Heliotrope Rash: Causes, Pictures and Treatment
Dermatomyositis is an autoimmune disease affecting human muscle tissue, impaired motor function and
Nutrition during menopause
Postmenopause in women: what is it, how does it manifest, how to treat
Postmenopause – Any woman wants to remain young, beautiful and healthy for as long as possible. But
Circles under the eyes - the causes of the disease in women, how to get rid of them when they appear
The eyes are often called the “mirror of the soul,” and each of us wants to see them shiny and healthy.
Medicinal properties of plantain: benefits and harm to human health, use for various diseases + recipes for infusions
Types of plants There are many types of plantain in nature, and no matter how useful it is
hand structure
Causes and treatment of pain in the joints of the fingers, what to do
From this article you will learn: why the joints of the fingers hurt, causes and treatment
Fracture of the fingers: symptoms, treatment, prevention
Our fingers are capable of performing coordinated and very subtle movements that have a significant impact
Leukocytosis (white blood cells are increased): what does it mean, causes and classification, treatment and prognosis
Leukocytosis is an increase in the level of white blood cells (leukocytes) in the blood. When does it arise
Myocardial dystrophy of mixed origin ⋆ Heart Treatment
There are cardiovascular diseases that are not associated with the inflammatory process, but their progression can
Features of the treatment of chronic pharyngitis
Why does chronic pharyngitis occur, and what is it?
Most often, chronic pharyngitis, characterized by alternating periods of remission and exacerbation, occurs due to improper or
Lifting heavy weights as a child is a predisposing factor for inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia in children: 6 symptoms, when and what kind of surgery is needed (2 types), rehabilitation after removal
Causes and risk factors The main role in the formation of congenital inguinal hernias in children belongs to
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