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Intestinal anastomoses. What is intestinal anastomosis? Preparation and consequences of surgery Local tumor removal
What is intestinal anastomosis, and in what cases is it prescribed? Fistulas are a cause of cancer
Reasons for the increase and decrease in enterococci in feces, methods of treatment
Biochemical analysis of stool examines the intestinal microflora for the presence of dysbacteriosis. Dysbacteriosis is not an independent disease,
Therapeutic diet for intestinal diverticulosis, nutritional rules and sample menu
Features and examples of diet for intestinal diverticulosis
Any intestinal pathology requires a radical revision of nutrition. Diverticulosis is often accompanied by stool disorders and unpleasant sensations.
diet for intestinal colitis during exacerbation
Therapeutic nutrition (diet) for colitis during exacerbation
Diet for ulcerative colitis promotes faster recovery. A properly composed menu reduces the risk of relapse
Oatmeal jelly Izotov
Izotov’s oatmeal jelly is a unique remedy for the treatment of many diseases
41 Diets and healthy eating 03/27/2018 Dear readers, many people know about the benefits of oats. Oatmeal
Gastritis with high stomach acidity: symptoms and treatment
Classification of the disease Acute and chronic gastritis with high acidity has varieties by type: type
Different stages of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids - how to treat internal or external with medications and folk remedies
Depending on the stage, the lump can be expressed differently. Hemorrhoidal lump, a photo of which is good
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Treatment of gastritis in children: what drugs are used, diet, folk remedies
Drug treatment of gastritis (catarrh) is undeniably more effective than traditional medicines for gastritis (such as
Liver cirrhosis in women
The main signs of liver cirrhosis in men from alcohol
783 According to statistics, liver cirrhosis is diagnosed in women three times less often than
Features of diagnosis and treatment of malignancy of gastric ulcer
Oncology is replete with complex and incomprehensible terms, the meaning of which is not so easy to find or understand
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