Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids: properties, method of application, contraindications
Hemorrhoids are a pathology associated with weakness of the connective tissue of the anal ligaments and accompanied by enlarged nodes
Drugs for the treatment of esophageal candidiasis
Candidiasis of the esophagus: treatment to normalize the condition
Esophageal candidiasis is a fungal disease that affects the food tract. It is worth noting that thrush
Digestive enzymes: the first course of the holiday table
Enzyme preparations are medicines that contain special substances (enzymes) necessary
Instructions for the use of glycerin suppositories for constipation during pregnancy: how to use in the early and late stages?
Constipation is a common occurrence during pregnancy. The expanding uterus puts pressure on the intestines and
The first signs of hemorrhoids in men are: discomfort in the anus, painful defecation, the appearance of external nodes and seals
Measures to prevent hemorrhoids in women and men during sedentary work
Hemorrhoids are a common delicate disease that is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, high-quality, timely
Features of the treatment of diverticulosis of the large intestine with folk remedies
What is and why does diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon appear? Diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon is an inflammatory disease.
The physiology of human digestion is brief and clear. Table of organs and their functions
The physiology of human digestion is brief and clear. Table of organs and their functions
Divisions and subdivisions of the human digestive system Food initially enters the oral cavity. This and
Hemorrhoids stage 1
Attention: terminal stage of hemorrhoids - course to eliminate complications
The initial course of hemorrhoidal disease is the most dangerous. If treatment is not taken, the disease will
A girl follows a diet for gallstones
Diet for cholelithiasis, permitted foods
Dietary recommendations for cholecystitis Due to the development of this disease, the patient may experience unpleasant
How to drink De-Nol for gastritis?
How to take de Nol for gastritis with high acidity
De-Nol is a gastroprotective agent used for inflammatory processes in the stomach, peptic ulcers, dyspeptic functional
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