situation when at the festive table you have not yet had time to try all the dishes on display for the guests to judge, but your stomach is already filled to capacity, it’s even difficult to breathe. Many people keep Mezim or Festal on hand for such cases, but not everyone knows that Pancreatin also has a similar effect, and it is much cheaper.

Pancreatin is intended to replenish the amount of enzymes necessary for digesting food in conditions of their deficiency - either due to pancreatic disease, or in cases of overeating. Of course, the enzymes that make up the drug are not synthesized artificially. They are taken from animals that are closest to humans in DNA structure - pigs and cattle.

Pancreatin is a complex of digestive enzymes. Initially, it looks like a gray or yellow powder, insoluble in water, with a specific odor. Pancreatin goes on sale in tablet form.

The task of enzymes is to obtain fatty acids and glycerol from fats contained in food, amino acids from proteins, and monosaccharides and dextrins from carbohydrates. This way the digestive process is normalized.

Hemorrhoids kill the patient in 79% of cases

When is Creon prescribed to pregnant women?

The reasons for prescribing Creon 1000 can be divided into two groups.

Conditions caused by ongoing and developing pregnancy:

  • feeling of nausea and vomiting caused by toxicosis (usually during the first three months);
  • development of pancreatitis (impaired functioning of the pancreas);
  • errors in nutrition (overeating, an abundance of fatty, sweet and salty foods);
  • indigestion due to excessive compression of the intestines by the fetus;
  • constipation due to difficulty moving intestinal contents;
  • lack of appetite;
  • flatulence;
  • dyspepsia due to hormonal changes.

Diseases that occurred before pregnancy:

  • pancreatitis in the chronic stage;
  • current diseases of the liver and gall bladder (hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis);
  • infectious intestinal diseases;
  • removal of part of the stomach or intestines in the past;
  • violation of the enzymatic function of the pancreas of various origins.

For what other conditions during pregnancy can Creon be prescribed, the doctor decides. In this case, the woman’s medical history and tendency to develop a particular disease are taken into account.

Important! The drug is not prescribed as a prophylactic agent to prevent the development of pathogenic conditions.

Why can Creon be taken only as prescribed by a doctor?

The toxic and harmful effects of the drug on the fetus have not been proven, since testing on pregnant women is prohibited. The attending physician must take into account all possible risks for the expectant mother and fetus when prescribing this drug.

A woman's body during pregnancy may react differently to Creon. The expectant mother undergoes a restructuring of all organs and systems, and her metabolism changes. When prescribing a drug, a specialist must understand what responsibility he assumes. The positive effect of treatment should significantly outweigh the possible risks.

Very often, Creon is prescribed to pregnant women suffering from allergies that arise as a result of intestinal slagging with toxic food breakdown products. It helps remove these substances from the body, making it healthier and improving metabolic processes.

As a rule, Creon is well tolerated during pregnancy and does not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus, but this does not mean that it can be taken on its own.

Before you start taking the drug, it is better to consult a specialist and evaluate all possible consequences.

Author : Petrunina Svetlana Sergeevna, intensive care nurse, specialization: acute poisoning, resuscitation, especially for the site

How to take during pregnancy?

Capsules are taken orally while eating food. The average dosage of the drug for adults is 1-8 capsules , which can be taken for every meal. The course of treatment can last a couple of days (if digestive disorders arise as a result of dietary errors), or several months, or even years (if constant replacement therapy is required).

As you can see, everything is very individual, so the dosage and course of administration should only be taken by a specialist.


Since the drug is often prescribed in pediatrics, many parents have experience using Creon in children. Here are some opinions about this drug.


I am a happy mother of three children, and situations arose with each of them when Creon was prescribed to us. A few months ago, my youngest one-and-a-half-year-old daughter developed strange diarrhea. We took tests and it turned out that the problems with stool were related to some new products that we had recently introduced into my daughter’s diet. Creon is great at helping these little ones cope with digestive problems, and it quickly helped us.


At the age of six months, we were literally tormented by constipation; the child cried for hours because he could not poop on his own, and no remedies helped until the pediatrician prescribed Creon. After just a few doses, the stool softened. I was happy to note that my son stopped wriggling his legs and crying. Yes, the medicine is expensive, but when it comes to children, no money is spared.

Treatment regimens depending on the form of release of the drug

In the treatment of various diseases, the daily dose of the drug is calculated, and then it is converted into the number of tablets. For example, if the doctor determined the need for 35,000 units, then you can divide it into 3 doses: 2 times 10,000 and 1 - 15,000. This will look like 2 times 1 capsule of Creon-10,000 and 1 time - one and a half capsules (one will have to be divided in half ). Or get by with two doses: drink Creon-25,000 (1 capsule) for breakfast, and 10,000 (1 capsule) for lunch.

Creon 40000 is only suitable for adults and severe cases. The drug is always taken orally. The dosage depends on the composition of the diet (percentage of allowed fats).

With any regimen, the prescribed dose is partially drunk before starting a meal, the rest during or immediately after. Microgranules should not enter an empty stomach.

Treatment methods for adult patients include starting with a small dosage, so Creon 10,000 or 25,000 is used. If there is no result, the doctor increases the dosage after a few days. How many units depends on the patient’s condition. It is often possible to achieve an effect if you take an average of 20,000–50,000 U of lipase per day.

But there are often cases when a much larger dose is needed: up to 75,000 units at each meal with three meals a day and an additional 5,000–10,000 if you want to eat in between.

The method of replacing enzyme deficiency involves a main course with a fairly high dosage of the drug and a maintenance course. For inflammatory diseases of the pancreas and biliary system, the duration of the main course of treatment with Creon ranges from two weeks to a month. During this period, it is usually possible to achieve stabilization of the secretory activity of the gland, so it is possible to remove strict restrictions on the diet and reduce the dosage.

In case of secondary gland insufficiency, a single dose of 25,000–50,000 units (depending on the amount of allowed fat) + half for snacks is prescribed for temporary use against the background of other medications and diet.

Treatment for cystic fibrosis begins in infancy, when the disease is diagnosed. Pediatricians have to make calculations based on the baby’s weight. Until children reach four years of age, it is customary to prescribe an average of 1000 units per kg of body weight per day for each feeding. At the age of 4 years, the dose can be increased by 500 U/kg over three times. It is not recommended to exceed a dosage of 10,000 U/kg per day.

Correction upward or downward is carried out after examining stool scatology. Children are registered at the dispensary and require increased attention and monitoring of their condition.

How to take Creon 10000?

Creon 10000 should be taken as specified in the general rules. Since this form of the drug was created mainly for children, we will focus on the features of treating a child with pancreatic enzymatic insufficiency.

In pediatric gastroenterology, there are 2 hereditary genetic diseases that, in addition to other organs and systems, affect the functions of the pancreas: cystic fibrosis and Shwachman-Diamond syndrome. The condition of children requires constant intake of enzymes. The dosage is calculated according to the weight and age of the small patient.

Capsules of 10,000 units of lipase allow you to adjust and select the optimal amount according to need.

The child is forced to constantly follow a strict diet and take the drug throughout his life. Transplant surgeons are trying to find a solution in transplanting a donor gland. Let's hope that the work will be crowned with success.

For babies, mothers are allowed to open the capsule and mix the contents with milk, soft food that elders will not chew. It is recommended to maintain a slightly acidic environment. Fruit purees, apple and orange juice are suitable. The prepared mixture cannot be stored; it should be drunk immediately after dilution.

In order to temporarily overcome secondary deficiency after an intestinal infection (the work of the gland is most severely affected by rotavirus infection, the intestinal form of influenza), food poisoning, Creon 10000 is prescribed to children along with probiotics and vitamins to restore digestion. The method of administration does not change; the dosage is prescribed by the doctor in each specific case individually for a period of up to a month.

About the drug

The drug Creon consists of biologically active components - enzymes. Once inside the body, it breaks down into microgranules in the duodenum, releasing enzymatic components.

The drug promotes:

  • improving digestion and absorption of beneficial components;
  • participates in the breakdown of proteins into amino acids, carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates, fats into glycerol and fatty acids.

Due to this, substances are better absorbed in the small intestine. Due to these properties, the medication promotes:

  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • strengthens the body as a whole.

Release form

Creon is available in capsule form for oral administration . Depending on the dosage of the active component pancreatin, it is divided into 3 types:

  1. Creon 10000 (dosage 10 thousand international units).
  2. Creon 25000 (25 thousand IU).
  3. Creon 40000 (40 thousand IU).


The drug includes the following components:

All of them are extracted from the pancreas of large animals and are enzymes. Excipients are also present.

Creon 10000 for children: reviews

Katya is sure that Creon is one of the best pancreatins. The woman herself recovered with it after an inflammation of the gallbladder and felt an undoubted positive effect. Therefore, when her baby’s digestion was disrupted after a rotavirus infection, Katya used a proven remedy. The pediatrician recommended a dosage of 10 microgranules for a two-year-old girl. Katya counted them out manually from the opened capsule. All processes in the child’s body quickly improved, and soon there was no trace of the disease left.

Tanya gave enzymes to her one-year-old son in the complex treatment of dysbiosis, along with lactobacilli and rehydron for children. Tanya mixed half of the granules from the capsule with puree or other food. After using it, my son’s appetite improved, his stool returned to normal, and the symptoms of dysbacteriosis disappeared.

Melissa considers Creon an indispensable assistant for enzymatic deficiency. Her two-month-old baby suffered from enterocolitis, tests showed a lack of enzymes, the girl was tormented by colic and abdominal pain. The pediatrician prescribed Creon in a course of one-third capsule twice a day. Melissa diluted the granules with milk mixture and let the baby drink from a spoon. After the start of treatment, both the baby herself and the parents were finally able to sleep peacefully. The effect lasted another three weeks after the end of the course, and then colic occurred, but much less frequently. And after some time, the tests returned to normal and the colic stopped.

The drug helped Oksana’s son After antibiotic therapy, the child began to have severe diarrhea, and then constant constipation. Conventional means of normalizing the gastrointestinal tract and a special diet did not work. But after taking the enzymes, the stool returned to normal within a week.

Lyudmila also considers Creon the best remedy for improving digestion. Her child’s digestion was upset due to a viral infection: abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting began. First, the doctor recommended the use of Enterol to stabilize digestion. But when, in addition to stool disorder, the analysis revealed the presence of starch and undigested fiber in the stool, Creon was prescribed. After a ten-day course, fiber and starch began to be completely digested, and the child’s stool improved.

How can you replace Creon for treating children: cheaper analogues with prices

Creon is the No. 1 drug in the world among replacement medications. It is an innovative pharmaceutical product thanks to:

  • release form - microspheres dissolve and begin to act physiologically not in the stomach, but in the small intestine;
  • compliance with all necessary proportions of enzymes;
  • lack of bile acids;
  • minimizing the occurrence of side effects;
  • ease of use even when treating infants.

Due to the special manufacturing technology, you can open the capsule, select the required amount of the drug in the form of microspheres, and dilute them with breast milk, water or nutritional formula. In Creon, the set and ratio of enzymes corresponds to the normal level of secretion in the body.

Therefore, its cost significantly exceeds the prices of all known enzyme preparations.

There are cheap substitutes that differ in their action (point of application) due to different dosage forms and the content of the main substance:

These medicines differ from Creon:

  • inconvenience of dividing (available in tablets);
  • bile acid content;
  • failure to comply with the exact dosage and ratio of enzymes.

Is it possible to take Creon during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Creon is an enzymatic product that is an extract of pork pancreas tissue. It contains the main digestive enzymes, which include lipase (breaks down fat), amylase (digests carbohydrates) and protease (breaks down proteins). The additional supply of digestive enzymes during the use of the drug improves food digestion and reduces the functional load on the pancreas. Pharmacokinetic studies (absorption, tissue distribution, metabolism and excretion of active components) have shown that the digestive enzymes included in the drug have a therapeutic effect in the intestinal lumen and are not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

The official instructions indicate that the use of Creon during breastfeeding (breastfeeding) and pregnancy is possible only after a doctor’s prescription. The specialist determines the presence of medical indications for the use of the drug, and also assesses the ratio of the expected benefit for the mother to the potential risk for the developing fetus or infant. There is no reliable data on the safety of the drug, since clinical studies have not been conducted. In animal experiments (preclinical studies), it was determined that the enzymes are not absorbed into the blood, so the possibility of negative effects of the drug is minimized.

Indications for prescribing an enzyme preparation for pregnant and nursing mothers

The use of Creon during lactation and pregnancy is indicated to reduce the functional load on the pancreas, as well as improve the digestion process in the presence of the following pathological conditions:

  1. Chronic pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. It is often characterized by a violation of the functional state of the organ, namely the production of digestive enzymes (exocretory function).
  2. Gastric resection – removal of part of the stomach.
  3. Surgical removal of the pancreas (pancreatectomy).
  4. Congenital hypoplasia (reduction in volume) of the pancreas with the development of functional failure of the organ.
  5. Cystic fibrosis is a congenital pathology that is characterized by disruption of the functional state of various glands of the body, including the pancreas.
  6. Condition after surgery involving gastrointestinal anastomosis.
  7. The recovery period after acute pancreatitis or intestinal inflammation - the medicine is prescribed to reduce the functional load on the organs of the reproductive system.

The determination of medical indications is carried out only by the attending physician.

Can a child take this drug?

Digestive problems occur in patients of any age, both adults and very young children.

  • Ulcerative processes, gastritis, cystic fibrosis and colitis, pancreatic pathologies are often found even in very young patients. It is these patients who are recommended to take Creon capsules, which are safe even for newborns and infants.
  • Creon is one of the most modern enzyme preparations of the newest generation. It was developed to normalize digestion by replenishing the deficiency of enzymatic pancreatic activity.
  • The drug has many advantages, because its main active ingredient is placed in microgranules coated with a coating that is resistant to stomach acid.
  • Microspheres are placed in a gelatin-based capsule. When the capsule reaches the stomach, it dissolves there, releasing hundreds of small microspheres. They mix evenly with food masses and penetrate with a bolus of food into the intestinal cavity, where the shell of the microsphere dissolves, releasing pancreatic enzymes that will help food be better broken down and absorbed.

Indications and contraindications

Creon capsules are indicated for use by children with insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes. This problem is typical for the following conditions:

  • Pancreatic necrosis of a chronic type or at the recovery stage;
  • Cystic fibrosis;
  • Degenerative chronic inflammation in glandular tissues;
  • Partial resection of the pancreas or its completeectomy;
  • Tumor neoplasms on the gland that are of malignant origin;
  • Gallstone pathology or obstructive processes leading to impaired outflow of pancreatic enzymatic substances.

Creon is also prescribed to children for acute forms of dysfunction of the gland, which arise against the background of underdevelopment or inferiority of glandular structures. It is also recommended to use Creon to prevent dysbiosis, which often occurs during therapy with antibacterial drugs.

The drug effectively copes with functional disorders of the liver, intestines, biliary tract, stomach and gallbladder, eliminates severe constipation with gas formation and bloating.

Creon also helps eliminate intestinal colic, which often bothers young children. It can be given to newborn babies if they have difficulty bowel movements.

Although the drug is safe for young patients, there are conditions in which its use is contraindicated.

  1. In acute pancreatic form and other severe lesions or necrosis. This is due to the fact that the product contains enzymatic substances that can negatively affect the affected organs, which leads to destructive changes in the pancreas tissues.
  2. It is not recommended to take Creon if you are hypersensitive to its individual components or the main active ingredient.

Self-medication of children with Creon can lead to a variety of adverse reactions, so it is recommended to give the drug to a child only after appropriate medical prescription, without violating the instructions.

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