Nail fungus (onychomycosis): causes, symptoms, treatment

According to research, every third person experiences fungal nail diseases. Moreover, nail fungus was quite rare a few decades ago.

According to researchers, the disease has become so widespread thanks to the benefits of civilization: the high availability of swimming pools, public saunas, gyms - everything that was created to improve human health. But when building muscle mass or losing excess weight, a person rarely pays attention to the threat that is next to him: pathogenic fungi that are just waiting to become one with a new “host”.

The consequences (and not only of an aesthetic nature) are not long in coming. Darkened, loose, peeling nails, unpleasant odor from feet and shoes are far from the worst manifestations of the disease. Without treatment, the fungus can spread to neighboring areas of the body, reduce local immunity and promote secondary infection - penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the tissues and blood, and also cause infection of others. Members of the patient's family are at risk - people whose skin comes into contact with surfaces on which microscopic particles of infected skin remain. It is for this reason that purchasing an effective nail fungus remedy for your home medicine cabinet is a great idea, especially if you go to the gym, swimming pools and other public places where there is a high risk of fungal infection.

So, what are the best remedies for nail fungus that the modern pharmaceutical industry and traditional medicine offer us?

What is a fungal disease of the nail plates?

Crumbling and dull nails
Fungal diseases of the nail plates or so-called mycoses are a widespread disease characterized by an infectious etiology. The cause of its development is the spores of certain varieties of fungi. The latter have managed to perfectly adapt to parasitism on various parts of the human body: nails, hair, and the surface of the skin. However, it should be noted that such microorganisms are not able to exist without having a negative effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails - they destroy the stratum corneum of the skin, as well as its various appendages. In addition, mushrooms are distinguished by their ability to move from a sick person to a healthy one.

Onychomycosis, which is much more often called a fungal disease, is considered very common. Almost every tenth person suffers from a problem caused by their penetration into the nail layers. The intensive increase in the rate of spread of fungal infections is due to the fact that a fairly large number of people, after becoming infected with them, try in every possible way to avoid a special course of treatment and therefore do not seek help from a specialist.

Preparing for a doctor's visit

When you see your doctor, you will be referred to a dermatologist (a doctor who specializes in skin conditions) or a podiatrist (a doctor who specializes in foot problems).

Before visiting a doctor, it is recommended to prepare for the meeting with him.

What can you do?

  • List all your symptoms , including those that may not seem related to nail fungus.
  • Make a list of key personal information , which may include any major stressful events or recent changes in your life.
  • List all medications , vitamins and supplements you take.
  • Make a list of questions you want to ask your doctor.

If you have nail fungus, you may have the following questions:

  • What causes nail fungus symptoms?
  • What are other possible causes of onychomycosis symptoms in my case?
  • What tests do I need to do?
  • What is the best course of treatment for nail fungus?
  • What alternative treatments can you suggest?
  • I have other diseases. How can I best combine treatment for nail fungus and these conditions?
  • Do you have any brochures or other printed materials about onychomycosis that I can take home? Are there any recommended websites about nail fungus?

Feel free to ask any other questions you may have.

How can you recognize fungal nail disease without the help of a specialist?

In addition to the well-known mycosis, there are a number of different diseases that have both infectious and non-infectious origin. The most correct diagnosis in such cases can only be made by a professional dermatologist. However, according to statistics, almost every third problem associated with the condition of the skin is fungal in nature. And among nail diseases, this infection is found in every second person who seeks help from a dermatologist.

Apparent fingernail fungus

Not many people know the most basic signs by which one can distinguish a disease of the nail plates of fungal etiology. These include the following manifestations:

1. A sharp or gradual change in the natural shade of the nails;

2. Significant thickening;

3. Gradual destruction.

It is by these signs that you can independently identify nail fungus. However, only a dermatologist can make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, when the first symptoms occur, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.


During its development, the fungus releases its waste products, which leads to poisoning of the body and increased sensitivity to various allergens. In the future, this can lead to the development of allergies to various foods or medications.

Infection is also possible when visiting public baths, saunas or swimming pools, or performing procedures in beauty salons where hygiene standards are not observed.

Against the background of reduced immunity, the fungus can spread, affecting not only the nails and skin, but also the mucous membranes of internal organs, causing systemic mycoses. As a result, serious complications arise that require long-term and expensive treatment.

By destroying the nail plates, the fungus makes it possible for other pathogenic microorganisms to enter the body, which can cause inflammatory processes in the soft tissues.

Complications of nail fungus can include:

  • Erysipelas.
  • Eczema.
  • Exposing the nail bed.
  • Loss of the nail plate.
  • Aspergillosis.
  • Lymphostasis.
  • Ingrowth of the nail into the surrounding tissue.

Diagnosis of mycosis

Mechanical removal of fungi
Without analysis, which is carried out in special laboratory conditions, aimed at identifying both the pathogen itself and the localization of the infectious focus, and a sufficiently experienced doctor will not be able to draw final conclusions about the specifics of the fungal infection. Such an analysis must be done for any manifestation of infection. Therefore, the most accurate diagnosis of a fungal disease without the direct intervention of a professional is considered incorrect.

If there is a suspicion of mycosis, the doctor, using a special sterile device, takes a little material that is needed for research - small fragments of the nail plate. This procedure does not cause pain and is absolutely safe for the patient’s health. Selected particles are sent for analysis to a mycological laboratory, where the diagnosis is either confirmed or refuted.

One of the main features of such an infection is that for each type of fungus it is necessary to select different treatment approaches. This is often the main reason why the course of therapy does not produce the desired effect.

Laser treatment of fungus

Experienced doctors can use a unique set of tests aimed at identifying the type of fungus that causes it. However, in many modern laboratories it is impossible to conduct such a study due to the lack of special equipment or highly qualified specialists. In addition, culture of material taken from a patient often does not produce any growth at all. Thus, not every type of fungus can be detected in specially created conditions.

Doctors have at their disposal the most effective technologies for isolating and determining the name and characteristics of pathogens of mycoses. They can, in the shortest possible time, determine the specific cause of a fungal disease, as well as determine its properties. In this case, it is possible to identify any of more than thirty different pathogens of onychomycosis.

Experts are also studying the degree of sensitivity of one or another type of microorganism to one or another antifungal drug. As a result, a fairly successful fight against the disease is ensured without further increasing the resistance of the infectious agent.


You can suspect nail mycosis if you have the following signs:

  1. Minor itching and burning.

  2. Peeling of the skin and redness of the interdigital space.
  3. Hardening of the nail and the appearance of small dots, cracks or striations on the surface.
  4. An unpleasant odor and pain appear when putting force on the toes (when running, walking or putting on shoes).

The pathology develops rapidly, and after a short time the patient becomes concerned about the fragility, delamination and pigmentation of the plate. If left untreated, a yellow-green or dark brown tint appears, hyperemia of the roller, burning of the epidermis and loss of shine of the nail. All these signs indicate varying degrees of nail damage.

Risk factors

People with flat feet are predisposed to the fungus.
There are people who, due to their occupation, health or other reasons, have a greater chance of contracting onychomycosis. Diseases, the presence of which increases the risk of fungal disease:

  • diabetes;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • blood diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • cardiovascular;
  • flat feet;
  • immunodeficiencies.

In addition to diseases, the occurrence of onychomycosis contributes to:

  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • excessive sweating;
  • tight shoes;
  • nail injuries;
  • infection in public places - showers, baths, spas, etc. - when walking barefoot;
  • family factor - when using one towel and bed linen;
  • wearing someone else's shoes and socks;
  • long-term use of antibiotics and some other drugs;
  • elderly age.

The majority of people suffering from onychomycosis are adults. Children are less susceptible to these diseases. If a child does become infected with a fungus, he is given the same treatment as adults.


The main cause of onychomycosis is the penetration of the fungus into the keratocytes or epidermis. This process occurs for the following reasons:

  • weakened immune system due to long-term use of antibacterial drugs (general and local action);

  • direct contact with infection: shared household items, visiting public swimming pools or saunas;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the endocrine system and thyroid gland;
  • systemic pathologies of the veins of the extremities: thrombosis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, tendency to thrombophlebitis;
  • herpetic infection, which contributes to a decrease in the body's defenses;
  • gastrointestinal diseases and muscle pathologies;
  • age-related changes.

Nail mycosis can be a consequence of improperly selected shoes and underwear.

Note! Wearing socks of synthetic quality leads to a lack of air, which creates “soil” for the proliferation of mycoses.

Tight and out-of-season shoes, lack of foot hygiene and the use of shared manicure tools more often lead to onychomycosis compared to chronic diseases.

Features of fungal diseases of the nail plates

Severe stage of onychomycosis
It is known that the consequences of infection with nail fungus, like the causative agent of the disease itself, cannot disappear on their own. First it affects the layer of skin on the feet, and then after a short period of time it spreads to the nail plates, covering increasingly larger areas of the body. Sick people are dangerous to others, and especially to people who live in the same house with them.

After some time, fungal infection of the nails takes on a more severe form if no treatment methods are used for this disease.

As a result, the nail plate becomes thick, which significantly complicates the procedures for caring for them. In addition, discomfort occurs while wearing shoes. In addition, affected nails very often begin to peel and collapse. Numerous studies have shown that people with fungus have a significantly worse quality of life, because their well-being, as well as their perception of various life factors, deteriorates significantly.

Many experts note that people who suffer from mycosis become more suspicious in making decisions and begin to avoid places where it is necessary to take off their shoes in the presence of other people. They also constantly feel afraid that others will notice the poor condition of their nails, and therefore they are always waiting for the next comment from a stranger.

Nowadays, there are various remedies for the treatment of mycosis. Thanks to them, you can quickly, easily and effectively get rid of a fungal infection. Therefore, you should not wait until completely tolerable discomfort develops into a serious problem.

How to recognize onychomycosis?

Signs of nail fungus at different stages may differ from each other, which indicates the progression of the infection. For example, in the first (early) stage there are practically no symptoms. You can see barely noticeable whitish spots or stripes on the nail plate. Such symptoms should alert you, as they may indicate the presence of a fungal infection. If you ignore the first signs of the disease, there is a risk of developing a fungus that will attack healthy nails and subsequently lead to decay of the periungual tissues, which can lead to gangrene and amputation of the lower extremities.

The second degree of fungal nail disease is manifested by the lack of natural shine of the nail plate. Next, the nail changes color: yellowness, white and brown stripes appear. The upper part of the nail and its lateral areas may be deformed. These symptoms are clearly visible in the photo.

The advanced stage of onychomycosis is characterized by fragility and separation of the nail plate, inflammation of the cuticle. There is a risk of losing the nail. But the most unpleasant thing is that the disease continues to spread to other nails of the lower extremities, as well as to the skin of the feet. Treatment in this case should be started immediately in order to avoid the unpleasant consequences of the disease.

The patient can recognize the second and third stages of onychomycosis on their own: the nail takes on a yellow tint or a dirty brown color, it begins to loosen and thicken, lags behind the nail bed, and becomes very brittle and brittle. Sometimes wearing closed shoes becomes painful, and the itching of the skin becomes unbearable (this symptom is especially aggravated by excessive sweating). In addition, the following accompanying symptoms that appear on the skin close to the nails may raise suspicions of onychomycosis:

  • burning;
  • intolerable itching;
  • peeling and dryness;
  • inflammation;
  • weeping lesions;
  • thickening and keratinization.

Having recognized the first signs of nail fungus, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe the optimal treatment regimen.

Is it possible to cure nail fungus on your own?

It is better to consult a specialist.
As a rule, after the appearance of nail fungus, people try to get rid of such an unpleasant problem at home using any available means. Traditional medicine methods are often used for this purpose. However, a number of studies have shown that such methods of combating this disease do not bring the desired result.

Often medications that are intended for external use do not penetrate into the depths of the place where the causative agent of mycosis is localized. Nail fungus has specific characteristics that make it impossible to destroy it without the help of a professional.

Self-medication may not be effective enough due to the fact that the patient selects the wrong medications, without taking into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. As a result, a person may very soon lose faith that the fungus can be treated. In addition, old treatment methods are often used, which do not allow complete destruction of the fungal infection. Also, some methods are very inconvenient to use or require regular use of medications over a fairly long period of time. The doctor may recommend newer drugs that are highly effective.

Numerous companies involved in the manufacture of various antifungal medications have begun to more intensively advertise all kinds of solutions with creams and special medicinal nail polishes.

A large number of people purchase any of these products, but only a few pay attention to the note that before starting to use any drug, you must consult a doctor. In such a situation, this is explained by two important reasons:

1. Usually, by the time people try to start treating a fungal nail disease, it has reached a stage where it is no longer possible to get rid of it completely using advertised drugs intended for external use;

2. A person can independently treat a fungal infection, without even suspecting that it is a completely different disease.

In addition, there is another equally important explanation, which is that in the case of self-medication, the chance that after a noticeable improvement in nail health appears, the infection will return and continue to multiply.

Professional cleaning of fungus using hardware

Experienced doctors claim that most of their patients who used unprofessionally selected external medications were unable to completely get rid of foci of onychomycosis. Thus, they still had to seek help from specialists after some time.

There are often people who have not received the desired effect from self-medication and are confident that since fungal disease of the nail plates cannot be cured, there is no point in continuing treatment as prescribed by the doctor. But such a statement is completely wrong. The latest techniques used to combat onychomycosis provide excellent therapeutic results. In addition, they are characterized by ease of use and complete safety.

How to get rid of fungus at home

Numerous reviews will help you cure toenail fungus at home using proven folk remedies.

Medical iodine solution

The most popular and simplest treatment is to treat the fungus-affected nail areas daily with a 5% iodine solution. A course of treatment – ​​up to two weeks – will help remove the fungus. It is recommended to interrupt if a burning sensation or pain occurs.

The iodine solution can be mixed with dry celandine powder and made daily compresses. The fungus will go away completely in 4-6 days and a healthy nail will begin to grow.


To speed up the disappearance of the nail that has been damaged by the fungus, the appearance of a new healthy nail plate and the final death of the fungus, it is recommended to use an alcohol tincture of propolis.

To make the product work faster and better, use it on well-steamed feet, and after applying, put on warm socks.


  • tar in the form of tar soap is applied to areas of the nail and skin that have been damaged by the fungus, with a small amount of salt, bandaged and left overnight, it is recommended to carry out the procedure for 5 to 10 days;
  • After spending fifteen minutes in a warm soap bath with laundry soap rubbed into it, a layer of birch tar is applied to the cleansed skin and the fungus that affects the nails. Leave for 1.5 hours, then remove the excess layer of tar with a cotton napkin, wrap your feet in a warm blanket or socks for another three hours. Then you can repeat the warm bath with laundry soap to thoroughly wash off the tar from your feet.

Compresses using kombucha

Large plates of the fungus are applied to the nails, wrapped in bandages and cellophane (to prevent leakage), put on warm socks and leave overnight. In the morning, the fungus is washed off the feet with warm water, and the fungus is treated with an iodine solution.

Baths with vinegar and potassium permanganate

They cleanse the skin well and remove fungus. 3 liters of water are diluted with a tube of potassium permanganate and a liter of 9% vinegar. Everything is thoroughly mixed. It is recommended to take a bath for one week, before going to bed.

Mint salt

A lotion with salt and green mint leaves is applied to nails with fungus, between the toes, after an hour the lotion is removed, and the feet are washed with warm water.

Homemade eucalyptus ointment

Which is easy to prepare by mixing eucalyptus essential oil, a teaspoon of honey and apple cider vinegar. The resulting mixture is placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 days before use. The finished ointment is applied to the fungus that damages the nails every day until a new healthy plate grows.

Alcohol tincture based on golden mustache

For 0.5 liters of vodka - about 50 segments of the plant, mix, infuse in an airtight container for about a week. Can be used every day, diluted - add the same amount of water.

Lilac flower tincture

2 tablespoons of inflorescences are poured with 0.5 glasses of vodka, infused for 2 weeks and applied in the form of rubbing on the diseased nail until a new healthy plate appears and the fungus is completely eliminated.

Kalanchoe flower compresses

Apply Kalanchoe to the affected areas at night. Wrap with a bandage or attach with an antiseptic plaster.


Effective not only for treating colds. Helps cure fungus both outside and inside the human body.

  • tea or garlic decoction is used internally;
  • grated fresh garlic is applied to the affected areas of the nails for 1 hour as a compress, washed off with warm water;
  • tincture of garlic and vodka - prepared from equal parts of two ingredients, best used every day, before bed.

Treatment with wine or apple cider vinegar

Ordinary vinegar, which is found in every housewife's kitchen, can defeat a fungal infection. Simple cotton socks, thoroughly soaked in a 9-10% vinegar solution, are worn at night. Within a week, noticeable changes on nails affected by fungus will be noticeable.

You can mix vinegar and glycerin solution in a 1:1 ratio and apply to affected nails and feet.

Poplar bud tincture

Mix half a glass of poplar buds and half a glass of vodka, leave for 10-12 days. Apply the resulting product to fungus-affected feet and nails. In a couple of days, the nails will become softer, and in a week the growth of a healthy nail plate will begin.

Herbal decoction

Tea with natural herbs - oak bark, calendula, chamomile, blackberry leaves and horsetail - can help cure the fungus from the inside. Fresh or dried herbs are mixed in equal parts.

For a glass of boiling water, one spoon of the resulting mixture is needed, everything is mixed and boiled for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to drink or make lotions from the cooled broth.

Freshly brewed coffee baths

It turns out that coffee beans, due to the caffeine and acids they contain, can defeat the fungus. For effective treatment, it is enough to give your toes a coffee bath for 10-15 minutes.

Garden horseradish compresses

A finely ground horseradish leaf can be applied as a compress to sore nails for 20-30 minutes every day, preferably in the evening. When a healthy nail begins to grow, the procedure can be interrupted.

Water baths with salt and soda

Daily baths of salt and soda, diluted in equal proportions with warm water, will help regenerate the nail plate, disinfect the skin and help cure fungus.

Recipe for experienced hunters - sour cream and gunpowder

According to them, if you make compresses of smokeless gunpowder and sour cream on clean feet every three days, after a while there will be no trace of the fungal infection.

Types of onychomycosis and its pathogens

Table of fungi
Onychomycosis can be caused by various pathogens. Its determination is important for treatment, since they are sensitive to different drugs.

The bulk of sick people become infected with three types of microorganisms:

  • dermatophyte;
  • yeast mushrooms;
  • mold fungi.


Affects people with reduced immunity. Healthy people get sick much less often. You can get infected from other people, animals or through the soil, which is their main habitat. Types of dermatophytes:

  • Trichophyton rubrum. The infection begins at the tips of the nails and develops gradually towards the root. Most often it affects the toenails. It can develop on several toes of one or both feet at once.
  • Trichophyton mentagrophytes. This type of fungus develops on a damp surface and therefore most often can be infected in a bathhouse, shower or swimming pool. It causes white superficial onychomycosis. The main focus is on the big toes. Fingernails become infected very rarely.
  • Other dermatophytes - Trichophyton schoenleinii, Trichophyton violaceum, Epidermaphyton floccosum. They become infected mainly by those who suffer from severe systemic diseases. Healthy people are affected by them in less than 5% of cases.

All dermatophytes form mycelium, which is why they penetrate deeply into the nail tissue.


Candida is their main species that causes fungal disease. Normally, it lives on the surface of human skin and mucous membranes, so the development of the disease is not necessarily associated with external damage. When immunity decreases, yeast fungi begin to spread and enter the nails and surrounding skin.

Infection of the nail begins with the matrix, the surface film of the nail gradually peels off and it loses its shine. The nail plate itself is rarely affected. Onychomycosis caused by this type of fungus is more common on the fingernails. The disease is characterized by periods of remissions and exacerbations.


There are more than 40 types of molds that cause fungal nail disease. However, this species is the least likely cause of onychomycosis. When they are affected, the symptoms are very vague, so a special analysis is needed to determine them. They are similar in their action to dermatophytes, but their treatment requires other drugs. The most common lesion is the toenails.

As a summary, some statistics:

  • onychomycosis caused by dermatophytes occurs in 80% of toenails and 30-40% of hands;
  • yeast fungi affect toenails in only 8-10% of cases, on the hands – in 50%;
  • mold fungi cause diseases of the toenails and fingernails in an equal number of cases - 10-15%.

How do different types of onychomycosis manifest?

There are 3 types of onychomycosis, each of which manifests itself with its own symptoms.

  1. Normotrophic nail fungus is characterized by a change in the color of the nail plate: the diseased nail can have shades from white to dark green. At the first stage of the disease, white round or longitudinal spots appear on the nail. As the disease progresses, the shade of the nail may change, and the fungus itself spreads to the entire area of ​​the nail plate. However, its thickness does not change, and the natural shine is preserved.
  2. Hypertrophic nail fungus is manifested by a change in the color of the nail plate, loss of shine on its surface, severe thickening and deformation. The toenails become very peeling and their partial destruction begins.
  3. Atrophic fungus is characterized by a change in the color of the nail with further thinning. The consequence of such a fungal infection is the rejection of the diseased nail or infected area.

You can determine the presence of fungus on your nails yourself, but only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. To do this, you need to visit the clinic and have a scraping of the diseased nail or skin around it tested. Additionally, the dermatologist prescribes a microscopic or cultural examination.

Forms of onychomycosis

In the initial stages of the disease, the appearance of the nail may not cause much concern. Its change may be associated with other factors. To make it more clear which parts of the nail are affected by fungi and how, let’s look at its structure.

Nail structure

From an anatomical point of view, the nail consists of:

  • matrix or root. It is hidden by the skin and is located 5 mm below the cuticle. This is where the cells divide and harden into the shape of a nail.
  • cuticle - a small fold of skin that protects the root of the nail, which also limits its growth in width;
  • nail plate. It is quite durable and at the same time plastic. A healthy nail plate has a smooth, shiny surface. Its thickness varies and is most often determined by a genetic factor. The nail has a layered structure;
  • The nail bed is the soft tissue underneath the nail plate.

Physiological growth of the nail is from 0.5 to 2 mm per week. Fingernails grow faster than toenails. A slowdown in their growth may indicate onychomycosis.

Forms and signs of damage

Depending on the type of lesion, there are several forms of onychomycosis:

1. Distal-lateral. With this form, the lesion begins from the free end of the nail and from its lateral parts. At the initial stage it is almost invisible. The first signs of the development of the disease are yellowish narrow stripes at the tip of the nail. As the disease progresses, the tip of the nail becomes brittle, begins to crumble, and a noticeable area of ​​dystrophy appears. The color of the nail changes, and the fungus gradually moves towards the nail matrix, destroying the plate.

2. White superficial. This form is most often found when infected with mold fungi. First, the nail plate is affected, and then the bed. Light or white spots appear on the affected areas. Emerging nail defects most often develop in depth, without affecting the surrounding skin. They appear primarily on the big toes and hands. The main contingent suffering from this form of onychomycosis are people whose work involves water - dishwashers, cleaners, etc. When the nail plate softens from water, it becomes more vulnerable to fungus.

3. Proximal. It is rare. First, the fungus attacks the cuticle, and then penetrates the nail plate. The main causative agent of this form of the disease is yeast. The first sign is a change in the color of the hole at the base of the nail and its thickening in this place. Due to the fact that the matrix is ​​affected, nail growth slows down. If you don't start treatment, you can lose your entire nail.

4. Total dystrophy. The most severe form of fungal nail disease. It is accompanied by its destruction - complete or focal. Usually this form takes a long time to develop. If little time passes from the onset of onychomycosis to total dystrophy, this indicates the presence of serious systemic diseases that aggravate the development of fungal infection. The consequence of the dystrophic form can be complete scarring of the nail root, which will completely stop the development of the plate.

Onychomycosis must be treated by a doctor, since it does not go away on its own. As the disease progresses over a long period of time, the nails become deformed and thicken. This can cause discomfort and pain when walking. In addition, the nail has an unsightly, often disfigured appearance, which also causes psychological problems for the patient.

Treatment with drugs

  • Lamisil is the first to help cure fungus and is available in the form of a spray, gel or ointment. Recommended for external use, it is recommended to use it with caution by elderly people, those with renal or liver failure, those with impaired metabolism, and chronic alcoholics.
  • Betrafen is a special varnish; fungal treatment is carried out in courses of 1 month. The scheme of application in each course may differ from the previous one.
  • Loceril. Available in the form of a varnish, a medicinal solution, applied to the toes that have been damaged by the fungus, several times a week until the fungus disappears.
  • Mikozan is a special ointment-serum for external use, applied to feet cleaned of creams and varnish. The package contains a mini-diary to track the condition - how much the fungus goes away and the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Exoderil, a drug that kills fungus, is available in the form of an ointment or solution. There are contraindications.
  • Varnish Batrofen - effectively affects bacteria that cause fungus.
  • The Mycospor set - ointment, nail files, and a special waterproof patch - will allow you to completely cure an advanced fungus in a couple of weeks of aggressive treatment.
  • Clotrimazole - ointment or cream - is a super-economical replacement for many drugs. It is used in dermatology and gynecology for treatment; it has a powerful effect on fungus and infections. With caution - treatment for bleeding and in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
  • Introconazole and Terbinafine - will help restore damaged tissue, promote the growth of healthy nails and effectively act on the fungus.
  • Candida - powder or ointment based on clotrimazole, treatment will be effective if the causative agent of the infection is Candida, Torulopsis or mold fungi


If external ointments, creams and medicinal varnishes do not help remove the fungus enough, you can use oral medications - tablets. They have the same properties as ointments and will prevent further spread and proliferation of fungi.

  • Orungal – apply 1-2 capsules daily, treatment with a break of 2-3 weeks. The course of treatment must be repeated until complete recovery.
  • Diflucan - taken weekly, allows you to cure even stagnant fungus.
  • Fucis, Flucostat and Fluconozol - in tablets or solution, used once a week, until a healthy nail appears, kill bacteria and infections that cause fungus inside the body.
  • Mycoflucan - will get rid of yeast, cryptococci, microsporia and other manifestations of fungus; you will have to take the drug for several weeks until a healthy toenail plate grows.
  • Ketoconazole tablets will help with severe tissue mycosis, but their effect on the fungus will begin in 2-3 months, the course of administration will be quite long.

Treatment and prevention

Topical preparations against fungus
Onychomycosis was once considered incurable. In the last century, antifungal drugs gradually began to be created, but they were complex. Many components had to be combined in precise proportions. Their treatment was quite long - about a year. Surgical interventions to remove the affected nails were unsuccessful because the source of infection remained in the skin.

Today there are many drugs that can completely cure onychomycosis in 2-3 months. The forms of release of such drugs are different - tablets and capsules, external agents - ointments, creams, varnishes and patches.

If the nail is not completely affected, only external remedies can help. As a rule, Levorin ointment, Mycozolon, Triderm, Nystatin ointment are prescribed. Diflucan, Fluconazole, Nystatin, Clotrimazole and other similar drugs are used for oral administration.

Complex therapy – a combination of oral and external medications – gives greater effect. Only in this way is the required concentration of drugs achieved in the body, which can completely cure onychomycosis.

It is important to complete the treatment started. The fact is that fungal microorganisms quickly adapt to the drug. If treatment for onychomycosis is interrupted, it will soon develop with renewed vigor and another medicine will have to be selected for treatment.


Prevention is easier than treatment - these words fully apply to fungal diseases. Basic rules of prevention:

  • wash your hands after every contact with another person - the fungus can be transmitted by shaking hands;
  • never walk barefoot in public baths, swimming pools, showers, locker rooms;
  • Take care of your nail hygiene – don’t forget to take care of them. Hangnails and bitten nails are a risk factor;
  • if your feet sweat, use special medications to reduce it;
  • At a nail salon, ask if the nail technician sterilizes tools. If you suspect that they are not being processed properly, go to another salon;
  • change your socks every day, especially in summer;
  • Wear gloves when using household detergents;
  • Never share someone else's shoes or wear someone else's socks or stockings.

Treatment of mycosis of toenails

Therapy for mycosis of the toenails depends on the patient’s condition and the degree of destruction of the nail plate. The main goal of treatment of nail mycosis is complete ridding of the patient from the pathogen and persistent relapse. Treatment tactics and method of therapy are determined by the doctor.


The most common treatment method is the use of medications. The following groups of pharmaceuticals are used in therapy:

  • Polyenes are tablets that destroy the DNA of the parasite and its mycelium. Nystatin and Pimafucin belong to this group. It is recommended to take the product for at least 14 days.

  • Azoles are drugs that inhibit the growth of pathogenic agents and prevent their reproduction. Fluconazole, Mycozoral, Intrazol are well-known antifungal drugs of the azole group.
  • Allylamines are long-acting drugs used in advanced stages. Due to the minimum of contraindications, the drugs are successful. The group includes Lamisil and Exitern.

The medications listed have several dosage forms: tablets, capsules, creams and sprays. Antifungal drug therapy is carried out both internally and externally. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor. In addition to specific agents, antiseptic rinsing solutions, antibiotics and wound healing solutions are prescribed. Doctors advise gradually getting rid of the affected plate: filing or trimming the edges, using a special plaster.


If conservative treatment does not produce positive results, then they resort to surgery. The intervention is carried out using laser beams to suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora. The procedure is carried out in several stages.


Non-traditional recipes are used to clean wounds and increase local immunity. It is impossible to eliminate the fungus using traditional methods, but it is possible to weaken the causative agent of mycosis.

  1. The most famous and widespread method is baths and compresses with tar soap.

  2. Foot baths with baking soda and salt eliminate bacteria and have antiseptic properties.
  3. Lemon juice and propolis. The juice is smeared on the nail, and a compress is prepared from propolis.
  4. Celandine juice and vinegar diluted with water.
  5. Iodine lotions.

Traditional methods are used along with drug treatment, however, to prevent complications, non-traditional methods of treatment should be agreed upon with a doctor.

Processing of footwear and personal items

Disinfection of shoes with ultraviolet light
In order to avoid getting infected a second time, you need to treat shoes and all items used by the patient - towels, bed linen, clothes. For everything except shoes, boiling for 20 minutes in a weak soap and soda solution is enough.

Shoes can be treated with a solution of formalin (25%), acetic acid (0.5%) or chlorhexine. It is wiped inside and outside with a rag soaked in a solution, paying special attention to the inside. Then this cloth should be placed inside the shoes and the pair should be packed in a tightly tied plastic bag for 24 hours. After treatment, wipe the shoes with ammonia and air them.


If home treatments and over-the-counter medications do not help, your doctor may suggest using a combination of prescription medications and other treatments. But even if you have eliminated or alleviated the symptoms of nail fungus, it is very common for the infection to recur.


Oral antifungals

Your doctor may prescribe antifungal medications taken by mouth. Research shows that the most effective medications for treating nail fungus are:

  • terbinafine (Lamisil)
  • itraconazole (Sporanox)

These medications help new nails grow healthy (without infection) by gradually replacing the affected part of the nail.

Typically, this type of medication lasts for 6 to 12 weeks. But you won't see the final result of the treatment until the nail has completely grown back. It may take four months or more for the infection to completely clear.

The success of treatment with these drugs decreases in people over 65 years of age. The success of this treatment increases when you combine oral medications and topical antifungals.

Oral antifungal medications can cause side effects ranging from skin rashes to liver damage. You may need blood tests to check how well your body tolerates a particular drug. Doctors do not recommend these drugs for people with liver disease, congestive heart failure, or those taking certain medications.

Therapeutic nail polish

Your doctor may prescribe an antifungal nail polish called ciclopirox (Penlac®). You need to apply it to your fungus-affected nails and the skin around them once a day. After seven days, you need to wipe off all the polish with rubbing alcohol and start applying it again. You may need to use this type of nail polish every day for a year.

Medicinal nail cream

Your doctor may prescribe an antifungal cream to rub into your infected nails after soaking. These creams may work better if you thin your nails first. This helps the medication pass through the hard surface of the nail and reach the fungus.

To thin your nails, use a topical product containing urea. Or your doctor may use a nail file or other tool to thin the surface of the nail.

Classification: types and stages

According to the classification, experts divide cases of onychomycosis into 3 types:

  1. Atrophic is so named because this type of disease leads to nail atrophy - its rejection from the bed. This unpleasant moment is preceded by a change in the color of the nail plate; it becomes brownish-gray.
  2. The hypertrophic type of the disease is characterized by nail deformation. Subcutaneous hyperkeratosis (excessive thickening of the upper layers of the epidermis) is to blame for this. The result is nail destruction and serious discomfort when walking.
  3. The normotrophic appearance is quite difficult to diagnose, since the nail plate often looks quite healthy and retains its natural shine. The infection can be judged by the spots and stripes that form in the thickness of the nail plates.

Based on the location of the affected area, it is customary to distinguish onychomycosis:

  • proximal (the fungus invades the base of the nail);
  • distal (the disease manifests itself on the free part of the plate, resembling a splinter caught under the nail);
  • lateral (the fungus affects the edges of the plate, sometimes with this disease the problem of ingrown nails occurs);
  • total (the nail plate is completely affected by the infection).

Typically, onychomycosis goes through 3 stages, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. During the 1st stage of the disease, the color of the nail becomes dark and the surface becomes uneven.
  2. Deformation of the nail plate occurs - it thickens and flakes. During stage 2, the tissues surrounding the nail may become inflamed.
  3. At the final stage of onychomycosis, the nail crumbles and sometimes falls apart completely.

How to choose an effective remedy for nail fungus

Antifungal drugs have different compositions and individual indications.

Treatment of mycosis is a long process. Sometimes a dermatologist offers a choice of several options for drugs from the same pharmacological group. Considering the price of modern antifungal drugs, a course of treatment often costs a considerable amount.

Therefore, in some cases, it may be advisable, after consulting with a doctor, to select a cheaper analogue of the drug with the same active ingredient or similar in its pharmacological properties. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is worth taking into account patient reviews about the most popular drugs.

Pharmacy medicines for nail fungus are divided according to the method of application:

  • external preparations intended for local treatment of affected surfaces (sprays, ointments, creams, varnishes);
  • internal preparations have a systemic antimycotic effect on the entire body (capsules, tablets).

Before prescribing any drug, it is necessary to know the causative agent of the disease.
There are many pathogenic species among fungi, and the exact cause of the disease will be determined by the doctor after taking an analysis. In advanced cases, analysis may show several pathogenic fungi, and each of them will need its own medicine.

How to determine if your nails are affected by fungus

Nail fungus is characterized by inflammation, pain and swelling of the finger, as well as yellowing and crumbling of the nail itself. Nails appear deformed with inflamed skin and a periungual ridge. There is delamination and brittleness of the nail, the fingers look unkempt. In advanced cases, tissue begins to die and expose the nail bed.


It is necessary to pay due attention to prevention. In this case, infection can be prevented. It is important to take the following preventive measures:

  • strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene;
  • after taking a shower, wipe your limbs dry;
  • support immunity;
  • regularly care for the dermis of the feet;
  • never wear someone else's shoes;
  • Be sure to wear rubber slippers in swimming pools and saunas;
  • wear new socks every day and buy only cotton ones;
  • when visiting a beauty salon, check whether the device is sterilized;
  • disinfect areas where spores live.

If you follow all the rules, the probability of infection with a fungus is close to zero. It is easier to prevent the appearance of fungus than to fight the infection later.

Rating of the best antifungal drugs for nails


Antifungal drug in capsules for effective treatment of fungus on toenails. The components that make up the medicine block infection in the body without affecting or destroying other healthy cells in the human body.

The most important advantage is the selective effect of the drug on nail fungus. In addition, Fluconosal can also be taken to prevent such diseases by people with strengthened and even weakened immune systems.

The drug should not be prescribed to children under four years of age, as well as to people with liver and kidney failure. In case of an overdose, a skin rash and arrhythmia may appear.

Price: from 20 to 50 rubles.

Reviews: there is only one blister in the pack, but the course of treatment was enough to quickly get rid of toenail fungus, which was difficult to remove with local medications.

Read more about the action and other characteristics of Fluconazole here.


Preparation for external use. It acts on harmful microorganisms that cause nail fungus, or rather on their cell membrane, destroying it.

Pros: the drug can be bought in pharmacies in a variety of release forms: ointment, suppositories, drops, cream, spray, solution, so everyone can choose the appropriate option for themselves.

The disadvantages relate more to the method of using Clotrimazole: the skin must be thoroughly cleaned, dried, applied to the entire area affected by the fungus, and wait for complete absorption. Inconvenient for those people who suffer from a lack of time. Cannot be used in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy

Price: from 15 to 220 rubles.

Reviews: the drug is not bad, time-tested. It does its job well. There are virtually no side effects or reactions to the medicine.

More information about Clotrimazole in this article.


This drug for the treatment of nail fungus is available in two forms: a thick ointment or a light cream. There are no differences in action. The difference is only in external features and auxiliary components.

Pros: the composition contains the active component clotrimazole, which kills fungal microorganisms, as well as betamethasone for itching and allergic reactions.

Cons: cannot be used for some skin diseases, for example, chickenpox, herpes, skin tuberculosis.

The price of a cream or ointment varies from 650 to 700 rubles.

Reviews: Triderm perfectly kills fungus on toenails, and also eliminates unpleasant itching on the skin around the affected area.

More details here.


An effective medicine for nail fungus, which can be purchased as an ointment or in drops. Sold in almost every pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Pros: easy to use on your own, the effect appears fairly quickly.

Disadvantages: should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as those people who have wounds on or near the area damaged by the fungus. Expensive drug.

Price for 10 ml drops - from 500 to 700 rubles, for cream - from 450 rubles.

Reviews: Of course, it’s not cheap, but it’s worth it. Exoderil is easy to use, and the effect is really obvious. And it’s ideal for preventing nail fungus.

There are many more interesting and useful things here.


Destroys nail fungus at the cellular level, prevents harmful microorganisms from actively spreading to healthy areas of the skin and nails, as it quickly stops the infection.

Pros: Effectively fights nail fungus and can also easily help with itchy skin or allergies.

Cons: cannot be used if you have skin tuberculosis, chickenpox, rosacea, open wounds and other diseases on the skin, especially around the nail affected by the fungus.

Prices from various ointment manufacturers range from 100 to 700 rubles.

Reviews: It does a good job of removing the external unpleasant manifestations of nail fungus. It is easy to apply the ointment following clear instructions. You can choose the appropriate price for the drug at any pharmacy.

What else can Akriderm surprise you with for nail fungus in this article.

Akriderm GK

Effective cream and ointment in the fight against toenail fungus. For external use. Available in convenient tubes of 15 mg or 30 mg.

Pros: fights not only nail fungus, but also kills possible bacteria in the affected area, relieves itching and external manifestations of allergies.

Cons: the drug is quite expensive, cannot be used for some skin diseases indicated in the instructions, as well as for children under 1 year of age.

Price: from 340 to 700 rubles.

Reviews: both ointment and cream act the same. Many people like the ointment, as it has a denser consistency and is used more economically.

More details about Akriderm GK.

Akriderm SK

The drug is available only in the form of an ointment of 15 or 30 mg. The composition contains salicylic acid, which adds a keratolytic and antiseptic effect to the ointment - important properties for the treatment of fungus on toenails.

Pros: used as an effective aid for nail fungus, it relieves skin inflammation due to the spread of infection.

Disadvantages: cannot be used as an independent remedy for mycosis on the toenails.

Price: 220-450 rub.

Reviews: Akriderm SK helped relieve inflammation near the fungus-affected nail and relieved unpleasant itching. The drug is also useful for other purposes, so it should definitely be in your first aid kit.

You can learn more about this ointment here.


Cream, powder and solution are intended for the treatment of nail fungus. The composition contains the effective substance clotrimazole, as well as auxiliary substances - propylene glycol, glycerol, white petroleum jelly, etc.

Pros: the drug is pleasant to apply, has pronounced antifungal and antiseptic effects.

Disadvantages: contraindicated if you are sensitive to the active substance or other components; cannot be used in the first 3 months of pregnancy. May cause hives and itching.

Price: from 100 to 475 rubles.

Reviews: if you know in advance that clotrimazole is in the composition, you can save money by buying a drug of the same name as the active substance. The effect of the medicine is good, it helps in the treatment of nail fungus.


Factors causing fungal infection:

  • diseases of the immune system;
  • HIV infection;
  • endocrine disorders of the body;
  • overweight;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules.

The underlying reasons are:

  • virulence;
  • professional characteristics;
  • undergone surgery;
  • presence of animals in the house;
  • endemic area of ​​residence;
  • constant contact with representatives of the risk group.

Representatives of the risk group are people or animals who have fungal infections due to illness and lifestyle.

Traditional antifungal remedies

Having the problem of onychomycosis, people first of all think about how to cure nail fungus with folk remedies quickly and safely. If you prepare medicinal compounds in accordance with recipes approved by your doctor, then safety will be guaranteed. Things are different with the speed of recovery. It is problematic to cure nail fungus using high-speed methods. A person becomes ill due to one contact with the pathogen. It takes months and years to get rid of the problem.

Folk remedies, as a method of therapy, are no exception in the fight against the disease. Be patient in advance and carry out the procedures regularly. This will be the key to a successful recovery. In addition, you need to know the rules of manipulation. The main ones are:

  • before the procedure, diseased plates need to be steamed;
  • then remove the loosened, thickened horny tissue;
  • use disposable items or those thoroughly disinfected after previous treatment;
  • To soften, use alkaline compounds; you can add soda in a concentration of 1 tbsp. l. per 1000 ml of water;
  • temperature regime of the baths - solution heated to 40-50 degrees;
  • time mode of exposure - at least 15 minutes.

How to use vinegar

The acidic environment prevents the spread of spores; this is the mechanism for destroying colonies when exposed to vinegar. Nail fungus can be effectively cured by using the correct concentration of acetic acid in prepared solutions.

  1. Baths. Heat at least two liters of water to 50 degrees, add a glass of 6% vinegar to it. Place your feet or hands in the bath and keep them in the solution for 15 minutes. Then wipe your limbs dry and put on non-synthetic socks. The procedure is done three times a week.
  2. Applications. They need to be done after washing the feet; for this, the disc is soaked in 9% vinegar and placed on the sore cornea. A variation of the recipe is a combined composition for discs - water, glycerin and vinegar essence are mixed in equal parts. The irrigated disc is kept on the problem plate for 15 minutes.
  3. Ointment based on acetic acid, glycerin, olive oil, demethyl phtholate. 70% acid is used in a concentration of 2 parts plus the remaining components - one part each.

Onion and garlic juice, horseradish gruel

Onion juice is easy to use; it needs to be used to treat diseased corneas. A more complicated recipe is to use a paste of onion, garlic and salt. It is applied to the problem area overnight.

Garlic juice is mixed with water and alcohol in a proportion of one equal share. Apply a compress twice a day for 15 minutes.

An effective remedy is horseradish root pulp. The finished raw material is laid out on a disk, and it is bandaged to the plate overnight.

Esters in healing from onychomycosis

Oils obtained by extracting from plants help get rid of the problem of improving the surrounding skin and restoring the plate.

  1. Baths. Add 10 drops of lavender, ylang-ylang, rosemary, and tea tree ether into three liters of heated water. Hands or feet are lowered into the bath and kept in it for 20 minutes, then the feet are wrapped in a terry towel for another 15 minutes.
  2. A compress of ethers is made using a soaked disk. The composition for this is prepared from a spoonful of water and ethers heated to 30 degrees. They bandage it for an hour, then the cornea, steamed with a compress, is cut off and cleaned with a file.
  3. Tea tree ether is mixed with softened soap. This mixture is rubbed into the damaged plate twice a day.

How to identify

Any sick person wonders how to independently determine the type of nail fungus, without going to a specialist. To determine mycosis, you need to know the main symptoms of yeast and mold types of infection and their difference.

A lesion caused by Candida causes characteristic symptoms:

  • thickening of the subungual bed;
  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • tissue tuberosity.

With this form of mycosis:

  • the plate rises above the base of the bed, but does not peel off;
  • constant itching of the skin on the fingers;
  • ridges are enlarged, reddish in color;
  • Sometimes, colorless liquid or purulent discharge may leak from under the plate.

For mold mycosis:

  • the skin on the fingers is not involved in the inflammatory process;
  • the cuticle does not peel off from the plate, the roller does not swell;
  • the color of the plate changes - it becomes white, yellow, brown. The plate itself crumbles, scales may form on its surface, which can be easily scraped off with a manicure tool or curette;
  • There is no discharge; on the contrary, the tissues become dry and brittle.

What groups of antifungal agents exist for nail fungus?

Among mycoses there are intractable diseases with a tendency to relapse. If you violate the treatment regimen and stop the course as soon as the visible symptoms of the disease disappear, the lesion will return in an even more complex form and it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.

When treated with any drug, even the most expensive, you cannot get by with just a single pill, nail fungus requires time and patience.

It is not advisable to self-medicate; at the first sign of nail fungus, you should visit a dermatologist.

Surgical or other procedures

Nail removal

If the fungal nail infection has spread too much and is extremely painful, your doctor may suggest removing your nail. There is no need to be afraid of this, since a new nail will grow in place of the removed nail. But this process takes quite a long time, and it may take a year before your new nail grows completely. Sometimes surgery is done in combination with ciclopirox to treat the nail bed.

Laser and light therapy

Although more research is needed into the effects of laser and light therapy on nail fungus, it is already known that using these methods alone or in combination with medications helps improve nail conditions. One study tested the effectiveness of carbon dioxide laser therapy in combination with an antifungal nail cream. Most of the 24 subjects experienced a beneficial effect from using this method of treating onychomycosis. However, laser and light therapy is not available everywhere and is quite expensive.

Treatment of nail fungus with laser

How can you tell if your nails are affected by mycosis?

When the nail plate changes in any way, this indicates possible problems. The following conditions will be signs of onychomycosis:

What to do if you have a fungus?!
  • This proven ointment helps to completely overcome the fungus, it is sold in every pharmacy, it’s called...


  • cracks between fingers;
  • yellowing of the nail plate;
  • thickening of the skin;
  • separation of the nail without mechanical reasons;
  • burning and itching;
  • inflamed nail fold;
  • thinning or thickening of the nail.

A healthy nail should be pink, shiny and smooth.

Antifungal tablets

If the disease is already advanced or develops very rapidly, the affected area is extensive, then systemic antimycotics cannot be avoided. There are a huge number of tablets for nail fungus and they should be selected by an experienced doctor. These drugs have contraindications; they cannot be taken by children, people with liver or kidney pathologies, and there is also pharmacological incompatibility with some other drugs, such as hormonal contraceptives. The most popular oral drugs for fungus:

  • Fluconazole price 20-40 rub. (analogues: Diflucan 450-479 rub.; Mikosist 300-600 rub.; Flucostat 170-250 rub.; Forkan; Mikomax)
  • Ketoconazole - Nizoral 450-500 rub., Fungavis 140 rub.
  • Itraconazole - Orungal 2500-2600 rub. (its analogues are Rumikoz 700 rub., Kanditral 500-600 rub., Itrazol 400-700 rub., Irunin for fungus 300-500 rub.)
  • Terbinafine - Lamisil 1700 -2000 rub. (analogs: Onychon, Terbinafine 350-400 rub. Fungoterbin, Terbizil 1100-1200 rub., Exifin 640-680 rub.)

Alternative medicine

Some people successfully treat nail fungus with alternative medications:

SnakeRoot Leaf Extract

This medicine is made from plants of the Asteraceae family. In a scientific study involving 110 people, it was found that the effectiveness of this extract can be compared to the effect of ciclopirox. It was applied to the affected nails every third day for the first month, twice a week for the second month, and once a week for the third month.

Tea tree oil

Until now, there has not been enough research on the effectiveness of tea tree essential oil in the treatment of onychomycosis, so it is not known for certain how well this remedy can suppress a fungal infection. However, there is evidence that people using tea tree oil got rid of nail fungus. Read more about the treatment of nail fungus with tea tree oil here – Treatment of nail fungus with tea tree oil.

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