Ultrasound of the liver: how to properly prepare for the procedure
Ultrasound of the liver: how to properly prepare for the procedure
How to prepare for an ultrasound scan of the gland? Accurate results of this diagnostic method are achieved by following certain
What a patient needs to know about abdominal CT
Computed tomography (CT) is a relatively new examination method, first used in 1972. IN
Recommendations for patients after colon surgery
Colostomy is a surgical procedure in which a section of the colon is brought out through an opening.
location of abdominal organs.jpg
Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdominal cavity - detailed description with clinic addresses
Introduction The abdominal cavity is a space located in the body below the diaphragm and is entirely filled with abdominal organs.
Suspension in the gallbladder: symptoms, causes, treatment
Suspension in the gallbladder is the first symptom of gallstone pathology. Gradually the particles will bond
How to take Trimedat for pancreatitis
Duspatalin or trimedat which is better for pancreatitis
The use of trimedat for pancreatitis is dictated by its gentle effect on the functioning of the pancreas and its ability
Liver biopsy
How to do a liver biopsy for hepatitis C: types, procedure and results
A biopsy is the study of biological material, which is the tissue of a specific organ. His fence represents certain
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Grade 1 varicose veins of the esophagus: signs that allow a gastroenterologist to make such a diagnosis
A pathological condition in which vasodilation occurs in the lower esophageal tube or area
Colonoscopy allows you to diagnose various pathologies of the large intestine
Fibercolonoscopy: indications for performance, description of the procedure
Diseases of the large intestine are common among the population. Moreover, their spectrum covers absolutely
What do the diagnostic results of a CT scan of the intestine show? How to properly prepare for the procedure?
CT scan of the intestine is most often used as a diagnostic tool in the gastroenterological area. This method is non-invasive,
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