Reviews of Physiotens reviews from cardiologists
Physiotens - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms tablets 0.2 mg, 0.3 mg and 0.4 mg medications for the treatment of hypertension and blood pressure reduction in adults, children and pregnancy
Composition and release form Film-coated tablets 1 table. moxonidine 0.2 mg excipients:
The type of heart attack can only be determined after examination
Types of myocardial infarction: anginal, atypical and other forms
Types of myocardial infarction - what are they and what is the basis for the classification of the disease? Heart attack
Pirantel 250 tablets for worms. Instructions for use
Pyrantel - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and release forms 250 mg tablets, suspension or syrup, medicines for the treatment of worms in adults, children and pregnancy
Such an unpleasant phenomenon as helminth infection is especially acutely perceived by parents of young children when it is difficult
Myocardial infarction
What does Metoprolol help with? Instructions for use
Existing analogues of the drug What to do if the patient was unable to purchase the medication prescribed by the doctor
What is bronchitis?
Symptoms and treatment of bronchitis in adults at home
Diagnostics Treatment of bronchitis in adults Video Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tree without involvement
Almagel: types of drug and their distinctive features
When coming to the pharmacy to buy Almagel, patients will definitely be faced with the pharmacist’s question: which one is needed?
Drotaverine Drotaverine instructions for use
Medicine Drotaverine - how to take it correctly, dosage
General description Drotaverine is an effective antispasmodic that helps relieve spasms of various etiologies. Prescribed to reduce
TOP 6 analogues of Ceraxon by active ingredient in ampoules and tablets
Category: Published 04/04/2017 · Comments: · Reading time: 6 min · Views: 5,469
Calcium gluconate: instructions for use for adults and children
With the onset of warm spring days, we feel the results of cold weather, lack of sunlight and inadequate
Syntomycin ointment
What is synthomycin ointment used for in gynecology?
An antibiotic medicine for use in the treatment of hemorrhoids, gynecological problems and skin lesions is Syntomycin
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