Scar on the uterus after cesarean section: what is it, what does it look like Scar on the uterus after
Synechiae of the uterine cavity
Hysteroscopic treatment of intrauterine synechiae
Synechiae are adhesions in the uterine cavity, fused areas of connective tissue that can form
Candles or suppositories for urethritis
Why are suppositories used for cystitis? Suppository is a medical term translated from Latin meaning
Deflection of the uterus is a reason for infertility or a common pathology
Retroversion or retroflexion of the uterus is an abnormal structure of the main organ of the female reproductive system, which
Blocked glands on the labia - treatment. The labia minora is inflamed
Drug treatment To get rid of condylomas using a conservative method, antiviral drugs are used. Popular medicine among
Fibroids during pregnancy: danger and consequences
Uterine fibroids during pregnancy, is it dangerous? Uterine fibroids are non-tumorous growths of the uterus
Formation of adhesions after laparoscopy
Adhesions after surgery are a problem for those who have undergone abdominal surgery
chamomile medicinal properties for female diseases
Why douching with chamomile is done, how effective and safe are they?
Herbal medicine is one of the main areas in the treatment of female diseases. Chamomile in gynecology for
Gram variable coccobacilli in small quantities what is it
Gram-variable coccobacilli are one of the bacterial species. It combines in large quantities
What is hyperplasia of the cylindrical, glandular epithelium of the cervical canal
Detailed description and 11 types of breast hyperplasia
My friend is often sick. One of her last diseases was hyperplasia of the glandular epithelium. Good that
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