Castor oil for pancreatitis
Castor oil for pancreatitis - Diabetes mellitus
Symptoms of coprostasis The causes of constipation in a pet can be different. But most often this
What is the danger of bending the pancreas in adults and children?
Home Diseases and treatment Gastroenterology 10 Feb 2020, 20:02 Anna 278 No Sometimes when
How to dilute and give Bifidumbacterin to newborns?
Constipation is said to occur if there are problems with bowel movements. Moreover, the time period allowing
enema in the hands of a doctor
What happens if you take a laxative if you have appendicitis?
Human appendicitis is a very common diagnosis of various surgical pathologies. Inflammation of the appendix is ​​more often diagnosed
Is it possible to eat cucumbers and tomatoes with gastritis?
Tomatoes and tomato juice for gastritis: recommendations from experts
The most important component of successful treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies is proper nutrition. In the phase of exacerbation of the disease
Surgery to remove prostate adenoma: time and rehabilitation
Vision defects can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, surgery and laser correction. Last
What is hidden under the increased echogenicity of the pancreas?
A person’s complaints of severe pain in the left hypochondrium often indicate inflammation of the pancreas.
Sushi and rolls: features of use for gastritis
Rolls and sushi are still an exquisite and fairly new dish for us that has come
Irrigoscopy and colonoscopy: which test is better?
What is this? Irrigoscopy is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure with which it is possible to examine the colon
Is it possible to eat dried fruit compote if you have pancreatitis?
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that interferes with the healthy digestive process and normal
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