Carpal tunnel syndrome. Symptoms, treatment, prevention. Carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease that is very common XXI
When to start taking antibiotics
10 antibiotics for colds - effective and best drugs. In what cases should it be used, which antibiotic to choose?
Symptoms that require antibiotic treatment If a viral infection becomes bactericidal, then
The patient undergoes an ultrasound of the kidney and the result is shown on the monitor
Kidney stones in women: main symptoms and signs, treatment and prevention
According to statistics, kidney stones form in women quite rarely, but they
Liver disease
In simple words about Gilbert's disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options
Gilbert's syndrome (GS) is a hereditary pigmentary hepatosis in which the liver cannot fully process
First signs of hepatitis B infographics
What are the main differences between viral hepatitis B and C?
Hepatitis B is a viral inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus. In most
Trigan-D - the pills that caused a terrible epidemic of drug addiction among schoolchildren
Medicinal drugs, absolutely legal, are sold in every pharmacy, arousing great interest among
Illustration 1
Reasons for increased levels of the hormone progesterone in women
Ideally, a healthy body maintains hormonal balance at all times. However, due to some reasons
Meningococcal infection, meningococcemia: etiology, clinical picture, treatment, prevention
Meningococcal infection is one of the most severe acute infectious diseases with various clinical manifestations
Treatment of liver cirrhosis in women
Signs of liver cirrhosis, symptoms and treatments
In the 21st century, the main cause of death is considered to be vascular accidents - heart attacks and strokes, which
Symptoms of the disease and treatment with drugs for asthenic syndrome
Mechanism of development of asthenia Asthenic syndrome is a disorder of a psychopathological type that develops against the background
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