Chest pain in the nipple area. Main reasons. What to do if your nipples hurt
Why do teenagers’ breasts and nipples hurt and is this condition dangerous?
Possible complications Conditions accompanied by pain in the nipples, if left untreated, can lead to the development of:
What is mammary adenosis, how to treat glandular mastopathy and eliminate the risk of cell malignancy
What is Adenosis is a benign neoplasm that is dependent on hormone levels
What is diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary gland: the essence of the pathology, its signs, diagnosis and treatment
Symptoms of the disease Signs of fibrous mastopathy are characterized by pain and discharge from the nipples. The pain is
Can mastopathy turn into breast cancer?
Benign neoplasms of the mammary glands reduce a woman’s quality of life and can become the basis for dangerous
Female breasts: anatomy, internal structure, changes
Anatomy of the human mammary glands (breasts) - information:
Anatomy basics What are the female breasts made of? Glands for milk production form its basis.
Puncture of a breast cyst under ultrasound control, consequences, price and reviews
Why do you need a puncture? If the mammary gland is enlarged, hardened, or upon palpation the doctor
Digital mammography result
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. How is it diagnosed and treated?
Breast cancer is the scourge of our time. Unfortunately, modern medicine cannot prevent the occurrence of malignant cells
Features of the biopsy analysis. What is it and how to prepare for the study?
A biopsy is a diagnostic procedure in which a piece of tissue or organ is removed for later
breast pain in the middle of the cycle
Causes of breast tenderness mid-cycle
Processes occurring in the middle of the cycle In normal conditions, the duration of the cycle is 28 days. IN
how to treat breast lipoma
Breast fibrolipoma treatment with folk remedies
Breast lipoma is a benign formation consisting of fat cells enclosed in a capsule. Diseases
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