BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia
How to diagnose and treat prostate hyperplasia?
BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate adenoma) is a benign growth of gland tissue, enlargement
uterine anatomy
Uterus: structure, anatomy, photo. Anatomy of the uterus, fallopian tubes and appendages
The uterus is an unpaired reproductive organ in women, which is located in the middle third of the cavity of the small
White coal
White coal: instructions for use, differences from black coal, indications and contraindications
White coal is used for poisoning when toxins enter the body. It adsorbs them to
Rickets is a disease of the musculoskeletal system.
Treatment of rickets in adults using folk methods at home!
Diseases of bone tissue and the nervous system are often found in children in the first year of life. First
Frozen pregnancy
Frozen (non-developing) pregnancy in the early stages: symptoms, causes
Many couples dream of having a baby, but for some reason their dreams fail
Aspirin for a hangover: acetylsalicylic acid after alcohol
Aspirin is an effective drug that is widely used to relieve withdrawal symptoms during hangovers. Means
breathing school
Why do the eyes turn red: the causes of the symptom (12 photos)
Red whites of the eyes are a sign of vasodilatation or hemorrhage. May be temporary and
Symptoms of chlamydia in women: how to recognize the disease at an early stage
It is important to diagnose the disease at an early stage. Chlamydia is a common and extremely dangerous infection. She
What do Fordyce granules look like on the lips and genitals? Should they be treated?
Causes, signs and symptoms, treatment of Fordyce disease
Small yellowish “pimples” or Fordyce granules are an external sign of the disease. Granules scattered in the nose area
cystic formation
Kidney cyst - what is it, causes and treatment
Cyst on the kidney - is it dangerous, and what treatment is necessary? Usually this question
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