Linex: safe treatment for heartburn and other digestive problems
Linex is also prescribed for the prevention of dysbacteriosis. It is indicated for antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy, it is recommended to take it
Antibiotics for duodenal ulcers, features of conservative treatment of the disease
Peptic ulcer disease and antibiotics - when their use is justified Research into factors that provoke the appearance and
Stones in the bile ducts even after gallbladder removal
The gallbladder is a small, hollow organ located under the lower part of the liver. It serves for
toxic dyspepsia in children
Dyspepsia in children - functional, simple, fermentative and other types
Nuances and anatomy Dyspepsia syndrome in one-year-old children is explained by anatomical nuances, in particular,
The gastric mucosa is hyperemic: what is it, symptoms, causes and diet
Gastroenterologists around the world are very concerned about the sharp increase in reported cases of esophagitis. Availability of exotic dishes
Why is stool dry?
An adult cannot pass hard feces (stool), how to soften it?
Reasons for the appearance of sheep feces: Insufficient consumption of food containing plant fiber. The hectic pace of life makes
Important bowel cancer prevention measures for healthy people
Good day! My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At 28 years old myself
Causes of reactive changes in the liver and pancreas in a child
Recently, an increasing number of children are becoming ill with reactive pancreatitis. The reason for this is the increase
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How is gastritis transmitted: methods of infection by harmful bacteria
Pathologies of the digestive organs are among the most common. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is a common
The pain of degeneration of an ulcer is characterized by severe pain
Ulcer and stomach cancer - symptoms, differences and reviews || What is the degeneration of an ulcer into cancer called?
Causes Malignancy of gastric and duodenal ulcers is a very common occurrence. Reasons for development
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