How to make your own tampon from bandage and cotton wool
Indications for the introduction of a vaginal tampon with a drug This method of treatment is used in the following
Condoms to prevent HIV infection
Who is at higher risk of becoming infected: men or women? Susceptible to sexually transmitted infections in equal proportions
Physiotherapy in the treatment of female and male infertility
Causes of infertile marriages Infertility in women can occur for several reasons: Hormonal (endocrine): related
The use of folk remedies
How to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome using folk remedies?
Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome with folk remedies is gaining increasing popularity among patients with this diagnosis.
FUS ablation of uterine fibroids under MRI control (FUS-MRI)
FUS ablation is an operation during which myomatous nodes are removed using focused ultrasound
After hysteroscopy, how long does the discharge last? reviews
Hysteroscopy is a low-traumatic method for diagnosing and treating gynecological diseases. Even a review intervention, not to mention
How can a woman check her ovaries using ultrasound diagnostics?
Indications for ultrasound of the ovaries: irregular menstrual cycle, delayed menstruation; painful menstruation; excessively abundant
causes of resistant ovarian syndrome
Restoring fertility in resistant ovarian syndrome
Resistant ovarian syndrome is a gynecological disease that occurs in young women under 35
Bend of the uterus anteriorly, posteriorly
Bend of the uterus back and forth - postures for conception
According to medical statistics, about 20% of women have an atypical structure of the internal genital organs. Change
Method of surgical treatment of uterine torsion in girls
Cystic formation in the ovary is a very common gynecological pathology that can lead to
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