Inflammation of the mammary gland in women
How to recognize and treat mastitis during lactation
Main pathologies of the female breast: types and forms Symptoms of breast diseases in women depend
Symptoms and methods of treating breast fibroadenomatosis
Causes of occurrence Many doctors, when asked what breast fibroadenomatosis is, answer that it is
What is sectoral breast resection?
Fibroadenoma is a benign pathology that occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance. As a rule, the disease develops
Reasons why nipples hurt before and during menstruation
Why do nipples hurt before menstruation? The main cause of pain syndromes in the nipple area before menstruation
Causes of breast pain: warning signs
Mastalgia This condition is also called mastodynia, and it describes the entire spectrum of breast pain.
seal classification
What can cause lumps in the mammary gland and how to deal with it
Having discovered a lump in the breast, women tend to panic. The first thing that comes to them
Involutive changes in the mammary glands
Fibrous involutional changes in the mammary glands treatment
Involution of the mammary glands is the process of physiological transformation of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland. He doesn't count
Fibrosclerosis of the mammary gland
Fibrous tissue, treatment of breast fibrosis
What is breast fibrosis? Anatomically, the mammary gland is glandular and adipose tissue,
diffuse changes in the mammary glands
Lecture on ultrasound for doctors. Diffuse changes in the mammary glands (ultrasound)
Breast tissue regularly undergoes natural changes, which are determined by the specific functioning of the female reproductive system.
Why are my breasts heavy and painful? Causes of breast swelling
Today, almost every woman has had to deal with chest pain, as well as
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