How to eat during menopause 1
Nutrition during menopause in women - dietary features for hot flashes, depression and insomnia
Some factors accompanying the period before menopause cannot be changed. For example, the work of hormones or attenuation
Use of Utrozhestan for endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia
Is Utrozhestan hormonal or not? Many patients are concerned about whether this drug is
calendula in gynecology
Douching with calendula infusion, its use in gynecology
The healing properties of calendula in gynecology Calendula in gynecology is used in the form of a solution for douching
Get tested for hormones in women 1
How to donate blood for hormones correctly: doctors’ recommendations and factors influencing research results
Hormones are biologically active substances that are produced by various glands of the endocrine system, after which
In the ward
Is it necessary to take progesterone injections when planning and during pregnancy?
The entry is posted in the sections: Progress of pregnancy Add to favorites Progesterone is a steroid hormone that
oleogranuloma of the mammary gland
Granuloma of postoperative breast scar
Oleogranuloma or granuloma of adipose tissue of the mammary gland is a benign nodular formation that occurs in the subcutaneous
ovarian cancer treatment
Life and psychological recovery after hysterectomy
Home → Services → Ovarian cancer: it is important to strengthen chemotherapy In Russia, Israel, Germany, cancer
Birth control pills Jess Plus - instructions for use
How hormonal contraceptives work Hormonal contraceptives interfere with the activity of the endocrine and reproductive systems. U
Symptoms of increased estrogen in women, how to lower its level
The hormone estrogen, due to its wide spectrum of action (both positive and negative), has received
Consequences after radiation therapy for breast cancer
General characteristics Radiation therapy for breast cancer has been used for a long time and is characterized by good
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