Hot flashes are one of the common unpleasant symptoms of menopause
Hot flashes in women - causes and treatment for symptoms
Video More than half of women with the approach and onset of menopause experience specific vegetative-vascular paroxysms -
Foreign body inhalation
Diagnostic bronchoscopy: what is it and how does it work?
What is bronchoscopy and why is it needed? Bronchoscopy of the lungs - a pulmonological method of studying
Gentamicin: composition, release form, indications for use, side effects
Gentamicin in ampoules: composition, dosage, instructions, contraindications
1501 Antibiotics are organic substances that by their nature are secondary metabolites of microorganisms. They
pulmonary pleurisy symptoms and treatment
What to do if there is fluid in the pleural cavity: causes and treatment
Pleurisy is one of the common diseases of the human respiratory system. According to medical statistics,
Causes of anal fissure
How to treat anal fissure and what are its symptoms?
Causes of anal fissures Reasons that may cause anal fissures: Constipation. In
Gases in the intestines: causes and how to get rid of them
Accumulation of gases in the intestines: causes and methods of treatment
Recently, problems in the operation of one of the most important human systems have become particularly relevant.
Rating of non-hormonal drugs for menopause
How to do without hormones during menopause - 15 best medications
Rating of non-hormonal drugs for menopause We present a rating of drugs for menopause that can be taken without
Not enough air when breathing
Why do you feel like you're short of air when you inhale?
Many people know what it means when there is not enough air when breathing: the reasons can be
Inguinal lymph nodes in women
What to do if a woman has an inflamed lymph node in her groin?
The lymphatic system in the human body is represented by millions of the finest vessels and capillaries and peculiar “depots”,
Shortness of breath when walking and physical activity: cause, diagnosis, treatment
Man lives in a world where a fifth of the world around us is oxygen. We
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