Treatment of chest deformity in a child: photos and causes, correction of keeled, funnel-shaped and other forms
Pileated chest deformity is a pathology of the musculoskeletal system, characterized by protrusion of the chest forward. Sternum
Alanine aminotransferase
Alanine aminotransferase ALT is increased. What does this mean, treatment for men, women
A biochemical blood test is one of the most informative studies in diagnosing diseases. Blood analysis
Anisocytosis is a condition in which red blood cells of abnormal size are detected in the blood.
RDW in a blood test: increased and decreased, methods of normalization
Blood is a functional system that ensures the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissue cells and the removal
Anatomy of the liver: location, structure, structure
Location and functions of the liver Anatomical structure of the liver Liver diseases Treatment of diseases Prevention of liver diseases
Bruises under the eyes. Reasons for appearance. What will help you get rid of it?
Dark circles under the eyes in women - causes and how to get rid of them?
Dark circles under the eyes bother many people because they not only have a detrimental effect on one’s appearance, but
photo of packaging of proginova from both sides
Proginova maintaining a long-awaited pregnancy during IVF
Hormonal imbalance often causes infertility. To normalize hormonal levels, doctors prescribe hormonal medications to patients.
Diagnosis of extrasystole: treatment, drugs to normalize heart function
A certain number of extrasystoles per day is considered quite normal. In the absence of pathologies, a similar appearance
Externally, a hemangioma resembles a dirty spot on the skin
Hemangioma: features of manifestation in newborns
Hemangiomas in children may resolve on their own or require immediate medical intervention. How is it determined
B12 deficiency anemia
B12 deficiency anemia: causes, symptoms and treatment
Many people, regardless of gender and place of residence, have encountered a disease such as B12
Preparations for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in adults
Prevention of influenza occupies a very important place in the life of modern people. The specificity of the modern world is that
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