Causes of pain in the gallbladder
Where is the gallbladder located in a person, photo and how it hurts
How does the gallbladder hurt - symptoms in women Gallbladder diseases most often occur in
The most correct diet for gastritis, weekly menu with recipes
Diet for acute gastritis of the stomach: proper nutrition during the acute stage
The modern rhythm of life and proper nutrition are concepts that are most often incompatible, because workload
Human nutrition during exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis
What should be the diet for pancreatitis every day?
Human nutrition during exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis Pancreatitis is understood as an inflammatory process of a degenerative nature that occurs
Biliary dyskinesia: symptoms and treatment
What choleretic drugs are indicated for biliary dyskinesia
Concept and types Under dyskinesia of the gallbladder we understand a violation of the outflow of bile, after which metabolic
pancreatic attack symptoms and treatment
An attack of pancreatitis - symptoms, first aid at home, treatment methods and diet
Exacerbation of pancreatitis occurs against the background of an acute illness. Every patient with pancreatitis should understand that the disease
Free T3 is a hormone important for the functioning of the human body, which is produced in the endocrine gland, called the thyroid gland.
Free and total hormone T3: difference, norm and consequences
Free T3 is a hormone important for the functioning of the human body, which is produced in the gland
Symptoms and methods of treatment of acute and chronic cholecystopancreatitis
Cholecystopancreatitis: what it is, symptoms and treatment, diet
Today, doctors diagnose many people with the development of an acute form of cholecystopancreatic pathology. Symptoms
Colic in a baby
What foods cause increased gas formation?
Increased accumulation of gases can be observed in the stomach or intestines. In the first case they
Sugar-lowering drugs for type 2 diabetes: list of medications
For type 2 diabetes, the doctor prescribes a low-carbohydrate diet, optimal sports training, and glucose-lowering medications.
Mammography - what kind of examination is it? How is a mammogram performed?
For whom is mammography indicated? Many formations in the female breast do not manifest themselves in any way in the early stages.
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