What should the endometrium be like during pregnancy 1
What should the endometrium be like during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, the endometrium transforms in a colossal way. After all, it depends on him whether the embryo will be strong
Women's health: 7 foods that cause thrush
General rules Candida albicans fungi are saprophytic fungi and are present in small quantities in
Candles are convenient to use when other forms of release are contraindicated
Diclofenac rectal suppositories: instructions and reviews
 Almost any inflammatory process in the body is accompanied by pain. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms
How to treat uterine endometriosis with folk remedies reviews 1
Drugs and folk remedies for the treatment of endometriosis
Popular publications Latest comments Causes of endometriosis. Modern medicine cannot answer the reasons
Dimensions of uterine fibroids in millimeters and indications for removal
Uterine fibroids are among the most frequently diagnosed gynecological pathologies in women undergoing
Torsion of the pedicle of the right ovarian cyst 1
Paraovarian ovarian cyst, ICD code 10
Causes So far, doctors cannot name the exact cause that causes torsion. A cyst forms
Laparoscopic surgery to remove the uterus: description of the method, indications, price of laparoscopy
Types of operations to remove the uterus When prescribing an operation to remove the uterus (hysterectomy), doctors do not take into account
why treatment of syphilis is ineffective
The first stage of syphilis: symptoms and treatment
Syphilis is a rather serious disease that affects the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs of a person.
Ovarian cyst psychosomatics
Psychosomatics ovarian cyst Louise Hay
Women's behavior has changed a lot recently. This was influenced by many factors: work, moral
Ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome: causes and treatment
Most women experience an improvement in their general condition after hormone replacement therapy. Differential diagnosis Syndrome
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