Reviews from women about hormone replacement therapy after 40, 50, 60 years
Disadvantages Risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism Breast cancer Endometrial hyperplasia How to make the right choice
Why is there bleeding from the gums and what to do in this case?
The appearance of blood in the mouth when brushing teeth can be observed for various reasons - from
What is pericarditis? Symptoms and prevalence in children and adults
Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium, the outer lining of the heart that separates it from other organs of the chest
Lacunar tonsillitis
Signs and treatment of sore throat in children at home
Sore throats (tonsillitis) are infectious pathologies that affect the lymphoepithelial ring of Pirogov, but primarily
Viral encephalitis
Encephalitis - what is it? Types, symptoms and treatment, consequences, prognosis
Category: Neurology Encephalitis is a terrible diagnosis associated with disability and a high risk to life.
Green stool in an adult, cause
Why green excrement appears in adults, diagnosis, treatment and prevention measures
Green stool in an adult can be caused by various factors. Faeces can wave
Knee bruise treatment at home
Absolutely no one is safe from an accidental fall, blow or any other injury. Knee bruise
Lichen sclerosus in girls and women. Folk remedies, drugs
Lichen sclerosus in girls and women. Folk remedies, drugs
Lichen sclerosus is a chronic skin disease that mainly affects the genitals and
What is a keratoma: causes and treatment
Keratoma is a benign neoplasm in the superficial stratum corneum of the skin. It is small in size
Proctitis - causes, symptoms, treatment, types of proctitis
Classification According to its clinical course, acute and chronic forms of proctitis are distinguished. The acute form develops
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