therapy for stones in the bile ducts
What to do if stones form in the gallbladder ducts
Bile duct stones are a common condition. Stones obstruct the flow of bile from the bladder, which
dried fruit compote for diarrhea
What you can and cannot drink if you have a stomach ulcer - the secrets of regular drinks
Diarrhea, especially long-term, leads to loss of water, electrolytes, and macroelements. To replenish them, the patient needs
What spices are ok for pancreatic pancreatitis and what are not?
Is it possible to eat meat with pancreatitis || Can horse meat be used for pancreatitis or not?
Is it possible to use cinnamon for pancreatitis? Turmeric is a delicious, bright orange spice that
Is eggplant okay for pancreatitis or not: rules and regulations for consumption, acceptable recipes
Is eggplant okay for pancreatitis or not: rules and regulations for consumption, acceptable recipes
Disorders in the digestive system, such as inflammation of the pancreas and gallbladder, in their
Itchy skin in liver diseases
Skin itching is a nonspecific but important symptom of liver disease
Itching of the skin of the body in liver diseases in the vast majority of clinical cases is the first, and
Left side pain and bloating: causes and treatment
Etiology of pain and bloating Medical experts identify a huge number of reasons for the feeling
Colon cleansing with Duphalac
Medical statistics say that the most purchased drugs in Russian pharmacies are painkillers and... laxatives.
pancreas formation
Hypovascular formation of the head of the pancreas
Pancreas and its role The organ mostly belongs to the exocrine department
lower abdominal pain
Pain and pulling in the lower abdomen during menstruation: causes, treatment
In some cases, a woman has to seek medical help due to pain.
Why do intestinal pain occur during menstruation?
It is difficult to find a woman who is unfamiliar with pain before menstruation. Typically, this condition is perceived as
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