Early stage of proliferation what is it
Smear for CYTOLOGY - interpretation of the cytogram (NILM, ASCUS, LSIL, HSIL)?
The role of the endometrium in a woman’s reproductive function The structure of the endometrial layer is quite complex. Part
Syphilitic acne
Syphilis in women and men: common routes of transmission and infection
Syphilis is a chronic infectious disease caused by the spirochete pallidum (treponema); Syphilis infection occurs more often
Colpitis in women - what is it, what are the symptoms, how to treat?
Colpitis in women - what is it? Symptoms and treatment The most common age when
Hemostatic drugs for heavy menstruation
General information Why does bleeding develop? This condition is the result of a loss of integrity in large vessels
Hormonal contraceptive "Silhouette": reviews, instructions for use
In this medical article you can familiarize yourself with the drug Silhouette. Instructions for use will explain
What is a birth control ring Manufacturer, release form NuvaRing was
ESTROVEL for menopause: care for women's beauty and health from nature!
ESTROVEL for menopause: care for women's beauty and health from nature!
Pharmacological action Estrovel's composition includes a number of plant components, vitamins and organic compounds that
Gardnerella in women: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
The essence of the disease and the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis In a woman’s vagina there is a certain microflora, including a mass
Cervical dysplasia - symptoms and treatment
What is cervical dyskaryosis? This is a pathology during which changes occur in the cellular
Non-surgical methods for treating Bartholin gland cysts
Definition of disease. Causes of the disease Bartholin gland cyst is a benign round cavity (saccular formation with
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