The disease often occurs in children
All about segmental pneumonia in children. What is the advantage of differential diagnosis?
Symptoms Diagnosis Differential diagnosis How to treat segmental pneumonia Antibiotic therapy Additional drug treatments
Excretory infertility
Is it possible to cure male infertility? Causes of male infertility
According to statistical information, the percentage of infertile couples varies from 10 to 25%, with
Arm muscle atrophy
How does spinal muscular atrophy manifest and how to treat it
Muscle atrophy is a process that develops in the muscles and leads to a progressive decrease in
Baby and jars of baby food
Complementary feeding by month and dosage. Introduction of the first complementary foods by month
At 3-4 months, the newborn has already grown up, began to smile, walk, and become increasingly interested in the world around him.
photo of hydatid cysts
Echinococcosis of the liver, brain and lungs: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Liver echinococcosis is a dangerous parasitic invasion, which is characterized by the formation of hydatid cysts in the gland. More often
Cough with bronchitis
Chronical bronchitis. Symptoms, treatment, clinical recommendations. Possible complications
Chronic bronchitis is actually an independent disease of the respiratory system (primary bronchitis), a much less common disease
Inhalations with saline: benefits for coughing, contraindications, use of a nebulizer
Saline solution is popularly called a solution of sodium chloride, or simply table salt. The product is applied
Signs of multiple sclerosis
Arms and legs go numb: reasons and what to do. Signs of stroke and heart attack
Numbness of a limb is when an arm or leg becomes “woolly”, sensitivity is lost,
Gingivitis - inflammation of the gums
What is gingivitis: symptoms and treatment in adults is very important to start on time
Gingivitis is an inflammatory disease of the gums that occurs due to insufficient oral care.
Young woman
Overwork: symptoms and treatment in adults. Types and conditions of recovery
Overfatigue is a condition that appears as a consequence of a prolonged period of vigorous activity.
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