human kidneys
Adrenal tumor: characteristics of the disease and methods of therapy
Pavel Anisimov Health depends much more on our habits and nutrition than on medical advice
Neuralgia: symptoms, causes, treatment and use of folk remedies
Neuralgia refers to severe shooting pain that occurs due to a damaged or irritated nerve. Neuralgia
Reasons for the formation of brown plaque on the tongue
What does a brown coating on an adult’s tongue mean and its causes?
Every person knows that the tongue is a mirror image of the health of the digestive organs. Presence of brown plaque
Foreign body in the outer part of the eye - first aid to the victim and removal of debris from the eye in the clinic
What to do if a speck gets into your eye - first aid for an adult or child Before
Intoxication of the body due to constipation: symptoms, causes, treatment
Constipation what is it? This is a disorder of the intestines, manifested by incomplete emptying, difficulty or delay.
Vascular damage is the main cause of circulatory disorders
Unpredictable microcirculation disorder: signs and ways to alleviate the condition
The activity of our body directly depends on its circulatory system. Circulatory disorders are abnormal
Temperature 37 - what to do?
Low-grade fever: why does a temperature of 37 last a week?
The normal temperature of the human body is considered to be 36.6 °C. What to do if an adult or child has
Diet for hypertension: nutritional rules, recommendations, menu examples
Cardiovascular diseases are usually characterized by high blood pressure. However, high blood pressure in itself does not
What consequences can a woman expect after an abortion?
Despite the huge selection of modern contraceptives, abortion is still a means of so-called
What to do with colic and gas in a newborn, how to help him: symptoms and treatment at home
Many parents know intestinal colic in babies, what it is, since it is quite
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