How to strengthen the heart muscle and improve its function: medications and tips for lifestyle changes
Pain in the heart area occurs in the vast majority (90%) of cases as a result of coronary artery disease
Vegetative-vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia: a disease or a symptom complex?
Pathology neurocirculatory dystonia has a complex of symptoms from the heart and blood vessels, respiratory organs, nervous
platelets are low
Platelets are low in an adult, what does this mean, and how to treat
According to statistics obtained from recent scientific studies, thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count) is quite
Dry spots on the skin: rough, red, white, dark. Photos, causes and treatment in adults and children
From the article you will learn why red spots appear on the legs and what disease they are a symptom of.
The first symptoms of diabetes in women and girls: the beginning of primary signs
What signs of diabetes in women should you pay attention to? Our readers write Topic:
Diet for gallbladder disease - nutrition during exacerbation
When the gallbladder becomes inflamed, specialists diagnose cholecystitis. It usually appears due to eating disorders,
APILAK Grindeks ointment for external use - reviews
APILAK Grindeks ointment for external use - reviews
Dermatological diseases affect many people. They are most often associated with exposure to unfavorable factors,
Celiac disease
Gluten intolerance. Symptoms in adults, diagnosis and treatment, diet
Gluten enteropathy (Celiac disease) is a type of autoimmune reaction to gluten. Malfunction of the digestive tract
lung abscess
Lung abscess - forms, symptoms and treatment, complications, prognosis
Lung abscess is an inflammatory disease, otherwise called abscess pneumonia. Infectious lung diseases –
bloating in the intestines
Pneumothorax - what is it, why is it dangerous and how to provide emergency care
Pneumothorax is defined as the presence of air or gas in the pleural cavity, for example, in the space between
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