Drops from motherwort tincture are an effective remedy for relieving nervous tension, healing the body, strengthening the immune system and preventing heart disease.
Motherwort tincture - instructions for use. How to drink motherwort tincture in drops for a sedative effect
In the modern rhythm of life, stressful situations often arise, and it is necessary to use sedatives. Drops
Horsetail: medicinal properties, contraindications, use, composition, benefits and harm
Horsetail is a perennial herbaceous plant. Due to the fact that the rhizome is located quite deep
4 degrees of coma, causes of development and survival prognosis
Coma: causes, types, consequences and recent advances in treatment
In a stage 4 coma, the chances of survival are negligible. If within 20-30 minutes
Hidradenitis - how to recognize inflammation of the sweat glands and treat it correctly?
Hidradenitis - how to recognize inflammation of the sweat glands and treat it correctly?
The cause of pain in the armpit area is often hidradenitis, an inflammation of the sweat glands. Provoked
Treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis. Spondylosis and spondyloarthrosis of the lumbar spine
The relationship of diseases The mechanism of development of the disease is as follows: with advanced osteochondrosis, destructive diseases develop in the osteochondral tissue
To do this, the leg should be kept in an elevated position periodically during the day and also at night.
Lymphostasis of the lower extremities: causes and treatment features
Everyone develops foot problems to one degree or another. Serious disease of the lower
Penile cancer - what it looks like, symptoms, treatment
Vulvar cancer is considered a relatively rare type of cancer that develops in the genitals
Symptoms and treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis
Symptoms and treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis
What is radiculitis and how to treat it is a common question in the neurologist’s office. Radiculitis
Badyaga powder. Instructions for use for dark circles under the eyes, age spots on the face, acne
Badyaga: instructions for use, getting rid of bruises and joint stiffness
Bodyaga (or badyaga) is one of the most famous medicines that is used for
at the reception
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia - symptoms, treatment and prognosis
Lymphocytic leukemia is a malignant tumor that affects the cells of the lymphoid tissue that make up the lymph nodes and
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