Chronic Periostitis - Clinic Etiology and Comparative Characteristics
Remembering the structure of the bone, including the jaws, it must be said that the bone is covered with periosteum
Burning, pain in the chest: in the middle, left, right, reasons, what to do
Symptoms such as pain and burning in the chest are quite frightening. After all, everything
dry skin
Fish scales on human skin: causes, symptoms and treatment of ichthyosis
One of the problems that arise with appearance is dryness and flaking of the facial skin. She has
Paraovarian ovarian cyst: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Author of the article, Candidate of Medical Sciences O.Yu. Ermolaev Make an appointment with a gynecologist Paraovarian cyst -
Strengthening peeling nails at home. Causes and treatment of the problem.
It has long been believed that the condition of hands and nails is an indicator of health. And it is true,
Trauma is one of the causes of brain cysts
Cerebral cyst of the brain: causes, symptoms, treatment
A brain cyst is a benign, volumetric neoplasm that resembles a bubble filled with fluid, which is located
The structure of the human throat and larynx - functions, anatomy, pharynx, larynx, trachea: photos with descriptions, diseases, pathologies, injuries
How the human throat works The internal structure of the human throat has a number of the same features as
Diagram of complications
What is hypercholesterolemia - causes, symptoms and treatment
Hypercholesterolemia is a significant increase in blood cholesterol levels. As a result of changes in cholesterol levels
Let's figure out why there may be pain in the lower abdomen on the left
Causes of pain in women To clearly determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to distinguish painful sensations. No less
Metatarsal bone - foot fracture, treatment, rehabilitation
The human musculoskeletal system is a complex system, for the full functioning of which the integrity of each element is important.
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