Hemorrhoids in women
How to cure hemorrhoids at home: popular medications, recipes, folk remedies and tips
Hemorrhoids in women Treatment of hemorrhoids at home in women is carried out in cases where
"Enalapril Hexal": instructions for use, analogues and reviews
May 25, 2019 Cardiology Natalya Balagurova The drug "Enalapril Hexal" is prescribed to people suffering from disorders in
Fluconazole instructions for use and analogues of the drug, release forms and cost in pharmacies
Fluconazole is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of fungal infections. This is a synthetic drug that disrupts vital functions.
Concor Cor 2.5 mg reviews
Concor Cor: instructions for use of the drug
These medications can be considered similar, since they have the same active
glucose formula
Normal blood sugar from a finger and vein in women 40–50 years old
What is glucose, its main functions Glucose is a simple carbohydrate, due to which
Ceftriaxone injections: composition, indications and contraindications, adverse reactions
Ceftriaxone injections: instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews
980 Ceftriaxone is a third-generation semisynthetic antibiotic drug belonging to the group of cephalosporins. He's different
Paracetamol tablets for children: instructions for use, dosage at temperature, price
At high temperatures, anyone feels unwell. A small child, unlike an adult, does not
Duphaston drug
Duphaston - instructions for use. Duphaston when planning pregnancy
Not all women manage to become a mother without any problems. One of the common reasons
Sore throat
Berodual: indications for use, dosage and analogues of the drug
Side effects Berodual has special properties - beta-adrenergic and anticholinergic. They are the ones who can become
Cycloferon tablets - official instructions for use
Cycloferon tablets - official instructions for use
Dosage forms of the antibiotic Cycloferon are presented in different dosage forms: tablets (150 mg of active substance); ampoules
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