Name: Galina, Rovenki
Question: Hello! After being prescribed Regulon, I drank for 5 months. I haven’t had my period for 4 months, I’ll probably grow old before my time?
Hello! After discontinuation of Regulon, changes in the body cannot be avoided. Since the reproductive system is accustomed to the fact that hormones are supplied in the required quantities from the outside, the ovaries do not strain.
The delay in menstruation after discontinuation of Regulon is caused by the result of this restructuring. The ovaries continue to work according to the old rhythm for some time, and due to the resulting lack of hormones, the menstrual cycle suffers.
After discontinuation of Regulon:
- Withdrawal syndrome. The hormonal system begins to work in a different mode.
- Pregnancy. Lack of contraception and refusal of COCs can provoke a hormonal surge and hyperovulation.
- Amenorrhea. The risk group includes young girls and women over 40 years of age. Their number does not exceed 3%. Regulon can cause this, but the likelihood is minimal. This condition can be caused by disorders in the endocrine or hormonal systems.
- Pathological disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries or thyroid gland. For example, as a result, menstrual bleeding may be absent or occur with long delays.
- Oncological diseases. Regulon reduces the likelihood of cancer, but does not eliminate it 100%. There are hormone-dependent forms of malignant tumors. If the gynecologist has not conducted specific studies, then the risk of tumor growth due to Regulon increases, since it is hormones that help atypical cells grow in this case.
Contact a specialist. The doctor will determine the reason for the lack of menstruation and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Regulon is an oral hormonal contraceptive. The drug is used to treat hormonal dysfunctions, such as menstrual irregularities and uterine fibroids in the initial stages. Hormonal medications can cause absence of menstruation. To understand why the medicine provoked the opposite effect, you need to study its composition and understand the principles of the effects of the components on the body.
Regulon is a hormonal contraceptive in tablet form.
How the drug works
Composition of Regulon:
- progestin;
- desogestrel;
- ethinestradiol.
Regulon is intended for contraception and treatment of menstrual cycle disorders, elimination of PMS, uterine bleeding caused by ovarian dysfunction or unstable hormonal levels. A woman's pituitary gland produces hormones that are responsible for menstruation. If it is unstable, the menstrual cycle is disrupted. The active components of Regulon have a depressing effect on the letheinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones of the pituitary gland. This helps to inhibit ovulation and creates a barrier to the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. Hormones inhibit the contraction of the fallopian tubes, which significantly reduces the rate at which eggs move through them.
The estrogenic element of the drug helps thicken the mucus in the cervix and changes its qualitative composition. The environment in the cervix becomes more aggressive, contributing to the death of sperm.
A decrease in luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones inhibits the complete formation of eggs, prevents the standard formation of the corpus luteum and rupture of the follicle, while the endometrial layer is formed in insufficient quantities. The standard thickness of the endometrium is 1 cm, and during a course of taking Regulon it does not exceed 4 mm. The fertilized egg, even if the egg and sperm have passed all the previous stages of protection, cannot strengthen in the uterus, because the lack of a normally developed endometrium does not allow the formation of the number of vessels necessary to nourish the egg.
The principle of action of the drug Regulon
Regulon is an oral contraceptive that includes a progestin, desogestrel, and an estrogen component, ethinyl estradiol. The drug is indicated for contraception, for menstrual irregularities, for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, and for dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
The principle of action of regulon is based on the inhibition of pituitary hormones, which are responsible for the normal menstrual cycle. Progestogens inhibit the production of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. They inhibit ovulation and interfere with the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity.
Thanks to ethinyl estradiol, the density of cervical mucus increases and its composition changes. At the same time, the environment into which sperm enter becomes more aggressive after sexual intercourse, which prevents them from safely reaching their destination.
A small amount of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones contributes to inhibition of egg maturation, normal development of the corpus luteum, and follicle rupture. The insufficient endometrial layer also grows. If normally the thickness of the layer should be from 1 cm, then while taking the drug it does not exceed 4 mm. Thanks to this, the fertilized egg, if the egg and sperm overcome the previous barriers, simply has nowhere to attach, since due to the lack of a normally developed endometrial layer, there is no possibility of developing adequate genesis of blood vessels to nourish the latter.
In addition, hormonal contraceptives reduce the contractility of the fallopian tubes, which reduces the speed of passage of the egg.
How to take it
To avoid undesirable consequences, you need to start taking the drug correctly. Regulon should be taken from the first day of the cycle, that is, from the first day of menstruation. Then the use of additional contraception will not be necessary.
If the start of use falls on the 2-5th day of menstruation, then additional means of protection must be used for at least a week. If more than 5 days have passed since the start of the menstrual cycle, then you need to wait for the next cycle.
You need to take the tablet once a day at the same time. This way we will reduce the risk of hyperovulation (the maturation of several eggs against the background of a burst of hubbub). The maximum warm-up time between tablets should not exceed 1 hour.
So, if you are not confident in your punctuality, it is better to set an alarm that will help you maintain a stable hormone level without spikes. If this happens, then you need to take the pill as soon as you remember, if this time does not exceed 24 hours.
If more than the specified time has passed, then it is better to simply continue taking the medicine, leaving the untaken tablets. In this case, additional protection in the form of a barrier contraceptive is necessary.
After finishing 21 tablets, take a week break. Your period should start at this time. After 7 days, you need to start a new pack of tablets, even if there is bleeding.
How to quit taking it correctly
- Consultation with a gynecologist.
Before you stop taking it, you need to talk to your doctor about whether it’s okay to stop taking the pills at this time. After all, sometimes Regulon is prescribed for therapeutic purposes, then the duration of administration should be clearly designed.
- Finish the pack to the end.
A break on an unfinished pack of Regulon will definitely lead to bad consequences. The cycle will definitely go wrong, and it will take a long time to recover. This can lead to uterine bleeding.
- Avoid taking pills strictly according to the plan.
The treating gynecologist draws up a regimen that is favorable for each woman. It is individual, since the purpose of prescribing the drug, the characteristics of the woman’s body, and the duration of use are taken as a basis.
Features of taking the drug
Patients often complain that they do not have periods after and while taking Regulon. The most common reason is improper use of the drug. You should start taking the contraceptive on the 1st day of your period. This method does not require additional use of condoms. If the patient starts taking it on the 2-5th day of menstruation, condoms should be used for 7 days. You cannot start taking Regulon if 5 days have passed since the beginning of menstruation.
The tablets should be taken at the same time, once a day. The risk of hyperovulation is reduced when, against the background of a surge of hormones, not one, but several eggs are formed. The break time between doses is 23–25 hours. If you are not sure that you will take your pills on time, set an alarm. If you miss one pill, you should take it if the missed time does not exceed 24 hours, otherwise you should leave the missed pill and continue taking it as usual, using condoms during sexual intercourse.
There are 21 tablets in a pack. After 3 weeks you need to take a break for a week. It is during this period that your period should begin.
The drug should be taken at the same time of day
How to stop taking contraception
Very often, the reason that there is no menstruation after taking Regulon is the wrong end of taking the drug. Before abandoning the contraceptive, you should visit your doctor and consult whether it is possible to stop taking it now, especially if Regulon was prescribed for medicinal purposes, or you decided to plan the birth of a child.
If a patient cancels a dose in the middle of a cycle without finishing the pack, this will certainly entail certain consequences.
This may be severe uterine bleeding or a complete absence of menstruation for a long period. If there are no periods after you stop taking the drug, it will take a long time to restore your cycle.
Discontinuation of the drug should occur according to a scheme drawn up by a gynecologist. This scheme will differ in each individual case. It is compiled on the basis of:
- goals;
- personal characteristics of the body;
- duration of the course.
Reception features
The effectiveness of contraception and therapeutic effects is influenced by the duration, as well as the method of application.
Primary use
You should start taking Regulon from the day your period starts, and then follow the above instructions.
You can use the pills from the second to the fifth day from the start of the menstrual cycle, but then you will need the help of other contraceptives in the first few days. You should not take the drug if more than five days have passed since the start of your period. In this case, it is better to wait until the next cycle.
Using Regulon after giving birth
Women who are not breastfeeding can take birth control pills three weeks after giving birth, after consulting with a gynecologist.
Menstrual irregularities when using the drug
Each has its own monthly cycle and it does not change with the start of the use of an oral contraceptive (OC). During a course of taking hormonal medications, each woman’s body will react individually, so menstruation may not come immediately after taking 21 tablets. In the first 3 months of taking the drug, cycle disturbances may occur while the body adapts and begins to function normally in the required mode. If after taking Regulon there are no periods for 10 days from the end of the pack, you should consult a doctor.
The reasons for such a deviation from the norm can be varied.
- Pregnancy.
- Violation of diet, severe weight loss.
- Stress.
- Intoxication. Vomiting or diarrhea after a woman takes the pill.
A delay will occur when hormonal levels change, due to pregnancy, or when hormones are redistributed during stress. Fertilization often occurs when Regulon is taken incorrectly. Even if the pills were not missed, taking them at different times with an hourly interval can trigger the appearance of hyperovulation. In this case, one of the eggs reaches its destination on time, and the second is released at the end of menstruation without the protection of a hormonal agent and is quickly fertilized.
The most unpredictable factor is intoxication. If the rules of use are followed, vomiting and diarrhea (if the pancreas is malfunctioning) do not allow hormones to spread into the plasma. This happens when 40 minutes have passed from taking the pill to vomiting or with severe diarrhea lasting more than a day.
Severe stress provokes the release of hormones into the blood, disrupting the cyclicity and already familiar rhythm of the body. Sharp weight loss and extreme diets can cause a lack of menstruation. Adipose tissue produces female hormones estrogens. Women who are too underweight very often go to doctors with complaints that they do not have periods. Fertilization also does not occur with insufficient weight; the body is not able to provide the embryo with the required amount of nutrients necessary for its full development.
How do periods change when taking Regulon?
The first menstruation that begins after taking 1 tablet of Regulon will proceed as usual, and then scanty spotting is possible for 2-3 cycles. During this time, your period may start a little earlier or later. Within three months, the female body adapts to the new level of sex hormones in the blood. Three months later:
- the menstrual cycle stabilizes: menstruation will come from the 23rd to the 28th day of the cycle;
- discharge becomes less abundant and longer lasting;
- PMS symptoms disappear;
- pain syndrome is relieved.
How the body works after stopping the use of OCs
To understand why there are no periods after stopping OCs, you need to understand the principles of hormone production before and after their use. At the end of taking Regulon, the body requires another restructuring. The ovaries and adrenal glands practically do not work during the period of taking the drug, because the body receives the necessary hormones from the outside. The production of hormones is reduced, and the organs need time to restore their function, so you may not have periods for a couple of months.
In addition to the failure of menstruation, drug withdrawal provokes other changes:
- hair loss, deterioration of its structural composition;
- disturbances in the restoration of epidermal cells (dryness, flaking, itching).
Your menstrual cycle can change greatly. Firstly, the volume of blood loss increases, and secondly, the timing changes. If earlier your periods lasted 2–3 days, then after completing the course they can last 5–7 days.
This is the first way the body works. After stopping taking OCs, there is a second option, which is observed in most patients.
With prolonged suppression of the functions of the pituitary gland, the body tries to work in the same mode even after stopping the use of hormones. The pituitary gland, without receiving a reverse reaction, begins to stimulate additional production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones.
Increased work of the pituitary gland improves the functionality of the ovaries. With such coordinated work of organs, the likelihood of pregnancy increases. OK can cure some types of infertility.
After discontinuation of the drug, hair may begin to fall out
Regulon cancellation rules
To finish taking the drug, you need to finish all the tablets from the package, completing the next menstrual cycle. Abrupt withdrawal of Regulon in the middle of the cycle is undesirable, but is allowed if such alarming symptoms occur as:
- high blood pressure;
- leg pain;
- dyspnea;
- jaundice;
- skin itching;
- pain in the right hypochondrium;
- nausea or vomiting.
After 3-4 months of taking Regulon, a woman’s body recovers very quickly. After finishing the last package of the drug, you can plan a pregnancy without taking a break.
If a woman took the drug for 6 months or more, then it will take 2-3 months to restore reproductive function. Due to long-term use of the contraceptive, the endometrium wears out (atrophies). Under such conditions, implantation of a fertilized egg is less likely.
After long-term use of Regulon for 5-15 years, careful withdrawal of the drug is necessary with a gradual reduction in the dose of hormones, under the guidance of a gynecologist.
Note! Taking Regulon leads to a deficiency of folic acid, so after stopping the drug it is necessary to replenish the reserves of this vitamin.
No periods after Regulon course
You should consult a doctor if you do not have your period after completing the course. Not only withdrawal symptoms, but also pregnancy can cause delay.
The reasons for the absence of menstruation after stopping the medication are presented below.
- Amenorrhea - menopause. This pathology of OK is extremely rarely caused. Only 3% of premenopausal women and young girls are at risk. Disorders are caused by dysfunction of the endocrine and hormonal systems.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome or uterine cystoma.
- Oncology.
- Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
What to do: no periods after stopping hormonal pills
If after ok a woman does not have her period, and the pregnancy test is negative, then she should immediately consult a doctor and determine the reason why the cycle may have gone wrong. Among other factors, this may be due to developing amenorrhea.
Amenorrhea is the cessation of menstruation for more than 3 months. This is a reason not to delay visiting a doctor, as this may be a symptom of pathological abnormalities.
Amenorrhea occurs as a side effect with long-term use of approx. But often it is only a symptom of another problem. You can induce menstruation with the help of medications, but you should never do it yourself and without the supervision of a doctor. First of all, you need to find out the reason why menstruation does not begin.
Possible reasons for a delay in the monthly cycle:
- Sexual infections;
- Thyroid dysfunction;
- Oncological diseases;
- Cyst.
Sometimes after completing the course, menstruation occurs immediately, but the cycle may be somewhat unusual: shorter or longer. The bleeding itself may also change - become scanty or, on the contrary, heavy.
Final part
If you do not have your period after completing the course or while taking OK, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. First of all, an obstetric examination of the cervix is carried out, which allows you to determine the size of the ovaries and possible pathological formations on them.
Then an ultrasound and blood test are prescribed to show hormone levels. An additional examination may be prescribed to determine extragenital pathologies. If you don't have your period, you don't need to self-medicate. Sometimes additional vitamins and treatment are needed to recover after taking OCs.
Article outline
Regulon is an oral contraceptive used to prevent unwanted pregnancy, to treat hormonal imbalances, and menstrual disorders. Prescribed for uterine fibroids in the initial stages of development. This is a hormonal drug, so there may be situations when menstruation comes seriously late after stopping Regulon.
To understand why the delay occurred and what needs to be done, you need to know the principle of action of the drug and the features of its administration.
Operating principle of Regulon
The main active ingredients of Regulon are progestin, desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. The composition of the drug provides the following effect on the body:
- prevents unwanted conception;
- normalizes the menstrual cycle;
- minimizes the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome;
- eliminates uterine bleeding, which is caused by improper functioning of the gonads and hormonal imbalances.
Menstruation is controlled by the pituitary gland; when this gland begins to work incorrectly, the cycle may be disrupted. The drug Regulon has a depressing effect on the production of the hormones LH and FSH, which are produced by the pituitary gland. The egg matures more slowly, and sperm have a barrier to penetration into the uterine cavity. Hormones affect the fallopian tubes, due to decreased functionality of which the speed of movement of the egg in them decreases.
Due to the reduced level of LH and FSH, the maturation of the germ cell slows down, the corpus luteum does not form and the follicle does not rupture. For the same reason, an insufficient thickness of the endometrial layer is formed. On average it is 1 cm, but when taking pills it decreases to 4 mm. Even if fertilization of the egg has occurred, it will not be able to attach to the endometrium. Such a thin layer will not provide the fertilized egg with the number of vessels it needs for nutrition.
The effect of the drug on the body
The pituitary gland in the female body produces hormones that are responsible for menstrual periods. If the stability of this gland is disrupted, the menstrual cycle also becomes disrupted.
The main components of Regulon (progestin, desogestrel, ethinyl estradiol) interfere with the action of pituitary hormones (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating). As a result, ovulation stops. The composition of this contraceptive also helps to reduce the contractile function of the fallopian tubes, and this makes it difficult for the egg to move through them.
Thanks to the action of Regulon, the qualitative composition of the mucus in the cervix changes. Accordingly, the microclimate in it becomes aggressive, which is why it is difficult for sperm to pass this barrier and they quickly die.
A decrease in the level of hormones necessary for ovulation reduces the ability of the female reproductive cell to fully form, the process of follicle rupture and the formation of the corpus luteum is significantly more difficult. In addition, the hormonal background created as a result of the use of a contraceptive also affects the endometrium. If its usual thickness is 1 cm, then when taking Regulon it reaches a maximum of 4 mm. Therefore, even if all stages of fertilization were successful, it will be very difficult for the fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity.
How to take it correctly
In order not to provoke the development of serious complications and consequences, the drug should be taken correctly.
It is necessary to start drinking Regulon from the first day of menstruation. You don't have to use additional protection methods. If the start of the course was on the 2-5th day of menstruation, the pills must be combined with other methods of contraception for another week.
If menstrual flow has been going on for more than 5 days, taking Regulon is useless; to start the course you need to wait until new menstruation comes.
You need to take 1 tablet per day, preferably at the same time
. This dosage regimen reduces the likelihood that several germ cells will mature at once due to hormonal imbalance. The maximum time difference between taking the drug should not exceed 1 hour. Hormones must enter the body regularly so that there is no sharp drop in their concentration. If Regulon tablets are taken at different times, their contraceptive effect is reduced and additional means of protection must be used.
You need to take the drug for 21 days in a row, then take a 7-day break. This week there will be spotting. Exactly one week later you need to start taking a new pack of the drug, even if your critical days have not yet ended.
The product is available in the form of coated tablets.
Each pill contains ethinyl estradiol (0.03 mg) and desogestrel (0.15 mg). The blister contains 21 tablets. 1-3 blisters are placed in a box made of thick paper.
Regulon is manufactured by Gedeon Richter, Hungary. The cost of tablets is from 400 rubles.
Regullon is considered a contraceptive that is used orally. Tablets are prescribed for menstrual irregularities (dysmenorrhea, PMS) and bleeding from the uterus.
- Stones in the gallbladder
- Intolerance to Regulon components
- Heart attack
- Otosclerosis
- Pregnancy
- Malignant tumors in the uterus or breast
- Lipid metabolism disorder
- Lactation
- Pulmonary embolism
- Stroke
- Hypertension
- Thrombosis
- Jaundice
- Diabetes
- Erythema nodosum
- Vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology
- Hepatitis
- Liver tumor and dysfunction.
Regulon begins to be used on the 1st day of menstruation. It is recommended to take 1 tablet per day at the same time.
After continuous 21-day use of Regulon, you need to take a week break. At this time, a menstrual-like reaction occurs. After a week, you should start taking pills again from a new package, even if your menstruation has not stopped.
Taking Regulon can provoke a number of negative reactions. This is swelling, hypersensitivity, weight loss or weight gain. Vomiting, vaginal or mammary discharge, headache, and decreased libido are also possible. Other side effects of Regulon are mood swings, intolerance to lenses (contact lenses), migraines, nettle fever, VTE, chest pain, abdominal discomfort, etc.
How to quit
It is important to follow the rules for using the drug and stop taking it correctly so as not to provoke unpleasant reactions from the body. You need to consult a gynecologist and, based on his recommendation, choose the best time to quit Regulon. You need to think especially carefully about throwing pills if they are prescribed to obtain a therapeutic effect. The treatment regimen provides for a certain duration of taking the drug. By violating it, you can harm the therapy and not get rid of the problem.
It is forbidden to stop taking Regulon halfway through the pack; you need to finish the pack and not buy a new one. Otherwise, irregularities in the menstrual cycle may occur, which will need to be restored over a fairly long period. This is fraught with uterine bleeding.
You need to stop taking Regulon according to a clear plan developed by your doctor. It takes into account the individual characteristics of the body, the purpose of prescribing the drug and the duration of use.
How to take the drug
Regulon must be taken once a day at the same time. This reduces the possibility of hyperovulation, when several eggs mature simultaneously under the influence of hormones. The optimal period between contraceptive doses is 23–25 hours.
If for some reason you forgot or did not have time to take the pill on time, you can still take it within 24 hours after missing it. If more than 24 hours have passed, it is better to use condoms during sexual intercourse. And then continue using Regulon according to your usual schedule.
After taking Regulon for 3 weeks (during this time a pack of the drug is used), you should stop using it for 1 week. That's when critical days should come.
Cycle while taking the drug
When taking the drug correctly, critical days begin during its withdrawal period, that is, when the woman takes the 21st tablet and stops taking it for a week. During the first three months, the female body adapts to the action of the pills, during which time intermenstrual spotting may appear. There is no need to be afraid of this, and even more so, you should not suddenly stop taking the contraceptive, since such manifestations in the first months of use are a variant of the norm. To make sure that spotting is normal, you can additionally consult with your gynecologist.
You should consult a doctor if there is no menstruation after completing the package.
The reasons may be individual characteristics of the body, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, especially if there has been a violation of the drug regimen. A delay in menstruation when taking Regulon can be caused by a sharp decrease in body weight, poor diet and stressful situations.
The cause for concern is the abundant flow that does not end within a week, as well as the situation when menstruation began while taking the drug. Then you cannot stop taking the pills on your own, but be sure to consult a doctor.
The establishment of a normal menstrual cycle occurs on average within three months, when the hormonal levels are completely equalized. The woman has a feeling of lightness, PMS symptoms disappear, especially severe pain. After taking the drug they stop causing discomfort. The duration of critical days and their intensity may decrease.
The drug may cause side effects: bleeding, general deterioration of the woman’s condition. If you have such symptoms, you should consult a doctor.
Menstruation while taking medication
When taking Regulon, menstruation begins during the withdrawal period, when the woman drinks the last 21st tablet and takes a break for 7 days. During the first 3 months, the body adapts to the drug, and scanty intermenstrual discharge may be observed. This is not a reason for abruptly stopping taking pills and is considered the norm. For prevention, you can visit a gynecologist.
If a week has passed since taking the last pill and your period is delayed, you should consult a doctor. The reason may lie in the individual reaction of the body, hormonal imbalance. Pregnancy cannot be ruled out if the drug dosage regimen has been disrupted.
Concern should arise when menstruation does not end at the usual time and there is an abundance of discharge. It is forbidden to stop taking pills on your own; you must first consult a gynecologist to find the cause of the problem.
Normally, menstruation with Regulon is established within 3 months, the body fully adapts, and hormonal levels are leveled out. The woman notices relief, the complete disappearance of PMS symptoms, and the intensity of pain during this period decreases. The duration of menstruation may decrease, as well as the abundance. If there are side effects, worsening of the condition, or bleeding, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.
Changes after discontinuation of Regulon
When a woman takes Regulon, the required dose of hormones enters the body from the outside, so the ovaries and adrenal glands gradually stop producing hormones on their own. As soon as the drug is discontinued, the woman’s body again begins to get used to the new hormonal status. This provokes a delay in menstruation or a change in the menstrual cycle.
Lack of hormones leads to deterioration of the hair, nails and skin, and rashes may appear. Your periods may become heavier and longer.
After discontinuation of the drug, the pituitary gland, whose activity was previously suppressed, first begins to work normally, and then redoubles its efforts. A double dose of sex hormones can be sent to the ovary, which also affects their work. In this case, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases significantly. This feature of oral contraceptives is often used in the treatment of infertility.
Indications for discontinuation of Regulon
Regulon is a hormonal contraceptive drug used for routine contraception. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, the drug normalizes the menstrual cycle and reduces the severity of PMS symptoms. However, in some cases it is necessary to stop taking the drug:
- if a woman wants to get pregnant;
- if a woman is not sexually active;
- if you become concerned about the side effects of Regulon;
- if additional barrier contraception is necessary;
- if a woman becomes pregnant while taking Regulon.
Read more How to increase male hormones in the female body
Medical indications for stopping birth control pills:
- liver diseases;
- diabetes;
- arterial hypertension;
- dyslipidemia;
- varicose veins;
- malignant neoplasms;
- diseases of the organ of vision;
- upcoming operations.
After giving up the contraceptive within 2-3 months, the woman’s reproductive function is restored, that is, the connection between the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries is restored. Gradually, the ovaries begin to function: the egg matures in them, ovulation occurs, and then, if pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum remains. This whole process is accompanied by the release of its own hormones.
A healthy woman who took the drug for contraception should not have negative consequences after stopping it. But every woman is individual, and you cannot be absolutely sure that there will be no side effects. The rate of resumption of ovulation processes after stopping the contraceptive depends on the properties of the drug, the age and health of the woman, and most importantly, on the duration of taking the drug.
Lack of menstrual flow
The main reason that there are no periods after stopping Regulon is pregnancy. The reproductive system begins to work with redoubled force, increasing the chances of conception. If there is a delay in menstruation, and the test is negative, the doctor may consider other reasons for this phenomenon.
- Amenorrhea, menopause. It can occur against the background of improper functioning of the endocrine system, both in women on the threshold of menopause and in patients of childbearing age.
- Myoma, polycystic ovary syndrome.
- Oncology.
- infections of the genitourinary system.
If a week has passed since taking the last Regulon tablet and your period does not start, you need to consult a doctor; self-medication is prohibited.
Features of the use and withdrawal of contraception
There are several rules for using the drug and correctly stopping its use: It is undesirable to take pills for a long period and skip a dose. If a woman intends to conceive and carry a child in the future, after several months of treatment with Regulon, it is necessary to take regular breaks. This way, the reproductive function of the body will have time to recover.
Before stopping the medicine, you should consult a gynecologist. It is safest to stop using the product with the last capsule from the package. The risk of negative consequences will be minimized, and a situation where there are no periods after Regulon is discontinued will not occur.
What to do if there is a delay
If, after stopping the drug, menstruation still does not come, the first thing to do is take a pregnancy test. If it is positive, then there is no need to worry about the effect of the drug on the fetus, since Regulon cannot harm the embryo in any way.
If the test is negative, you need to go to the doctor; during the visit, a number of studies can be performed to determine the cause of the delay.
- Anamnesis collection. The patient is asked in detail about her intimate life, the frequency of taking the drug and daily fluctuations between taking pills. A woman should talk about her sexual partners and the likelihood of infection with various pathologies.
- Gynecological examination. During the examination, the doctor can determine pregnancy by the color of the cervix and its density, and by the size of the pharynx. Using two-handed palpation, cysts in the ovaries can be identified. During the examination, smears are taken for microflora and cytology.
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The study confirms the presence of pregnancy, helps to identify cancerous tumors, cystomas, fibroids, polycystic ovaries, and other formations in the reproductive organs.
- Hormone analysis will help determine the presence of amenorrhea and develop a treatment regimen.
- To determine extragenital diseases, other types of examinations may be prescribed to determine the cause of menstrual irregularities.
There is no need to be afraid of menstrual irregularities after stopping Regulon; if you properly avoid taking the drug, your cyclicity will be restored within a few months.
Hello! I am 21 years old. In April 2012, I was admitted to the hospital with a mild form of anemia, I was not operated on, and was treated conservatively. After that, the doctor prescribed Regulon for six months. Instead of six months, I took it for 9 months, but all this time I consistently had intestinal spasms in the mornings. Every morning for about two minutes, quite strong and bloating. Sometimes every other day, a couple of times there were week-long “breaks”. At the same time, I didn’t know before that I needed to take it strictly by the hour and just drank it in the evenings, and when I found out, I started drinking it every day at exactly 10 pm. This was the last 2-3 months of taking Regulon. As soon as I started drinking them exactly by the hour, a week or a week and a half before my period, I started having some strange discharge. It was clearly not bloody, and you couldn’t even call it spotting - it looked a lot like thrush, but it seemed to be reddish-brownish in color, sometimes pale pink. This lasted for several days - literally a drop a day, then it stopped, and after a week or two, during a seven-day break, normal periods came. Later, I heard not very good reviews about Regulon and stopped drinking it (by that time I had already finished the pack). I went to the gynecologist, she prescribed Yarina or Logest, they have good reviews, and they cost 2 times more than Regulon. She also prescribed drops and suppositories for thrush, although I forgot to ask about the discharge. But the problem is that I already have a long delay, so I can’t start drinking them. I finished the last pack of Regulon on the twentieth of December, then my period started at the end of December around the 27th-29th, and now a month has passed, and new ones still haven’t arrived. I haven’t had such a huge delay yet. By the way, the discharge that I wrote about above (like colored thrush) just recently stayed for several days, as usual. I also thought that my period will come soon, but it’s still not there. 2 questions - could the delay be related to the cancellation of Regulon or am I pregnant? (protected with PPA, sex not very often). - what could this strange discharge that has been bothering me for several months be? Thank you
Good afternoon. What is the cause of anemia - bleeding? There may be a chronic inflammatory process that also causes menstrual irregularities. This is a COC containing 30 mg of ethinyl estradiol, by the way, like Yarina. But Logest contains 20 mg of estrogens, and is more suitable for your age. When taking COCs, it is enough to approximately stick to one time, this is not important. You need to be examined for sex hormones and urogenital infections, as well as (endometrial condition). Also examine the thyroid gland and donate blood for sugar. The doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment for you.
Yes, my follicle burst and there was bleeding inside. Can the discharge that I have be indicating the presence of a chronic inflammatory process? I’ve never had any other cycle disorders; by the way, my period came right on the day I wrote to you. I read on the Internet that this happens to many people after stopping COCs... After the regulon, the stomach stopped hurting, the bloating went away. I wanted to choose Yarina, she seems to be like a beauty contraception, at least the instructions say that it is prescribed for acne, some write that my breasts are fuller, but I am now losing weight, and my breasts have lost a little weight ((( but since you recommend Logest for me, I’ll choose it.
When taking Regulon tablets, a woman’s hormonal system gets used to the fact that the adrenal glands and ovaries do not need to strain and work on producing hormones, since they come from outside. When you stop taking Regulon tablets, serious changes begin to occur in a woman’s body. The body needs some time to rebuild itself again and this can take several months.
The cycle can change greatly and it may be normal to have no periods after stopping Regulon. This situation is observed in a significant proportion of women after stopping taking contraceptives, and they talk about withdrawal syndrome. Another development of events is possible in the form of a change in the nature of menstruation. If when taking the drug it was observed regularly and lasted for 2-3 days, then after eliminating it it can last up to 7 days. It is impossible to predict what day your period will arrive and the nature of the discharge.
After stopping taking Regulon tablets, a woman often experiences not only disruptions in her previously established menstrual cycle. As a rule, the condition of the hair worsens, it becomes more brittle and there is a problem of hair loss. The skin becomes dry, it may itch and peel. Women often begin to complain of mood swings, they experience increased sweating, and their mammary glands may swell.
Menstrual cycle after Regulon withdrawal
After finishing taking the drug, the menstrual cycle is restored within 1-3 months. It is possible that PMS symptoms will reappear (headache, weakness, irritability), pain will resume, or these manifestations will become less pronounced. It all depends on how strong these manifestations were initially.
At first, menstruation may be scanty, and its volume does not increase much after stopping the contraceptive. But after three months, the volume of discharge normalizes and becomes the same as it was before taking the drug. The duration of scanty periods in the first 1-3 cycles ranges from 7 to 14 days.
If a woman stops taking the contraceptive halfway through the package, spotting brown discharge is possible for up to two weeks. They are triggered by a sharp drop in the level of sex hormones in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
In general, in the first three months the body is rebuilt, and both scanty (which happens more often) and heavy periods are possible. The reason for contacting a gynecologist should be scanty discharge that lasts too long (more than 2 weeks) or heavy periods, accompanied by weakness and pain in the lower abdomen.
When should I expect my period after stopping Regulon?
After drinking the last pill from the package, menstruation should begin within 1-3 days, unless the contraceptive was taken for too long (6 months or more). And after a long course of taking a contraceptive drug, your period may be delayed for several months until the body begins to produce its own hormones again.
Why are there no periods after stopping Regulon?
It happens that withdrawal bleeding does not occur. After long-term use of COCs, the female body needs time to resume the production of its own hormones. Pregnancy cannot be ruled out as the reason for the absence of menstruation. If pregnancy is not confirmed and there are no menstruation for 3 or more cycles, then this may be a manifestation of secondary amenoria.
Secondary amenorrhea develops against the background of ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome in 0.7% of women. This small percentage includes women who, most often, already had menstrual dysfunction before starting Regulon. Another reason for the development of secondary amenorrhea: taking reserpine, phenothiazine or narcotic drugs together with taking Regulon.
The mechanism of ovarian hyperinhibition is to block the synthesis of GnRH by the hypothalamus and develop hyperprolactinemia.
Ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome is confirmed by ultrasound results (multifollicular ovaries and hypoplastic endometrium, no more than 4-5 mm) and the results of hormone studies (FSH, LH and estradiol levels are below normal).
Scanty periods after stopping Regulon
Scanty periods a few days after stopping COCs are a normal reaction of the body to changing hormonal levels. If pregnancy develops while taking the drug, it may also initially manifest itself as scanty bleeding. Bloody discharge after discontinuation of Regulon
Bloody discharge after stopping a hormonal contraceptive is a withdrawal syndrome, which is a normal reaction of the female body. Discharge can last up to 14 days. Their duration depends
- depending on the patient’s age: the older she is, the longer the bleeding lasts;
- on the duration of taking the drug: the longer the use lasted, the longer the discharge was observed.
Brown discharge after stopping Regulon
After discontinuation of Regulon, brown discharge may be observed, and this is a normal reaction of the body. A small amount of blood, particles of atrophied endometrium and platelets give the discharge a brown color.
Bleeding after stopping Regulon
Against the background of prolonged suppression of ovarian function, the vessels supplying the walls of the uterus become thinner. When hormone levels drop and menstruation begins, these vessels can become severely damaged and cause breakthrough bleeding. Such a side effect of the drug is rare if the rules of administration are followed. But if a woman stops taking the drug halfway through the pack, breakthrough bleeding is more common.
Stomach hurts after stopping Regulon
Pain in the lower abdomen after completing a course of COCs may be associated with increased work of the ovaries after a long break. This side effect of the drug goes away as normal ovarian function is restored.
Pregnancy after discontinuation of Regulon
If a woman took a contraceptive for 3-4 months, then she can become pregnant in the first month after completing the course. In this case, pregnancy is often accompanied by the fertilization of two eggs and the birth of twins.
If you use a contraceptive for a longer period of time, it is recommended to wait until the normal menstrual cycle is restored (up to 3 months) and then plan a pregnancy.
Valentina Lyapunova, general practitioner, especially for
What reasons can cause a delay in menstruation?
Canceling Regulon tablets is a common cause of lack of regulation or cycle disruption, but not the only one. According to generally accepted practice, a delay is considered to be a period of 10 days, after which you should seek clarification of the reasons for its occurrence. The cause of this situation may be pregnancy, since if you refuse to take oral contraceptives, the risk of its occurrence increases significantly.
Common reasons for missing periods after Regulon discontinuation include:
- amenorrhea, menopause - the onset of a period and refusal to take a contraceptive coincide quite rarely, but according to statistics, it occurs in 3% of women; disturbances in the cycle are caused by disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system and changes in hormonal levels;
- diseases of a gynecological nature - a delay can be caused by polycystic ovary syndrome or uterine cyst;
- oncological pathologies - tumor formations can lead to a delay in menstruation and are often detected during examinations; there are hormone-dependent types of cancer, so taking contraceptives can speed up and stimulate their development;
- infectious diseases - due to the negative impact of pathogenic flora on the urinary tract, disruptions in the reproductive system may occur; the most common include gonorrhea, syphilis, and hepatitis.
The nature of the discharge may be affected by the use of emergency contraception in the past, especially if it was used more than once during the year. In some cases, the cycle may be affected by taking other medications.
Sometimes the absence of menstruation can be directly related to a woman’s habits and lifestyle, which affects her hormonal levels. In some cases, irregular periods are caused by strict diets and excessive physical activity. The desire to suddenly lose weight can lead to a redistribution of estrogens in the body, since adipose tissue is closely related to female hormones.
Lack of weight and sufficient body fat can cause menstruation to stop completely. In this regard, doctors do not recommend resorting to such methods of weight correction, since the result can be a whole list of negative consequences, ranging from disruption of metabolic processes and hormonal levels.
In rare cases, severe stress and emotional shock can lead to the absence of regulation. This does not directly affect hormonal levels, but due to neurological disorders, cycle failure is possible.
Severe nervous stress can affect the release of enzymes into the blood and changes in hormonal levels.
Delayed menstruation after taking Regulon
Each woman who takes hormonal contraceptives develops her own “schedule” for the onset of menstruation over several months. For some, they start on the 3rd day after the end of treatment, for others - on the 4-5th. This is all individual and depends on the woman’s body and her hormonal levels.
A delay in menstruation is considered if 10 days have passed since the end of treatment.
Let's consider what reasons can cause a delay in menstruation:
- Pregnancy due to non-compliance with the rules for taking oral contraceptives;
- Strict diets, sudden weight loss;
- Severe stress;
- Food poisoning, vomiting immediately after taking Regulon.
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So, a delay can only occur when hormonal levels change: due to pregnancy or a disruption in the level and ratio of hormones due to neurological disorders or redistribution of hormones in the body.
Most often, pregnancy occurs due to non-compliance with contraceptives. Even without skipping pills, but only with taking them at different times of the day, hyperovulation can occur, then 1 egg will be released on time, and the other may be released at the end of menstruation without covering with hormones and quietly fertilized.
One of the insidious factors is food poisoning. Even when taking pills normally, minute by minute, vomiting can play a cruel joke. The tablet leaves the body without dissolving in the stomach and without being absorbed into the blood.
This can happen if less than 40 minutes have passed from taking the hormone to vomiting. Then the woman does not even mean that she missed taking a contraceptive and needs to additionally protect herself with condoms.
Severe stress can very rarely affect hormonal levels when taking contraceptives, but it is possible. Nervous breakdowns can change the amount of hormones released into the blood.
Sudden weight loss and strict diets cause a redistribution of estrogens in the body, because adipose tissue is a depot of female hormones and their producer. Due to lack of weight and fatty tissue, periods may stop altogether.
What is important to consider when stopping the drug?
The action of the contraceptive in tablets is based on the suppression of pituitary hormones responsible for the normal menstrual cycle. The drug helps suppress ovulation and interferes with the penetration of sperm into the uterus, which reduces the likelihood of pregnancy.
The barrier is achieved by changing hormonal levels, increasing the density of cervical mucus and changing its composition. After completion of sexual intercourse, sperm find themselves in an environment that is aggressive for them and cannot freely reach their destination. The drug inhibits the process of egg maturation, deprives the corpus luteum of the opportunity to develop normally and promotes rupture of the follicle. Normally, the thickness of the endometrium is 1 cm; taking Regulon reduces its value to 4 mm, which prevents the fertilized egg from firmly attaching. In addition, the contraceptive reduces the ability of the fallopian tubes to contract, which leads to a decrease in the speed of passage of the egg.
After Regulon is discontinued, the body is deprived of such protection. In this case, the pituitary gland does not have time to rebuild itself, the ovaries resume their work, and against this background there is a high probability of becoming pregnant. This feature of the body is often used in cases of problems with conception, so contraceptives are often prescribed specifically for these purposes.
Due to such features, it is necessary to make sure that the absence of regulation and delay are not associated with pregnancy. The likelihood of conception also increases if you do not take oral contraceptives; missing even one pill can cause a surge in hubbub and hyperovulation and lead to pregnancy.
The situation of missing a pill is not always associated with a woman’s forgetfulness; in some cases, this may be predetermined by poisoning and vomiting, when the woman may not pay attention to the fact that as a result the body did not receive the required amount of the drug.
The situation of pregnancy while taking Regulon is not critical, since the drug does not in any way affect the health of the unborn baby.
Stopping taking contraceptives is a fairly serious step. You cannot interrupt the course at any desired moment and stop in the middle of the package. It is necessary to take all the tablets, it is advisable to first consult a doctor. If you refuse the drug, you should resort to other methods of contraception, which will avoid unwanted conception. In order to make sure that the delay is not related to pregnancy, it is enough to take a test or take an hCG test.
General information about the drug Regulon
Regulon is a low-dose monophasic estrogen - a progestin contraceptive. The contraceptive pharmacological effect of the drug is to inhibit the synthesis of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Thus, the ovulatory rise in LH is blocked, and, accordingly, ovulation is blocked.
Regulon contains 30 µg ethinyl estradiol (estrogen component) and 150 µg desogestrel (gestagen component). It is the gestagenic component that is involved in such contraceptive effects as:
- Reduced rate of contraction of the fallopian tubes, which slows down the passage of the egg;
- Suppression of the mitotic activity of the endometrium, which leads to its premature secretory transformation, and then to hypotrophy. All this violates the conditions for implantation of a fertilized egg.
- Increased viscosity of cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from passing through the cervical canal.
What should I do?
There can be many reasons why menstruation does not begin after stopping Regulon pills. To exclude negative consequences, you must consult a doctor and undergo a series of examinations. To find out the true reason for the delay:
- conducting an obstetric examination of the uterus, identifying deviations in the size of the ovaries and formations;
- blood test for hormone levels;
- collection of smears for flora crops;
- specific examinations to determine extragenital pathologies.
In the absence of regulators, you should not self-medicate or try to induce them artificially, as this is fraught with complications and bleeding. The body needs a certain time to naturally restore the process and normalize the functioning of the reproductive system. In some cases, to restore the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to support the body in the form of prescribing a complex of vitamins or treatment.
Lack of regulation after stopping taking oral contraceptives is a common situation and occurs in a significant proportion of women. On what day your period begins after stopping Regulon tablets depends on the individual characteristics of the body, and it may take several months for a complete restructuring of the hormonal balance. To exclude negative consequences, it is important to exclude other causes of delay, including pregnancy and the development of gynecological diseases.