Milk thistle herb
Milk thistle - medicinal properties of the herb. Uses of milk thistle
Milk thistle herb - its properties and uses This medicinal raw material is used - milk thistle
What causes bad breath: causes in adults
Halitosis (or bad breath) can greatly ruin your life, adding difficulties in communication
How to examine and treat helminth eggs in children and adults
Signs of worms in humans are varied. The presence of helminths can manifest itself as constant pain in the stomach,
Abdominal aortic aneurysm: causes, symptoms and treatment
In one of the largest vessels of our body, three main parts can be distinguished: ascending
The causative agent of botulism
Why is botulism dangerous: symptoms and possible complications
Infection with botulism The main causes of botulism The causative agent of botulism in home canning jars The causative agent of botulism in
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It is not easy to treat a cough if the sputum has a viscous consistency and is difficult to expectorate. The child is trying to free
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Analogs of the drug The following medications are similar in composition: Medicine “Condronova”. Available in
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Rectal suppositories Ketonal - instructions for use
When the drug is prescribed The composition of the ampoules allows for intravenous injections in the presence of the following indications: Rheumatoid
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Why is Utrozhestan prescribed during pregnancy? Instructions for use of Utrozhestan during pregnancy
During pregnancy, women often have to cope with hormonal imbalances, which often lead to
Your chest may hurt
Causes of pain in the mammary gland - possible diseases, diagnosis and treatment
Most women at least once in their lives encounter an unpleasant phenomenon - pain
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