Gallstones. What are they and how to remove them
The formation of stones (concretions) in the gallbladder is a common phenomenon that occurs as a result of the progression of concomitant
Peony tincture - magical properties for men, women and children
Peony tincture - magical properties for men, women and children
In biology, this plant is the evasive peony, also known as the peasant rose or marin
Congenital heart disease, basic methods of treating the disease
Heart defects are anomalies and deformations of individual functional parts of the heart: valves, septa, orifices
A stone in the ureter is one of the causes of renal colic
What are the manifestations of renal colic in men, how to treat it?
Renal colic is an acute pain attack that is caused by a sudden disruption of the passage of urine through the
uric acid
Uric acid is elevated in the blood: more than 15 reasons, what it means, symptoms, normal, treatment, how to reduce it in women, men, diet, medications
Uric acid (UA) is one of the most important markers of the state of purine metabolism in the body. U
A girl warms her hands with her breath
Cold allergy - how it manifests itself in adults and children, symptoms and treatment
What is cold allergy Even doctors do not agree on the answer to
General information about the disease, Willis syndrome
Restless legs syndrome, what is it? Symptoms and treatment
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a severe neurological disorder characterized by discomfort and pain in the legs,
my throat hurts very much
Sore throat, painful to swallow – how to treat it at home?
If you have a sore throat, it may go away on its own without any treatment.
Urticaria in a child: causes, symptoms, what to do
What are the causes of hives in a child? It is impossible to answer this question in a few words.
Acylact suppositories and instructions for use in gynecology
December 10, 2019 Obstetrics and gynecology Svetlana Saksina “Acilact” suppositories, instructions for use
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