Pine infusion
What is the first phase of the menstrual cycle
During the menstrual cycle, called the proliferative phase, the structure of the uterine mucosa changes
Is it possible to treat teeth or remove them during menstruation?
Key Points Many people know how uncomfortable toothache can be. Sometimes it can be so strong
mensa reviews from women during menopause
Mense for menopause: instructions for use, doctor's review, price
Hormone replacement therapy for menopause (HRT): pros and cons Hormone replacement therapy for relief of menopause
How to get rid of cystitis - treatment methods, prevention
Antibiotics for cystitis Just a few 30-40 years ago, cystitis did not require taking antibacterial drugs,
When a representative of the fair sex is preparing to become a mother, she cannot even imagine the difficulties
Physiotherapy in the treatment of female and male infertility
Causes of infertile marriages Infertility in women can occur for several reasons: Hormonal (endocrine): related
Why is there a three-day delay and it starts to smear. Unexpected delay in brown discharge - female alarm signals
Every girl understands that monitoring her health and changes in her body helps
The use of folk remedies
How to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome using folk remedies?
Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome with folk remedies is gaining increasing popularity among patients with this diagnosis.
FUS ablation of uterine fibroids under MRI control (FUS-MRI)
FUS ablation is an operation during which myomatous nodes are removed using focused ultrasound
how to lower prolactin in women
10 reasons for increased prolactin in women, treatment 20006 0
Lactation During breastfeeding, prolactin levels in the blood serum are more than 23 ng/ml.
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