Symptoms, types, signs and treatment of otitis in a child
Otitis in children is an inflammatory disease that occurs due to the passage of viral microorganisms through the Eustachian tube.
Inflammation of the eye due to dry cornea
Xerophthalmia - causes and treatment of dry eye syndrome
Dry eye syndrome, otherwise called xerophthalmia, according to the logic of the name of the pathology, is a condition of the eye,
Vegetative-vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia: a disease or a symptom complex?
Pathology neurocirculatory dystonia has a complex of symptoms from the heart and blood vessels, respiratory organs, nervous
Precursors of labor in multiparous women
When labor is approaching: harbingers and immediate signs
The first pregnancy is a joyful and desirable event for every woman, and a repeat pregnancy is doubly pleasant,
Mechanism of focusing vision on the retina
Farsightedness (hypermetropia): degrees, symptoms, treatment methods
Hypermetropia or farsightedness is a visual impairment in which a person sees clearly
Sprained ligaments: how to competently help the victim
Muscle strain | Symptoms of sprains Muscle strains can occur with sudden movements or excessive
Hypomotor dyskinesia of the colon, its manifestations and treatment methods
Intestinal dyskinesia is a functional disorder of the intestine, which is based on a violation of its motor-evacuation function.
Periodontitis: photos, symptoms, causes, complications, treatment
Acute pain inside the jaw and swelling of the gums often mean that a person has developed periodontitis. This
gonococci (Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
“Gonorrhea in women - symptoms and treatment of a dangerous infection”
Unfortunately, today there are girls, and even women, who believe that gonorrhea is
platelets are low
Platelets are low in an adult, what does this mean, and how to treat
According to statistics obtained from recent scientific studies, thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count) is quite
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