Celery for gastritis
Celery for gastritis with high acidity - Is it possible to eat celery for gastritis - Symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of diseases
Everyone knows that most vegetables and herbs contain a lot of useful substances and vitamins, celery
Colon cleansing with soda is a procedure for complex alkalization of the body.
The article gives recipes for cleansing the body using baking soda. Excellent environment for development
Peptic ulcer: how to regain strength after surgery?
03/01/2017 Non-compliance with the principles of proper nutrition, bad habits, physical and emotional stress, as well as some
chamomile for hemorrhoids
Treatment of hemorrhoids with chamomile: the best recipes and methods
Chamomile for hemorrhoids has an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing itching and burning in the anus. Healing
Postoperative abdominal hernia: treatment without surgery
Surgery Share What is pathology and the causes of its occurrence? The main symptoms for which
Gas formation from grapes
I eat right, but I have severe flatulence, what should I do?
Inexplicable processes often occur in the human body. Eating seasonal fruits benefits adults
Folk remedies for reducing stomach acidity: the healing properties of ordinary products
Gastritis is one of the most common pathological processes affecting humanity around the globe. Manifests itself in inflammation
Rules for using beets for peptic ulcers
Beetroot for stomach ulcers Synthetic medicines are not affordable for everyone these days, and even they can be treated
Is it possible to eat eggplants for gastritis, diabetes and other diseases?
Benefits for the body Eggplant is beneficial due to the presence of folic acid, which can
Alcohol for hemorrhoids: beer, vodka, wine - can you drink it?
The question of the possibility of drinking alcohol interests many people with chronic diseases of the rectum. Not
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