X-ray of the colon and rectum: preparation, procedure and image analysis
Diagnosis is relevant when poor nutrition, stress, physical inactivity and other reasons have led to disturbances in
X-ray machine
X-ray examination of the stomach - what is it and how safe is it?
X-ray of the esophagus and stomach is considered one of the simplest, inexpensive and effective detection measures
Video capsule endoscopy of the stomach. What is this, bowel preparation, algorithm. Price of the procedure
Preparing the stomach for endoscopic examination
Gastroscopy is an effective diagnostic method that allows you to make an accurate diagnosis for all kinds of gastrointestinal diseases.
Colon CT is a painless alternative to colonoscopy
Traditional colonoscopy is the optimal method for diagnosing most diseases of the large intestine. It is performed with a special endoscope,
Preparing for intestinal colonoscopy: diet, menu, recipes
Indications for use A low-fiber diet is prescribed for preparation before endoscopic procedures.
The role of gastric ultrasound in the diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system
Ultrasound examinations are aimed at identifying problems in the heart, kidneys, stomach and other organs.
Pain in the intestinal area
How will the doctor check the rectum and intestines?
A standard examination of the rectum allows us to identify many diseases and pathological processes in the early stages
FGDS of the stomach: how to prepare for the procedure in the morning for an adult, how long it lasts under anesthesia and what you can eat
Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy is the only informative research method that can provide information about the condition of the organs of the digestive system.
Diagnostic esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) – prices, norm, interpretation, preparation, contraindications
The gastrointestinal tract is a kind of laboratory, the proper functioning of which determines the saturation of the entire body
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Sigmoidoscopy (RRS) of the intestines. Preparing for the procedure.
Sigmoidoscopy of the intestine (RRS) is the simplest, most accessible and highly informative endoscopic method for examining the end part
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