Coxarthrosis develops gradually and leads to decreased mobility of the lower limb
Coxarthrosis of the hip joint: causes and mechanism of development, symptoms, treatment
Symptoms of coxarthrosis of the hip joint Pain syndrome Restricted hip mobility and crunching during movements Deformation
medicine for heart pain
How to recognize heart pain? Where and how does the heart hurt?
How to understand that it is the heart that hurts? Symptoms of heart pain depending on the disease Pain,
INR blood test. What is this, how much should the norm be, explanation for women, men, during pregnancy
INR: blood test - coagulogram and its norm, interpretation
What the INR of blood shows, the meaning of the abbreviation INR stands for International Normalized Ratio. This research
routes of infection
Giardiasis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, tests and treatment
What causes the symptoms? Entering the human body through the mouth, Giardia parasitizes the mucous membrane
What to do in case of mushroom poisoning and how to provide first aid at home
Mushroom Poisoning Approximately 4% of all food poisonings occur due to mushroom consumption, so everyone should
diet 4 products
Diet number 4 for intestinal diseases with diarrhea
The therapeutic diet table 4, developed by the Soviet scientist M.I. Pevzner, helps to cope with acute intestinal diseases,
What to do if an adult or child suddenly develops an allergy?
An allergy is the body's reaction to some component that is constantly or occasionally present in the environment.
cardiac ischemia
Diseases of the cardiovascular system (CVD): list and symptoms, principles of treatment
The heart is the organ without which a person’s quality life is impossible. Formed
Why is the level of albumin in the blood elevated and how to stabilize it
Albumin is produced by the liver. Therefore, it is natural when, with increased protein, the doctor suspects dysfunction in the patient
Medical diet table No. 8 according to Pevzner: features of the fight against excess weight
Edited by an expert: Nadezhda Primochkina, nutritionist - 12/04/2019 The main indication for prescribing a treatment table
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