Progesterone injections
Progesterone to induce menstruation: indications and contraindications for prescribing this medicine
Progesterone injections to induce menstruation: instructions, reviews and list Medical portal Hemorrhoids ENT diseases Diseases
The use of targeted therapy in breast cancer
Modern methods of fighting cancer have proven their effectiveness. Targeted therapy for breast cancer is based on
Diagram of polycystic ovary
How to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome and is it possible?
What is polycystic ovary syndrome? Hormonal imbalance leading to the formation of small cysts and
Bloody discharge due to endometriosis
Types of discharge Endometriosis is characterized by the growth of the endometrium beyond the uterine cavity. This process is especially active
Vera Smetnik: “A woman after 50 should be selfish”
With age, the metabolic processes occurring in the female body slow down. Loss of reproductive function does not affect
The Gardasil vaccine effectively protects against infection with oncogenic strains of HPV
Cervical papilloma: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
About the pathology Cervical papillomavirus is a common infection that today
How to delay the onset of menopause and avoid unpleasant symptoms
Symptoms of menopause The functions of the ovaries fade with age, which causes a gradual cessation of menstruation. Approaching menopause
Weakness after menstruation what to do. How to overcome weakness during menstruation
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has approximately 150 different symptoms. In this case, circling is the most common
endometrial hyperplasia in menopause
Endometrial hyperplasia treatment with folk remedies reviews
Endometrial hyperplasia is a hormone-dependent disease that involves benign growth of the endometrium in the uterus and leads to
treatment of ovarian cyst cancer
Ovarian cystoma (cyst, cystadenoma): danger of tumor, symptoms and treatment
Primary appointment/consultation with a gynecologist—RUB 1,700. Appointment/consultation with a gynecologist
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