The drug "Femoston" for menopause: reviews of doctors and patients. "Femoston": price


One Femoston 1/5 tablet contains estradiol and dydrogesterone in concentrations of 1 and 5 mg, respectively.
The auxiliary components used are: lactose in the form of monohydrate, methylhydroxypropylcellulose, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, macrogol 400, magnesium stearate, iron dyes (yellow oxide E172 and red E172), titanium dioxide (E171), Opadry orange. Femoston Conti 1/5 tablets have a similar composition.

Femoston 1/10 white tablets use estradiol . Substance concentration - 1 mg/tab. Each gray Femoston tablet contains estradiol and dydrogesterone estradiol per 10 mg dydrogesterone ).

Femoston 2/10 pink tablets contain estradiol at a concentration of 2 mg/tablet. Light yellow tablets contain estradiol and dydrogesterone estradiol per 10 mg dydrogesterone ). Auxiliary components: lactose in the form of monohydrate, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, Opadry (white, gray, pink and yellow, respectively).—WM

Alternative uses

The drug "Femoston" 2/10, reviews of which can be found on most women's websites, is currently also used in patients of reproductive age. The question arises: “Why?” After all, this indication is not stated in the instructions. Nevertheless, reproductive specialists have found that due to the fact that the composition of the drug is identical to natural female hormones, it helps to cope well with such a problem as thin endometrium. These are situations when the lining of the uterine cavity does not correspond to the day of the menstrual cycle, which leads to the impossibility of developing pregnancy even if the egg is fertilized.

But what does practice show, does pregnancy occur with Femoston 2/10? Reviews on forums are most often negative. Patients complain that the menstrual cycle is disrupted, the discharge itself becomes profuse, but there is still no ovulation, and for some, the endometrium still does not grow. But there are also isolated positive reviews. This suggests that the drug in combination with the addition of duphaston in the second phase of the cycle has a positive effect, pregnancy occurs, only the course of treatment should not be 2-3 months, but at least six months. Therefore, the drug “Femoston” is 2/10, reviews of which can be found are diametrically opposed.

The drug "Femoston" 1/10, reviews for which are also easy to find, has more positive recommendations. Some doctors are trying to prescribe it to patients of reproductive age in order to regulate the menstrual cycle. But here, as a rule, it does not work - insufficient levels of hormones. And when prescribed to women of menopausal age, it works well. "Femoston" 1/10 patient reviews are mostly positive. It is well tolerated and causes virtually no side effects.

To summarize, we can say that the drug "Femoston", doctors' reviews confirm this, is the safest and most effective in treating the manifestations of menopausal syndrome, normalizing the menstrual cycle and preparing for pregnancy in women with endometrial pathology.

This medicine is not used for children and adolescents.

Release form

The dosage form of the drug is film-coated, round, biconvex tablets with a diameter of 0.7 cm. The tablets differ in color depending on the concentration of the active substance/substances; each of them is marked “379” on one side.

Femoston 1/5 tablets have the letter “S” engraved on the other side. Tablets are available in calendar packs of 28 pieces.

Tablets with a higher concentration of active substances are packaged in calendar packs as follows:

  • 14 white tablets 1 mg + 14 gray tablets 1 mg + 10 mg (Femoston 1/10);
  • 14 pink tablets 2 mg + 14 light yellow tablets 2 mg + 10 mg (Femoston 2/10).

Femoston 1 5: reviews

Julia: “I decided to improve my postmenopausal condition, but Femoston 1/5 did not suit me. After taking the drug for 1 month, I realized that I had severe headaches, swollen legs, and constant depression. Maybe I have an individual intolerance to the drug?

Julia: “I have been taking Femoston 1/5 for more than 4 years. During this time, insomnia, profuse sweating and hot flashes stopped. The psychological state has improved - depression has passed, there is no psychosis and constant tearfulness. During the period of using Femoston, I gained a lot of weight and my legs began to swell. But this, compared to what was happening to me, is complete nonsense. So I’m happy with Femoston 1/5.”

Victoria: “Be sure to take Femoston. Gradually reduce the dose, but monitor how you feel. Completely stop taking the drug for 3–4 years. I have already refused, but if I had not accepted it, I’m even afraid to imagine what would have happened to me. When you start to get better, reduce your dose. Watch your weight so that it does not increase. If you take it wisely, Femoston is just a treasure!

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Femoston is a combined hormonal drug used to eliminate the symptoms of estrogen deficiency and treat DUB - dysfunctional uterine bleeding .

The estradiol contained in the drug is identical to endogenous estradiol . The drug is used to replenish estrogen after the onset of menopause and effectively treats vegetative and psychoemotional disorders associated with menopause , accompanied by:

  • hyperhidrosis;
  • tides;
  • involution of the mucous membranes and skin, and especially the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract (in particular, the vaginal mucosa, due to which a woman begins to experience discomfort during sexual intercourse);
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of bone mass or osteoporosis (especially if certain risk factors are noted - long-term treatment with glucocorticosteroids in the recent past, early onset of menopause , asthenic type of build, smoking, etc.).

Estradiol also helps reduce the concentration of total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins, while simultaneously increasing the concentration of high-density lipoproteins.

The action of the gestagenic component of the drug - dydrogesterone - is aimed at stimulating the onset of the secretory phase of the endometrial cycle, and also reduces the risk of carcinogenesis and endometrial hyperplasia associated with the influence of estrogen .

Dydrogesterone does not have androgenic estrogenic , glucocorticosteroid or anabolic effects . To ensure the maximum preventive effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), treatment is recommended to begin as early as possible after the onset of menopause .

After taking p/os, estradiol is easily absorbed. Biotransformation of the substance occurs in the liver ; the metabolic are estrone and estrone in the form of sulfate . Estradiol and estrone glucuronides are eliminated from the body primarily in the urine.

Dydrogesterone is also rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract after oral administration. The substance is completely biotransformed, the main product of metabolism is 20-dihydrodydrogesterone. Metabolites excreted mainly through urine.

The half-life of dydrogesterone is from 5 to 7 hours, its main metabolite is from 14 to 17 hours, the substances are completely eliminated after 72 hours.

pharmachologic effect

The estrogenic component of Femoston is micronized 17-b-estradiol, and the gestagenic component is dydrogesterone. These components are biologically and chemically identical to endogenous female sex hormones.

Estradiol helps replenish the lack of estrogen in a woman’s body after menopause and effectively eliminates the vegetative and psycho-emotional manifestations of menopause: hot flashes, sleep disturbances, dizziness, nervous excitability, involution of the mucous membranes and skin, headache.

The use of Femoston as hormone replacement therapy prevents bone loss caused by estrogen deficiency.

Dydrogesterone is a gestagen that completely ensures the onset of the secretion phase in the endometrium. Due to this, the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and carcinogenesis, which increases with estrogen intake, is reduced.

Indications for use

The use of Femoston is indicated for hormone replacement therapy to eliminate phenomena caused by estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal .

The medicine is prescribed no earlier than six months after the last menstrual bleeding.

Prophylactic use of the drug is advisable to prevent the development of osteoporosis after the onset of menopause . The drug is prescribed to women who have an increased risk of fractures and who are contraindicated in the use of other medications intended to prevent bone loss.

When is it prescribed?

The indication for the use of this drug is estrogen deficiency in women during menopause. Use no earlier than 6 months after the last menstruation. Menopausal manifestations may be individual for each patient, but general symptoms are still present. These are hot flashes, irritability, mood swings, dry skin and mucous membranes (including the vagina), pain during sexual intercourse, and unstable blood pressure.

Another indication is the prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. In this situation, the drug is prescribed even in the absence of clinical manifestations of menopause, if there are contraindications for the use of specialized drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis.

Have you been prescribed the medicine Femoston? Reviews during menopause will be positive if the drug suits the patient and she tolerates it well. Otherwise, you may need to select another drug.


The drug is not prescribed:

  • women who have been diagnosed with malignant estrogen- or progestogen-dependent tumors , as well as if these diseases are suspected;
  • patients with diagnosed or suspected breast cancer ;
  • with vaginal bleeding of unspecified origin;
  • with untreated hyperplasia (pathological growth) of the endometrium ;
  • venous thromboembolism detected at the moment or noted in the anamnesis (including DVT and PE);
  • if the patient has certain thrombophilic disorders (including thrombophilia associated with deficiency of antithrombin , coagulation protein C or its cofactor - protein S );
  • for thromboembolic arterial diseases , including angina pectoris or myocardial infarction (both in the active stage and in cases where the disease was suffered in the recent past);
  • in case of active liver , and also if the patient’s liver biochemical parameters ;
  • with porphyrin disease ;
  • if you are aware of individual intolerance to estradiol , dydrogesterone or auxiliary components of Femoston;
  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age;
  • during pregnancy (both established and suspected pregnancy);
  • during lactation.

special instructions

Femoston 2/10 should only be prescribed to women with symptoms that cause a significant deterioration in their quality of life, and HRT should be continued until the risk of side effects outweighs the benefits of treatment. Particular caution should be exercised in patients over 65 years of age, since experience with the drug at this age is limited.

The most common adverse events that occur with the combination of estradiol and dydrogesterone include tension and tenderness of the mammary glands, abdominal pain, headache, and back pain.

Before starting or resuming therapy, a woman must undergo a general and gynecological examination and mammography. To take into account possible contraindications and conditions, the prescription of Femoston 2/10 should be based on data on the patient’s complete medical and family history. Based on the clinical picture, the doctor should inform the woman about all the risks associated with hormonal therapy and about those changes in the mammary glands that require consultation with a doctor.

Since HRT is carried out over a long period of time, examinations are recommended during treatment. The doctor determines their frequency and nature for each patient individually, but the frequency of examinations should not be less than once every six months.

The influence of estrogens on the results of laboratory tests to determine glucose tolerance, study of liver and thyroid function should be taken into account.

Compared with women not receiving estrogen monotherapy, its use in patients increases the risk of developing endometrial hyperplasia or cancer from 2 to 12 times, depending on the duration and dose of the drug. Moreover, it remains elevated for another 10 years after estrogen withdrawal. Cyclic use of progestogen reduces the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer increased by estrogen. For timely diagnosis of these diseases, it is advisable to use ultrasound screening and histological examination. At the beginning of treatment, breakthrough or spotting bleeding from the vagina may occur. If such bleeding occurs after several months of therapy or after discontinuation of Femoston 2/10, to exclude a malignant neoplasm, it is necessary to diagnose their cause, including performing an endometrial biopsy.

HRT increases the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism by almost 3 times, especially during the first year of hormone use. Women whose close relatives (mother, father) had thromboembolic complications at a young age, or with a history of recurrent miscarriage, need to undergo a hemostasis study. During anticoagulant therapy, the prescription of Femoston 2/10 is possible only if the benefits of HRT outweigh the potential risk of thromboembolism.

The use of HRT should be discontinued 1–1.5 months before planned surgery with long-term subsequent immobilization. Hormonal therapy can be resumed only after the woman’s mobility has been completely restored.

Symptoms of venous thromboembolism include swelling of the lower extremities, pain, shortness of breath, and sudden chest pain. If they develop while using Femoston 2/10, you should immediately consult a doctor and stop taking the drug.

The incidence of breast cancer diagnosis, which increases with the use of estrogen monotherapy or a combination of estrogen and progestogen, returns to its original level within 5 years after cessation of therapy. The risk of developing breast cancer depends on the duration of therapy and can double after 5 years of combined estrogen-progestogen HRT. Timely diagnosis of breast cancer can make breast engorgement difficult during HRT.

There is a risk of developing ovarian cancer, but it is significantly lower than the risk of breast cancer.

The use of Femoston 2/10 increases the risk of ischemic stroke by 1.5 times; treatment does not affect the occurrence of hemorrhagic stroke.

Since estrogens can retain fluid in the body, this can worsen the condition in patients with impaired kidney and heart function.

With hypertriglyceridemia that occurs while taking Femoston 2/10, the risk of developing pancreatitis increases.

HRT does not improve cognitive function. The increased risk of developing dementia should be taken into account when prescribing the drug to women over 65 years of age.

Femoston 2/10 does not have contraceptive properties.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

It is recommended to be careful when working with complex mechanisms and driving vehicles, since the drug can cause dizziness, drowsiness and other side effects that affect the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Side effects

The category of side effects that often occur in connection with the use of Femoston includes: pain (headaches, in the abdomen, in the pelvic area), nausea, migraine attacks, flatulence, leg cramps, increased sensitivity and/or tenderness of the mammary glands, metrorrhagia, the appearance of bloody vaginal bleeding after menopause, asthenia, decrease/increase in body weight.

With a frequency of 1/1000-1/100 during clinical studies, the following phenomena occurred:

  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • depression;
  • an increase in the size of uterine fibroids ;
  • change in libido ;
  • increased nervousness;
  • DVT, PE;
  • dizziness;
  • gallbladder disease ;
  • backache;
  • allergic reactions on the skin, accompanied by itching, hives , rashes;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • ulcerative defects on the cervix;
  • the appearance of cervical discharge;
  • peripheral edema.

In rare cases (with a frequency of 1/10000-1/1000), drug therapy was accompanied by:

  • intolerance to contact lenses;
  • functional liver , which often manifest themselves in the form of asthenia , malaise, abdominal pain, jaundice ;
  • increased curvature of the cornea;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • premenstrual tension syndrome.

In isolated cases, the drug can provoke the development of chorea , hemolytic anemia, stroke, myocardial infarction, vascular purpura, vomiting, erythema nodosum or multimorphic, melanopathy or chloasma (often persisting even after discontinuation of the drug), angioedema , hypersensitivity reactions, worsening of porphyrin disease .

In addition, in connection with treatment with estrogen-progestagen drugs, women sometimes develop neoplasms (benign, malignant or of unknown etiology), the size of progestogen-dependent tumors fibrocystic lesions of the mammary glands appear of triglycerides in the blood plasma and the concentration of thyroid hormones increase ; arterial hypertension , acute arterial , peripheral vascular disease, varicose , dyspepsia , pancreatitis (against the background of pre-existing hypertriglyceridermia), systemic lupus erythematosus , cystitis-like syndrome , urinary incontinence develop epilepsy worsens , signs of dementia .

Side effects

Different types of Femoston can provoke the same side effects with different frequencies. In addition, some side effects are unique to one form or another of Femoston. Therefore, we present the side effects of each type of Femoston indicating the frequency of their occurrence in the table.

  • 1-10%: migraine, headache, nausea, flatulence, abdominal pain, cramps of the lower extremities, breakthrough bleeding, spotting, pain in the mammary glands, pain in the pelvic area, weight gain or loss, asthenia;
  • ≤1%: vaginal candidiasis, depression, increased size of fibroids, changes in libido, dizziness, irritability, venous thromboembolism, allergic skin reactions, gallbladder diseases, urticaria, skin rashes, itchy skin, back pain, dysmenorrhea, changes in cervical erosion, peripheral edema, changes in the amount of cervical secretion;
  • ≤0.1%: increased corneal curvature, contact lens intolerance, breast enlargement, liver dysfunction accompanied by malaise, asthenia, abdominal pain and jaundice;
  • ≤0.01%: hemolytic jaundice, chorea, hypersensitivity reactions, myocardial infarction, vomiting, stroke, erythema nodosum, erythema multiforme, angioedema, vascular purpura, chloasma and melasma, which may remain after discontinuation of the drug.

Femoston tablets: instructions for use

Most often, Femoston is taken on days strictly determined by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of a particular menstrual cycle . In the absence of menstrual bleeding, the tablets should be taken on the expected days when they should begin. With amenorrhea observed throughout the year, taking the drug can be started at any time.

Instructions for use Femoston 1/5

The drug is intended for continuous use: tablets are taken p/os, one per day (optimally at the same time), without reference to meal times. The duration of one cycle is 4 full weeks (1 package No. 28 is designed for one cycle). There is no need to take a break between cycles.

To relieve the symptoms of menopause, the drug is started with the minimum effective dose. Treatment begins with the appointment of Femoston 1/5. Taking into account the time of onset of menopause, the severity of the accompanying symptoms and the effectiveness of therapy, adjustments can be made to the dosage regimen.

If it is necessary to switch from another drug containing estrogen and progestogen components for sequential (or cyclic) use, the patient should complete the full four-week course and only after that switch to treatment with Femoston 1/5 (reception can be started on any day). There is no break between cycles.

The regimen for using Femoston 1/5 Conti is similar to that described above.

Instructions for use Femoston 1/10

Femoston 1/10 tablets should be taken regardless of meal time. The estrogen contained in the drug is intended for continuous daily use during the first two weeks of the cycle.

The progestogen component is added in the last 14 days of each four-week course.

Treatment begins with taking white tablets according to the following scheme: 1 tablet 1 time per day (at the same time) during the first 2 weeks of the cycle. Next, following the instructions on the package, they begin to take gray tablets (also, one per day).

There is no need to take breaks between 28-day cycles.

Sequential combined HRT begins with the prescription of Femoston 1/10, and then, if necessary, the dose is adjusted taking into account the clinical results of therapy.

To switch from a similar drug, you should complete the full cycle of treatment and only then start taking Femoston 1/10 tablets. You can do this any day.

Instructions for use Femoston 2/10

The estrogen component of the drug should be taken continuously, the progestogen component is administered from the 15th day of the 28-day cycle.

This means that in the first 2 weeks of the cycle the patient should take 1 pink tablet per day, and starting from the 15th day, following the instructions on the drug packaging, switch to taking yellow tablets.

Usually the starting dose of estradiol is 1 mg, so sequential combined HRT begins with Femoston 1/10 and, if necessary, moves to a higher dose over time.

Switching from other drugs to Femoston 2/10 is carried out only after completing a full four-week cycle (on any day).

How to take Femoston correctly if you miss the next dose?

If a woman misses the next dose of the drug, the tablet should be taken as quickly as possible. If more than 12 hours have passed since the missed dose, then the course is continued by taking the next tablet from the package (you do not need to drink the missed one).

Taking a double dose to compensate for a missed dose is not advisable, since it is associated with an increased risk of breakthrough bleeding and the appearance of spotting vaginal discharge.

How should patients of different age groups take the drug?

There is no sufficient experience with the use of Femoston for the treatment of patients over 65 years of age.

There are no indications for prescribing the drug to children and adolescents.

Applications and dosages

for adults

The drug must be taken daily. It is recommended to do this at the same time to ensure the stability of hormonal levels in the body. With this treatment regimen, a constant concentration of estradiol is achieved on the fifth day.

Femoston is taken without interruption, 1 tablet per day, regardless of meals. During treatment, the woman will have a 28-day cycle. In the first 14 days, take pink tablets (monocomponent), in the next 14 days, take light yellow tablets. On day 29, you should immediately start a new package and take the medicine again. If you miss a pill, you do not need to double the dose. The next Femoston tablets are taken as scheduled.

Treatment is usually permanent and continuous. It is recommended to take Femoston in the minimum effective dose and (if possible) for the shortest possible course.

You can start treatment with Femoston on any day or after the end of a cycle of other replacement therapy.


Cases of overdose with Femoston have not been recorded.

Both estrogen and progestogen components of the tablets belong to the category of low-toxic substances.

Theoretically, an overdose can provoke an increase in the severity of side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness.

It is unlikely that an overdose may require any specific symptomatic treatment (including overdose in children).


Drug interaction studies with Femoston have not been conducted.

However, it is known that some drugs may affect the effectiveness of estrogens and progesterones .

Thus, anticonvulsants (for example, phenytoin or phenobarbital ) and antimicrobial (including nevirapine , rifampicin or efavirenz enzymes of the cytochrome P450 system involved in drug metabolism .

Ritonavir and nelvinavir , which are potent inhibitors of CYP 3A4, A5 and A7 isoenzymes, in combination with steroid hormones , promote the activation of these cytochromes.

Herbal remedies based on St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) can stimulate the biotransformation of estrogens and progestogens due to the ability to influence the CYP 3A4 isoenzyme.

There is evidence that the more active metabolism of estrogens and progestogens provokes a decrease in the clinical effectiveness of these substances and affects the profile of uterine bleeding.

In turn, estrogens can disrupt the process of biotransformation of other substances due to competitive suppression of cytochromes of the P450 system , which take part in the processes of biotransformation of active drug substances.

This should be remembered when prescribing estrogens in combination with drugs that have a narrow therapeutic index, including fentanyl , tacrolimus , theophylline , cyclosporine .

Such combinations can cause an increase in the plasma concentration of these substances to a toxic level. Therefore, there may be a need for careful monitoring of the drug over an extended period of time, as well as a reduction in the dose of cyclosporine, tacrolimus, theophylline and fentanyl .


Level 4 ATX code matches:

The generic (structural analogue) of Femoston ⅕ is the drug Femoston Conti 1/5.

Drugs with a similar mechanism of action: Divina , Klimonorm , Kliogest , Trisequence .

Klimonorm or Femoston - which is better?

The decision about which drug from the group of combined estrogen-gestagen agents should be chosen is made by the doctor based on the data received from the patient about the period of age-related hormonal changes.

It is believed that in the drug Klimonorm the progestin component is present in the most optimal concentration, which allows effective control of the cycle and provides the necessary level of protection of the endometrium from the hyperplastic effect of estrogens .

At the same time, it is possible to maintain the beneficial effects caused by the influence of estrogens on the state of the cardiovascular system and lipid metabolism . In addition, levonorgestrel Klimonorm potentiates the effect of estradiol , aimed at the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis .

Another important feature of levonorgestrel is its almost 100% bioavailability, thanks to which it is possible to maintain the stability of the drug’s effects.

Moreover, the severity of the effects remains unchanged regardless of the woman’s nutritional characteristics, the presence of diseases of the digestive tract , as well as the activity of the liver system , which plays a key role in the processes of first-pass metabolism of xenobiotics .

The bioavailability of dydrogesterone , which is part of Femoston, is 28%, and therefore its effects are subject to fluctuations (both inter- and inter-individual).

Angelique or Femoston - which is better?

Experts believe that there is not much difference between these means. The main difference between the drug Angelique and Femoston is that it contains drospirenone progestational .

During pregnancy

The use of Femoston is contraindicated if it is known for sure that the woman is pregnant, as well as if there is reason to suspect pregnancy. The drug is also contraindicated for women who are breastfeeding.

In some cases, the medicine is prescribed during pregnancy planning. The indications are:

  • conditions caused by estrogen and manifested by insufficiency of the first phase (that is, conditions in which by the end of the first (follicular) phase of the menstrual cycle the thickness of the endometrial layer does not exceed 7-8 mm);
  • infertility caused by hormonal imbalance.

Too thin an endometrium can cause disruption of the luteal phase and, as a result, a woman cannot become pregnant.

Most often, at the planning stage, doctors recommend taking Femoston 2/10.

The concentration of estradiol in tablets intended for use during the first 2 weeks of the cycle is such that the drug, unlike contraceptives, does not suppress ovulation , while simulating the first phase of the menstrual cycle and stimulating the division and growth of endometrial .

Taking tablets containing estradiol supplemented with dydrogesterone, in turn, ensures secretory transformation of the inner layer of the uterus , which is necessary for normal implantation of the egg in the event of its fertilization and pregnancy. Thus, Femoston 2/10 allows you to normalize the disrupted menstrual cycle .

When planning pregnancy, Femoston 2/10 is taken from the first day of the menstrual cycle, one tablet per day for 4 full weeks. You should not stop treatment before the entire package is completed, as this can provoke a hormonal imbalance, manifested by breakthrough bleeding of varying degrees of intensity and leaving no chance of pregnancy.

Women who take Femoston when planning a pregnancy should further strengthen the luteal (second) phase of the cycle, therefore, from the 14th day of treatment, the patient is prescribed to take the drug in combination with Duphaston (or its analogue).

Dydrogesterone is present as gestagenic component in Duphaston , and this makes it possible to enhance the positive effect of therapy on the female body and the condition of the endometrium .

Duphaston is taken one tablet twice a day for a full two weeks.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking the drug?

Pregnancy that occurs during the use of Femoston is an exception. As a rule, the chances of becoming pregnant after taking the drug for several cycles are considered more realistic, and this usually occurs after stopping treatment.

In extremely rare cases, it is possible to use the product against the background of an already existing pregnancy, when a woman needs endometrial . However, such a decision can only be made by a qualified specialist.

Femoston 1 10: reviews

Vita: “I took Femoston 1/10. Initially I felt good, but then strange changes began to occur to me: pain in my legs and weight gain. I took a break and contacted my doctor. While I wasn’t taking Femoston, the pain in my legs went away. After the examination, no abnormalities were found, and the doctor prescribed Femoston to be taken again. When I started taking it again, the pain in my legs increased several times. She herself refused the drug and switched to Klimaxan - her condition improved.”

Tatyana: “I’ve been taking Femoston for 5 years. The doctor prescribed the drug. I feel great. After taking these pills, in principle, your health cannot be bad - on the contrary, it improves. “I am attentive to my health and follow all doctor’s recommendations.”

Elena: “My attending physician prescribed Femoston 1/10 due to menopause. After taking the drug, the cycle was restored. I’ve been taking the medicine for 0.5 years now. Only strange discharge started to appear from my nipples. I’m very worried about this.”

Vera: “I’m 52 years old and I take Femoston 1/10. The doctor prescribed the drug due to uterine bleeding. After 3 months of taking Femoston, the bleeding stopped, and my health improved. My weight did not change, although I was very worried about it.”

Victoria: “I’m 34 years old. I haven't had a period for 3 years. The doctor concluded that I was experiencing early menopause. Prescribed Femoston 1/10. I drank 2 packs, and my health improved! Neurotic seizures and hot flashes stopped. There was a desire to do something and develop. I gave up Femoston due to gastritis. But I don’t blame Femoston for this disease. I’ll get my health in order and start taking the drug again.”

Alena: “I took Femoston 1/10 for about four months. I felt great for 2 months, and then I began to be tormented by a wild desire to eat, especially before bed. I specifically bought nuts and seeds to somehow fight hunger, but nothing helped - I still wanted to eat. I gave up Femoston, fearing for my weight and health. I didn’t have a period for six months; the doctor said that after stopping taking Femoston, the ovaries “go to sleep.”

Femoston reviews

A considerable number of reviews about Femoston 1/5 Conti have been left on the forums. Like reviews of Femoston 2/10 or 1/10, they are quite contradictory. As a rule, in reviews, women describe their experience of using the product during menopause or when planning pregnancy .

Those who were satisfied with the treatment note as the advantages of the drug that it is quite well tolerated and rarely causes side effects, quickly normalizes the condition, relieving the unpleasant symptoms of the onset of menopause , and improves overall well-being, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, and restores the cycle in case of its violations, easy to use.

Negative reviews are associated with the occurrence of undesirable side effects (depression, rash, excess weight, swelling, decreased activity, joint pain, etc.), as well as the lack of the expected effect.

Turning to doctors' reviews of Femoston 1/10, 2/10 or 1/5, which are based on the results of clinical studies, we can conclude that the drug is a highly effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of conditions that have developed as a result of premature ovarian .

Moreover, all patients showed good tolerability of the tablets. Studies have made it possible to establish a pronounced positive effect of therapy on the general well-being of women and, in particular, on the blood lipid profile .

Against the background of the treatment, a significant increase in the rate of maximum oxygen consumption and an increase in the bone-protective effect of the estrogen component of Femoston by dydrogesterone were also established.

Thus, doctors confirm the need for early initiation and differentiated choice of hormone replacement therapy in women with “switched off” ovarian function .

Femoston 210: reviews

Valeria: “Femoston 2/10 helped me from the 1st day of taking it. I drank for 11 months. I took a short break and my condition worsened. I don’t know what to do now.”

Hemorrhoids kill the patient in 79% of cases

Lilia: “I’m 48 years old. I have been taking Femoston 2/10 for 3 months now. I feel good, it’s a pity that I found out about this drug so late.”

Elya: “I took Femoston 2/10 for about 2 months. True, the doctor prescribed a course for me - 6 months. The downside is that the use of the drug resulted in heavy periods, although the cycle is regular. I decided to take a break for 2 months, and then turn to another gynecologist, maybe he’ll recommend something else.”

Irina: “After using Femoston, no side effects were identified. It helped a lot, now I don’t suffer.”

Alexandra: “I don’t understand why this drug is prescribed? This is a hormone replacement therapy drug. Femoston is usually prescribed for menopause. I took Femoston 2/10, and in the middle of each cycle I began to experience heavy bleeding, after which the doctor stopped using this drug.”

Yana: “I took Femoston 2/10 before pregnancy. The drug shortened my long periods, but when I stopped taking it, everything came back. In general, I have drawn my own conclusions about this drug - it effectively helps with irregular cycles and small endometrium.”

Zhanetta: “I’ve been taking Femoston 2/10 for about 3 years. I read reviews where they write that you will have to take it for life. I am 22 years old, and recently I have started to develop rashes on my skin - I don’t know exactly why I have them. But I'm guilty of the drug. Now I don’t know what to do and what to replace Femoston 2/10 with.”

Femoston price

Price Femoston 1/5 in Russian pharmacies from 870 rubles. You can buy Femoston Conti 1/5 for an average of 900 rubles. Price Femoston 2/10 - from 790, Femoston 1/10 - from 795 rubles.

In Ukraine, the price of Femoston 1/10 is from 438 UAH, the price of Femoston 2/10 is from 520 UAH. The cost of the drug with a dosage of 1 mg + 5 mg is from 445 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
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