Convulsive syndrome. Lecture on syndromic pathology
Convulsive syndrome is a pathological reaction in response to various physical stimuli. Convulsive syndrome in
What is malaria?
What is malaria? Symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment
Malaria is a group of infectious diseases caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium. Mostly found in tropical
Treatment of different types of blepharitis at home
Blepharitis is a group of diseases associated with inflammation of the ciliary margin of the eyelids, predominantly infectious or
General practitioner about liver failure: from causes to indications for liver transplantation
» What is liver failure and what are its symptoms? Liver diseases Valentin Livanov 06/09/2017
Hernia of the white line of the abdomen
Why does diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles appear and how to remove it? 
Rectus muscles - two vertically located muscle cords lying in the middle of the abdominal wall from its
Lactobacterin - release form, composition, instructions for use for children and adults, analogues and price
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are often accompanied by the development of dysbiosis. This pathology is characterized by frequent digestive disorders.
Hypospadias without hypospadias: how to recognize the disease, causes, treatment options
Anomalies 6965 No comments Hypospadias is recognized by experts as a common disorder of the urethra, usually observed in
“Signs and treatment of inguinal hernia in women, is it possible to do without surgery?”
Hernia defects of the groin area are a disease in which the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, with
what causes dandruff
Why dandruff appears on the head - what causes it and how to treat it
Symptoms and types of dandruff This pathology is difficult to miss. Light dry flakes of white or
Perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
Perforated ulcer - causes, signs, manifestations and prognosis
Penetrating damage to the wall of the stomach, which leads to the leakage of its contents into the abdominal cavity, is called
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