Dr. Komarovsky about dysbiosis: “There is no such disease”
Dysbacteriosis in breastfed infants is not an independent disease: it is a consequence of a violation
Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of stomach tumor
Oncological diseases are dangerous for long periods that are asymptomatic. Gastric adenocarcinoma is not an exception.
Why does hemorrhoids occur and how to treat them in newborns? 8 Possible Causes and Treatments
Symptoms of the disease Hemorrhoids in a child have the following symptoms: pain in the anus; dropping out
Hyperplastic polyp of the rectum - causes and treatment, whether it needs to be removed
Polyps in the large intestine are benign neoplasms formed from glandular epithelial cells. IN
The most common cause of high stomach acidity is poor diet.
How to increase stomach acidity and how to treat high acidity
General concepts and causes The most common cause of increased stomach acidity is a nutritional factor, i.e.
Duspatalin: effectiveness and use for constipation
Duspatalin for constipation is prescribed only for certain types of intestinal dysfunction. The drug does not apply to
Sea buckthorn oil for gastritis
Sea buckthorn oil for gastritis with high acidity: method of use
Gastritis is one of the intractable chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A person suffering from this disease is treated for
Papaverine injections: instructions for use, indications
Papaverine injections: instructions for use, indications
Properties of the drug Papaverine hydrochloride suppositories, after administration into the rectum, affect smooth muscles
catarrhal colitis symptoms
Catarrhal colitis of the intestine: description, causes, symptoms and treatment
Catarrhal colitis of the intestine is an acute inflammatory disease, which is most often caused by infectious causes. Common
Causes and treatment of stones in the pancreas
Causes, symptoms and non-surgical treatment of pancreatic stones
Stones in the human body occur not only in the bladder, kidneys and gall bladder.
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