Bloody discharge after menstruation
What does red discharge after menstruation indicate?
Age-related reasons for the appearance of bleeding at the end of the menstrual cycle. Gynecologists claim that such a phenomenon
Pain in the uterus in the middle of the cycle causes
Pain in the uterus and the menstrual cycle Algomenorrhea - this is what scientific medicine calls pain
The girl is going to take pills for thrush
Using Miramistin against thrush - does it help or not?
Instructions for the use of Miramistin in the treatment of candidiasis A distinctive feature of Miramistin is its high selectivity of action.
Uterine rupture is the most serious complication of childbirth
Risk Factors and Underlying Causes There are several theories that attempt to explain the origin of the injury. Founder
Nagging pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle causes
Nagging pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle can occur for various reasons. Sometimes they
Serozometra: causes of the disease, main symptoms, treatment and prevention
Many older women come across the term “serozometra”. This is not a diagnosis, but a condition that
How long does the menopause last? How long does menopause last and when does it end? Factors influencing the duration of menopause
The onset of menopause in a woman cannot be prevented, prevented or stopped. This is a natural process of withering
How to recognize early menopause - signs of menopause in women
What is associated with the onset of menopause? The symptoms of menopause that appear in women after 40 years are
Do menstruation occur in the early stages of an ectopic pregnancy and what might be the delay?
Pregnancy for every woman is a real miracle, which is carefully protected and cherished. Unfortunately not
Folliculometry: description and goals of the technique, interpretation of the results
What and how does folliculometry measure? This procedure consists of a series of examinations, which over time
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