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Detralex for hemorrhoids: reviews, instructions for use, analogues
Forms of release, composition Tablets for hemorrhoids Detralex - produced in France, in blisters according to
Diet during pancreatitis: table No. 1, food table: what you can eat and what you can’t
Pancreatitis is a complex disease associated with disorders of the pancreas. Along with drug treatment
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Characteristics and treatment of the Mayo-Robson symptom in pancreatitis
 Diagnosis of pathology is not only a lengthy process, but also complex. Every disease has
Surgery to remove hemorrhoids is a radical way to treat a disease that is in an advanced form or has complications
Types of operations to remove hemorrhoids: indications and preparation
Surgery to remove hemorrhoids is a radical way to treat a disease that is in an advanced form or
Distal reflux esophagitis: what is this disease and how to cope with it
A little about the terms The esophagus is divided into three areas. Its lower part is called distal. Esophagitis
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Liver cancer: degrees, manifestations in men and women
If a person has liver cancer, how long do they live with this disease? Not many of the sick
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The right diet for the pancreas and gallbladder
13937 Cholecystitis is an inflammatory process in the gallbladder. As a result, the patient develops
Metaplasia of the esophagus: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
A disease in which cells of different organs of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, the small
Natural prebiotic inulin for health and beauty
Being one of the organic polysaccharides, inulin became widespread at the end of the last century.
How to relieve an attack of pancreatitis at home?
Almost every 5 people experience pancreatitis. Its main symptoms are inflammation, metamorphosis in
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