What should the endometrium be like during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the endometrium transforms in a colossal way. After all, it depends on him whether the embryo will hold tightly to the walls of the uterus. The inner lining of the female reproductive organ supplies the embryo with everything it needs for full life until the placenta appears. Therefore, it is necessary that the endometrium during early pregnancy corresponds to the norm.

If there is insufficient development of the lining of the uterus or, conversely, hyperplasia, this will affect the full bearing of the child. Therefore, while still planning offspring, it is necessary to track how well the changes in the composition of the endometrium associated with monthly cyclicity correspond to normal indicators.

Brief description of the endometrium

The endometrial layer is the mucous membrane lining the inside of the uterus. Even the onset of pregnancy is directly related to the size of the endometrium.

In order for the embryo to be implanted into the wall of the reproductive organ, the lining of the endometrium must be more than 7 mm. If the indicator is smaller, 4–5 mm, then even the most viable embryo will not be able to attach to the thin layer of the endometrium. When the thickness of the mucosa is 8–15 mm, excellent conditions are created for the implantation of the embryo.

Thus, the correct ratio of hormone production and the required size of the lining during pregnancy are the main components of the successful development of the child in the womb.

Normal endometrium during pregnancy

After the embryo has settled in the uterus, its mucous membrane actively grows. This occurs due to an increase in the production of the hormone progesterone.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, the thickness of the endometrium is 9–15 mm. These sizes are reached by ovulation. If by the time of conception it is more than 15 cm, then problems with implantation may also arise. This deviation is called hyperplasia. By the 4th–5th week of gestation, the normal thickness of the inner lining of the uterus is 2 cm.

2-3 weeks after pregnancy, when the woman is still not entirely sure of her guesses, the indicator of an increased endometrial layer indirectly indicates that fertilization of the egg has occurred and implantation has taken place. The same will happen with an ectopic pregnancy.

Normal state of the endometrium by day of the cycle:

Norms for endometrial thickness:

  • 1-2: the first two days of the cycle 0.5-0.9 cm
  • 3-4: third, fourth day 0.3-0.5 cm
  • 5-7: from the fifth to the seventh day of the cycle 0.6-0.9 cm
  • 8-10: from the eighth to the tenth day 0.8-1 cm
  • 11-14: from the eleventh to the fourteenth 0.9-1.3 cm
  • 15-18: from the fifteenth to the eighteenth 1-1.3 cm
  • 19-23: from the nineteenth to the twenty-third day of the cycle 1-1.4 cm
  • 24-27 days of the cycle 1.0-1.3 cm

Follicle diameter depending on the day of the cycle:

  • 10th day - 10 mm
  • 11th day - 13.5 mm
  • 12th day - 16.6 mm
  • 13th day - 19.9 mm
  • Day 14 - 21 mm, at the time of peak ovulation

Deviations during pregnancy

Any deviation from the norm in the thickness of the endometrium can lead to negative consequences.

The thin inner layer of the uterus, which does not correspond to the gestational age, is not able to fully function and support the growing fetus. Therefore, hypoplasia often causes miscarriage. If such a condition is detected, it requires competent treatment and constant monitoring by a gynecologist.

Causes of hypoplasia during pregnancy:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Abortion. During artificial termination of pregnancy, the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ is often injured, which leads to underdevelopment of the endometrium in the future. This often causes infertility.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area. They cause a lack of blood supply to the inner lining of the reproductive organ. Due to lack of oxygen and nutrients, its growth and development are inhibited.
  4. Heredity.

If the inner layer of the uterus is abnormally enlarged, it is sometimes possible to become pregnant. But hyperplasia is also dangerous for the development of the child and can lead to spontaneous abortion.

Factors causing excessive growth of the endometrium in thickness:

  • excessive secretion of the hormone estrogen;
  • taking hormonal birth control pills for a long time.

Any of these deviations requires complex treatment.

First trimester

The size of the endometrium in the first trimester increases on average from 7 mm to 2 cm. Every month, with the arrival of critical days, part of the inner lining of the uterus is rejected and its subsequent growth occurs. But after conception, it no longer peels off, but continues to thicken.

In the early stages, when it is still impossible to recognize the presence of an embryo in the uterus on an ultrasound, the enlargement of the endometrium characteristic of this stage of pregnancy can be used to conclude that a new life has arisen.

Since during this period the inner lining of the uterus performs the functions of an unformed placenta, deviations in thickness in any direction, noticed on an ultrasound, must be corrected with the help of therapy prescribed by a gynecologist. Otherwise, it may interfere with bearing the baby.

Second trimester

During this period, the placenta has already been formed from the endometrium, inside which there is a fertilized egg. Throughout the remaining period of pregnancy, she grows and develops together with the fetus.

Hyperplasia can lead to endometrial detachment in the early stages, which in turn can cause the formation of a placenta with various abnormalities. For example, with impaired blood flow, which is very dangerous for the further development of the baby. Therefore, it is important to do a routine ultrasound in order to correct any pathologies in time.

And yet this period is considered the safest for the child. After all, if any deviations occur, they are detected at an earlier stage of gestation.

Third trimester

During this period, the expectant mother needs to be especially attentive to any changes in her body. After all, if something goes wrong and the child is born prematurely, this may affect his future development.

You need to watch the discharge especially carefully. When a woman notices mucus streaked with blood, and childbirth is still far away, this is a sign of placental abruption. In such a situation, you need to urgently consult a doctor. If measures are not taken in the near future, then severe pain in the lower abdomen will be added to this symptom, and bleeding will also begin.

Preeclampsia is considered a serious deviation during this period. It manifests itself as swelling, severe weight gain, and increased blood pressure. As a result of this disease, detachment of the placenta from the walls of the uterus often occurs. During the normal course of pregnancy, this occurs after childbirth. But if this happens when the baby is still in the uterus, then bleeding begins, possible death of the fetus and disruption of the functioning of many internal organs of the pregnant woman.

Endometrium during ectopic pregnancy

During pregnancy formed outside the uterus, as with normal pregnancy, the lining of the cavity becomes thicker. Its glandular tissue grows, the number of vessels carrying blood increases. Such changes are needed for greater blood flow to the organ responsible for reproduction.

The growth of the endometrium always occurs under the influence of increased production of the hormone progesterone. And this happens because fertilization has occurred and the body does not care that the fetus is not attached to the wall of the uterus.

At this time, spotting is often observed - from heavy to barely noticeable - and a feeling of aching, increasing pain in the abdominal area. This is how the mucous membrane reacts to disturbances occurring in the pipe. Thus, it seems to provoke a miscarriage, responding to problems in the state of the reproductive system.

If there is any suspicion of this pathological process, you cannot waste a minute; you need to urgently go for an examination to a gynecologist. After all, a pipe rupture is dangerous for a woman with diseases, including the inability to reproduce.

Endometrium and pregnancy

A successful pregnancy depends on:

  • endometrial thickness;
  • structures of the mucous layer;
  • reaching the desired threshold of maturity of the superficial endometrial glands.

Attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus and the beginning of its development into an embryo occurs only when the indicated indicators are normal.

The maturation of the endometrium depends on the amount of estradiol, a hormone that is produced during the correct development of follicles. A sufficient amount of estradiol ensures the accumulation of receptors for progesterone, the hormone responsible for the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and embryonic development.

Treatment and diagnosis

Methods for diagnosing endometrial pathologies include:

  1. Ultrasound. It is used to determine the size of the inner layer of the uterus. In order to detect deviations, the available volume is compared with that which should correspond to the phase of the cycle.
  2. Echosalpingoscopy. Examination of the uterus can detect pathologies and neoplasms.
  3. Scraping. When removing the abnormally overgrown inner layer of the reproductive organ and polyps, particles of biomaterial are taken for examination to exclude the presence of malignant formations.
  4. Biopsy. A piece is plucked from the affected area to be sent for analysis. By studying it under a microscope, you can determine the nature of the tissue damage.
  5. Hysteroscopy. The technique identifies and eliminates uterine pathologies.

Treatment of endometrial pathologies must be carried out comprehensively:

  1. Such diseases are caused by a violation of hormone secretion. Therefore, first of all, they take medications aimed at stabilizing hormonal levels.
  2. For hyperplasia, surgical techniques such as curettage and ablation are used. The latter includes therapy with nitrogen, radio waves, laser, and chemical solutions.
  3. Combined method. It combines surgery and hormones.

Each treatment method chosen by the doctor depends on the condition of the individual woman. Only a qualified gynecologist should make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy. Self-medication can only aggravate the situation and lead to sad consequences associated not only with pregnancy, but also with life.

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of the fair sex, when in general the entire body undergoes significant changes, and this is especially true for their reproductive organs. The most important indicator of successful conception and a stable process of bearing a child is the condition of the endometrium - the mucous layer inside the uterus. During pregnancy, the endometrium performs essential functions, creating a favorable environment for the development of the fertilized egg, providing it with access to oxygen and nutrients until the placenta is formed. If the condition of the endometrial layer deviates from the norm, complications during pregnancy may develop, so it is necessary to have complete information about the condition of the uterus in order to reduce all risks to a minimum.

Folk remedies

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to grow the endometrium on their own. At home, medicinal plants are used for this purpose. The most effective methods for increasing the endometrial layer include the following:

  1. Sage decoction . Plant hormones present in this plant help increase estrogen levels and stimulate follicle activity. To make a decoction, you need to take 1 large spoon of the dried plant, chop it and add 250 ml of water. Bring to a boil and leave to cool for 15 minutes. Drink a third of the volume 4 times a day. Treatment is carried out taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle: you need to start on the 4th day of your period and end on the day of ovulation.
  2. Decoctions of hogweed and red brush . These plants have an effect on hormone balance and have anti-inflammatory properties. The red brush should be drunk in the first half of the cycle, starting on the last day of menstruation. Borovaya uterus is consumed in the second phase of the cycle. To prepare the decoction, take 1 tablespoon of dried herb, add 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Take 100 ml three times a day.
  3. Knotweed decoction . This drink helps improve blood circulation and restore mucous membranes. To prepare a decoction, mix 250 ml of dry herb with 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Take 1-2 glasses instead of tea.
  4. Infusion of raspberry leaves . This remedy stimulates the growth of the inner layer of the uterus and normalizes the condition of its mucosa. This product contains a plant hormone - estrogen, which improves the functioning of the ovaries. Simply brew the leaves with boiling water and use them instead of tea. This remedy normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs and enhances lactation.
  5. Blue clay . This product must be mixed with warm water. For treatment, 500 g of fresh clay should be used every day. Before starting the procedure, the mixture needs to be heated slightly. Then the clay is placed on oilcloth and given the shape of a cake. The finished composition is applied to the abdominal area. You need to lie with this compress for 2 hours. Good results can be achieved already on day 5.
  6. Herbal collection . Take 1 spoon each of elderberry flowers, medicinal cap, yarrow, chamomile, mint, nettle and raspberry leaves. You also need to add 2 tablespoons of marshmallow root and sage herb. Mix the finished composition with 2 liters of boiling water and leave to steep for a couple of hours. Take 1 glass 4 times a day. It is advisable to use the product half an hour before meals.

Before using any product, you should consult your doctor. Traditional recipes have a strong impact on the balance of hormones and the functions of individual organs and the entire body.

Anatomical information

The inside of the uterus is lined with mucous tissue called the endometrium. It consists of two layers:

  • functional, undergoing cyclic modifications in accordance with a certain phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • basal, which is saturated with a network of blood vessels and secretory glands.

Structurally, the endometrium is heterogeneous and includes tissue from epithelial cells, mucous and stromal elements. Their joint task is to create conditions favorable for the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine layer.

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It is believed that successful implantation of the zygote is possible if the thickness of the endometrium is at least 7 mm. The onset of pregnancy structurally modifies the endometrial layer. During pregnancy, the endometrium increases its volume due to the increase in the number of glands that secrete a special secretion.

Its fullness increases through the branching of a network of blood vessels, which should provide improved blood supply to the uterus. All transformations prepare the endometrial layer for the formation of a “baby place”, through which the embryo will receive oxygen and various nutrients.

Cyclic modifications occurring in the endometrium

The endometrium and pregnancy are two closely interrelated concepts. Cyclic transformations that occur in the female body under the influence of hormones are caused by a natural mechanism aimed at the reproduction of offspring.

The endometrial layer, thanks to its receptors, is very sensitive to changes in hormone levels. Hormonal regulation is carried out in such a way that during the first phase of the cycle, the growth of the endometrium is stimulated, its volume and “porosity” increase. The loose endometrium, gradually thickening, securely anchors the egg, and it is easier for it to develop further. The maximum thickness occurs in the middle of the cycle, on average about 9-11 mm, while the required thickness level is considered to be 7 mm.

General information

The endometrium is a complex system in the body, which consists of a large number of different components: epithelium (integumentary, glandular), stroma, blood vessels, ground substance.

The epithelium contains various cells, for example, secretory, argyrophilic, ciliated. The stroma contains histiocytes, fibroblast-like, and mast cells.

After growth, the vessels and glands of the endometrium end in lakes; it is in them that the “outpouring” of blood occurs, washing the villi of the placenta during pregnancy. The growth of the uterine layer is an important factor that enters the placenta. Through it, oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the embryo.

Before pregnancy occurs, the thickness of the endometrium is 3-17 mm. At the beginning of the cycle, this is a thin endometrium, its size reaches 3-6 mm, and at the end - 12-17 mm.

If there are any disturbances during the growth of the uterine layer, the development of endometriosis is possible, a pathology that is dangerous for possible infertility.

What thickness of the endometrium is considered normal during pregnancy?

After successful implantation and strong strengthening of the fertilized egg inside the endometrial tissues, they undergo structural changes. The endometrium consistently grows during pregnancy. The number of cells producing a specific secretion is constantly growing, the vascular network of vessels is expanding to improve blood supply, which provides the embryo with nutrition and access to oxygen.

During subsequent development, these tissues form the placenta. The thickness of the endometrium in early pregnancy reaches 10-15 mm, corresponding to the middle of the cycle. During the development of the embryo, the growth of endometrial tissue continues, and by the period when the embryo can be seen during ultrasound examination (4-5 weeks), its thickness can grow to 2 cm or more. At the 2nd or 3rd week of pregnancy, when the embryo cannot yet be distinguished, thickening of the endometrial layer is considered as an indirect sign of pregnancy. The thickness of the endometrium during early pregnancy normally varies from woman to woman, but it must be at least 7 mm for egg implantation to take place.

How can you quickly increase the thickness of the endometrium?

It is possible to increase the functionality of the lining of the uterus and quickly increase its thickness only with the help of medications containing certain hormones. Estradiol is responsible for the condition of the endometrium

, so sometimes specialists prescribe injections of this hormone to women with a similar problem. Additionally, medications containing progesterone are prescribed, which is a pregnancy hormone and ensures proper attachment and further development of the fetus. The choice of a specific drug should be done by specialists.

Most often they prescribe duphaston

, as well as its natural analogue
. You should not self-medicate, even if you are confident that your condition is mild and there is no need to resort to classical methods of combating female diseases.

Such means provide conditions for the high-quality formation of the endometrium and its maturation. The thickness of the endometrium can be monitored using ultrasound. This method allows you to monitor the growth pattern of the internal uterine layer and the effectiveness of the treatment used. Duphaston and other drugs containing progesterone are prescribed after ovulation

. Experts say that they do not interfere with conception, but many women taking such drugs have noted a contraceptive effect. In addition, after stopping progesterone-containing medications, conception occurred faster. Most likely, this is due to the ability of progesterone to prepare the endometrium for pregnancy.

Treatment is aimed at restoring hormone levels. Specialists must find out what caused the hormonal imbalance. If the cause does not lie in gynecological diseases, the woman should seek advice from highly specialized specialists so that they can select a treatment regimen.

Only by eliminating the main causes of hormonal imbalance can one count on restoring the functional abilities of the endometrium and successful conception.


Deviations of indicators from the norm

What endometrial growth is considered normal, and what thickness is sufficient? When the thickness of the endometrial layer at a certain period of the cycle is less than 7 mm, a woman has almost no chance of becoming pregnant, since the fertilized egg does not have enough space to attach, and it is rejected with menstrual flow.

When the thickness is 6 mm or less, they speak of the pathology of hypoplasia. This condition is characterized by insufficient tissue growth, the endometrial layer does not undergo characteristic changes and its thickness remains low during all phases of the cycle. The reasons for this disorder lie in the presence of inflammatory diseases, in particular chronic endometritis, disruptions in the uterine blood supply, and decreased sensitivity of receptor cells to estrogen. Pathologies of hypoplasia are often accompanied by diseases characterized by inadequate development of the reproductive organs, for example, underdevelopment of the uterus. But with the right approach to treating this pathology, the onset and normal development of pregnancy is possible.

There is also a reverse pathology - thick endometrium, when the tissues of the endometrial layer grow excessively, over 15-17 mm, which significantly exceeds the norm. This disorder is called hyperplasia, which is caused by hormonal imbalance, with a decrease in the amount of progesterone and an increase in estrogen levels. If, in the presence of hyperplasia, a woman was able to become pregnant, for example, with its focal form, then the process of pregnancy is very problematic. Often pregnant women with this pathology experience complications:

  • endometrial detachment;
  • premature termination of pregnancy;
  • pathologies in embryo development (fetal death);
  • the formation of a placenta with pathologies, for example, when blood flow in it is disrupted, leading to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus;
  • placental abruption.

Conditions of hypoplasia and hyperplasia create obstacles to the normal process of conception and pregnancy, and therefore require complex treatment.

Factors that prevent normal transformation of the endometrium

The physiological process of cyclical modifications of the endometrial layer, when its transformation occurs, can be disrupted due to the impact of various factors on the reproductive function of a woman.

  • deviations in the production of hormones that directly affect the functions of the genital organs;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • impaired blood supply to the uterus due to congenital or acquired pathologies of the vascular system;
  • injury to endometrial tissue as a result of abortion, diagnostic curettage and other manipulations;

Spontaneous abortion or frozen pregnancy requires surgical intervention, which cleanses the uterine cavity of tissue remaining after a miscarriage. This further damages the epithelial layer of the endometrium and disrupts the function of glandular cells.

Risks of thin endometrium

In order for a fertilized egg to be properly implanted in the uterus, it is necessary that the endometrium has the appropriate thickness and structure, but there are a number of factors that prevent the inner layer of the reproductive organ from developing correctly:

  • congenital anomalies that provoke a deficiency of female sex hormones or a complete cessation of their production;
  • hormonal imbalance. Disturbances in the production of hormones cause the mucous layer to not grow normally on certain days. In this case, thin endometrium is observed throughout the entire cycle;
  • disturbance of blood circulation in the uterus. This reason can be triggered by injuries, inflammation, abortion, and diseases of the pelvic organs. Most often, the uterine lining suffers during curettage, which greatly reduces a woman’s chances of conceiving a baby;
  • uterine hypoplasia. This is a disease in which the size of the reproductive organ does not correspond to the patient’s age.

The hormone estradiol, which is produced during normal maturation of the follicle, is responsible for the normal maturation of the endometrium. With a lack of this hormone, not only may the inner layer of the uterus not ripen, but also receptors for progesterone, a hormone that is also important for the normal course of pregnancy, do not accumulate.

  1. The layer responsible for the ability to bear a future baby is directly responsible for the reproductive function, therefore, with a thin layer of mucous membrane, a representative of the fair half of humanity risks not being a mother.
  2. In addition, during the period of gestation, thanks to the high-quality mucous membrane, the embryo receives a sufficient amount of useful, nutritional elements and oxygen molecules.
  3. In the initial stages of pregnancy, it is the endometrium that is responsible for the high quality of development of blood vessels and iron, which in the future will be the most important component of the basis of the placenta.
  4. A thin layer of the reproductive endometrium in older women becomes the root cause of infertility. This situation needs to be corrected urgently, and for this, therapy is being undertaken to build up the mucous membrane.

How to bring the endometrium back to normal

In order to establish all the processes occurring in the thickness of the endometrial layer, an accurate diagnosis of its condition is necessary. Diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound and other techniques that allow one to assess the thickness of the functional layer by week, and sometimes by day of the cycle. Tests are required to determine hormone levels and determine the presence or absence of concomitant pathologies.

In order for a woman to become pregnant, it is necessary to completely cure all pathologies that impede the process of conception. Hormone replacement therapy helps to cope with the condition of hypoplasia. It helps to “grow” the endometrial layer (sometimes by 6 mm), which increases the chances of the egg to firmly penetrate the uterine layer. Additionally, to stimulate the growth of thin endometrium, physiotherapy is used, mainly aimed at improving blood microcirculation.

The progression of hyperplastic processes is stopped by medication or surgical methods (hormone therapy, curettage of the uterine cavity). How many days, what courses and medications are needed for hormone therapy is determined for each patient individually. It is necessary to monitor the thickness of the endometrial layer over time in order to assess the effectiveness of treatment and timely prevent relapses of the disease.

The successful development of the fetus largely depends on the condition of the endometrium, so every woman should know as much as possible about the state of her female health. And this is possible with regular visits to the gynecologist and following his recommendations.

One of the important criteria for the birth of a healthy child is the endometrium during pregnancy, namely its condition, on which both successful conception and the process of bearing a baby depend. At the stage of pregnancy planning, every woman is recommended to undergo a diagnostic examination to identify possible pathologies and their subsequent elimination. If you pay attention to this issue before conception, the risk of developing abnormalities during pregnancy will be minimal.

Methods for endometrial growth

The choice of method for growing the endometrium depends on the reason that caused its thinning. Any therapy is carried out before the onset of the ovulation period and only under the supervision of a doctor.

It is not difficult to increase the functional layer of the uterus for conception if the woman does not have problems in the genitourinary and circulatory systems. Otherwise, it is possible to improve the endometrium with the help of hormonal drugs, which are prescribed by a gynecologist, and for “vascular matters” the patient is sent to a neurologist to normalize blood pressure.

It is most often possible to grow the membrane after curettage (during abortion) with physical procedures or taking medications. To properly restore the thickness of the mucous layer, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe a treatment that suits your body.

Anatomy and physiology

Every month in the body of a woman of childbearing age, cyclical changes in hormonal levels occur, associated with fluctuations in the level of sex hormones. They affect a woman’s reproductive organs, in particular the endometrium of the uterus. This is the inner shell of the organ, consisting of basal and functional layers. The course of pregnancy depends on the size of the endometrium during pregnancy.

An increase in progesterone levels leads to an increase in the thickness of the endometrium. In the voluminous inner lining of the uterus, blood circulates better, and therefore glandular cells grow more actively. Towards the middle of the menstrual cycle, the growth process of the endometrium reaches its maximum. Its normal volume is from 11 to 15 mm: this thickness of the endometrium is considered normal, it is necessary for successful conception and at the beginning of pregnancy, but a value of 8 mm is acceptable.


Disturbances in the development of the endometrium are determined by an obstetrician-gynecologist. Laboratory tests include a general blood test and an analysis to determine the level of sex hormones in the blood. In addition, the specialist prescribes:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (the ratio of endometrial thickness to the current phase of the cycle is determined).
  • Coagulogram (comprehensive analysis of blood clotting indicators).
  • Laparoscopy.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • Colposcopy.

Additionally, you may need to be tested for sexually transmitted infectious diseases, as their pathogens can lead to thinning of the uterine lining. The results obtained will show the specialist the parameters of the endometrium and the state of reproductive function.

Changes that occur during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, the endometrium continues to grow, reaching a thickness of 20 mm or more. In some cases, a thick endometrium may be a sign of pregnancy. When the period is still too short to detect the fertilized egg using ultrasound, indirect signs of conception are already available - endometrial hypertrophy, different from the norm, can indirectly indicate the onset of pregnancy.

The endometrium changes according to a similar principle during an ectopic pregnancy. This is due to changes in hormonal levels and the rapid growth of glandular cells in the inner layer of the uterus. That is, when an ectopic pregnancy occurs, the growth of the inner lining of the uterus will correspond to the norm.

After conception, until the placenta begins to function, the endometrium performs its functions. It is the inner lining of the uterus that supplies the fetus with nutrients and oxygen in the early stages of pregnancy. Thanks to this, the child receives everything necessary for intrauterine development.

Functions of the endometrium in women

First, let's define what the term endometrium means. Comes from the Latin “endometrium” and means the mucous layer of the uterus, the main parameter of which is thickness. It depends on the age of the female body, hormonal levels and changes with the phases of the menstrual cycle (MC).

For reference! During menopause, the mucous layer usually does not exceed a certain size - 5 mm. A change up or down indicates a violation. For your personal safety, you should be examined regularly by a doctor. How many times a year should you visit a gynecologist? At least once every six months.

To better understand the importance of the endometrium for conception, consider the phases of MC:

  • Follicular. Corresponds to the beginning of the MC. In the follicular phase, the maca endometrium exfoliates, which is accompanied by bleeding. Next, intensive growth of follicles and thickening of the layer is observed under the influence of estrogen hormones.
  • Ovulatory. Corresponds to such a phenomenon as ovulation, and lasts no more than 2 days. The female body is ready for the fertilization process as the egg is released from the follicle.
  • Luteal is the final phase. Now either pregnancy will occur, or the egg will leave the body and prepare for a new MC.

After menstruation, the inner layer of the uterus increases, which creates comfortable conditions for conception. With successful attachment of the egg, the thickness of the endometrium continues to increase, while at the same time the embryo receives nutrients and oxygen molecules. If pregnancy does not occur, the mucous membrane exfoliates, and in the next MC will grow in a new way.

Thickness is normal

Successful conception directly depends on the indicators of the functional layer of the endometrium. During pregnancy, it is important that the thickness of the endometrium is at least 8 mm and no more than 15 mm - in the early stages this is normal.

If this value is less, a woman will have virtually no chance of becoming pregnant and carrying a baby. Thin endometrium and pregnancy are incompatible things, since the fertilized egg does not have the opportunity to implant into it. This condition in gynecology is called hypoplasia.

If at the time of conception, on the contrary, there is a thick endometrium, the indicators of which are more than 15 mm, problems with ovulation and implantation of the fertilized zygote are also possible. This pathology is called hyperplasia.


The following signs indicate that pregnancy does not occur due to thinning of the mucous membrane:

  • menstruation is irregular, short-lived, scanty, spotting;
  • pregnancy does not occur for more than a year or spontaneous termination occurs in the early stages;
  • There are signs of menopause (if its onset is still far away): bouts of sweating, regular mood swings, decreased desire for a sexual partner, insomnia, fever, headaches, and uncontrollable emotions.

Important! The listed symptoms may not only be a sign of a thinned endometrium, but also be a consequence of abortion, mechanical interventions in the vagina, or the presence of genital infections.

Deviations from the norm

Infertility problems can be associated with either insufficient or too much thickness of the inner lining of the uterus. Women who encounter such pathologies often ask the doctor how to grow the endometrium for pregnancy, the indicators of which will correspond to the norm.

Hypoplasia, or thin endometrium, is a pathological condition in which its thickness remains virtually unchanged during the menstrual cycle. This can be caused by chronic diseases of the uterine mucosa, circulatory disorders in it and low susceptibility of the organ’s receptors to the hormone estrogen.

Hyperplasia develops against the background of hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body.

Both endometrial hypoplasia and hyperplasia are deviations from the norm that lead to female infertility, in most cases reversible. Even if pregnancy occurs, there is a high risk of developing pathological conditions during pregnancy, for example, miscarriage, abnormalities in the fetus, and even the development of neoplasms.

Reasons for insufficient thickness

Thin endometrium is rarely diagnosed during pregnancy, since conception against this background is considered almost impossible. Women with insufficient thickness of the lining of the uterus suffer from infertility problems. Even if pregnancy occurs, it usually ends badly. Most often, it is interrupted during the next menstruation, and the woman does not even realize that she was pregnant.

Why does hypoplasia develop?

Experts have identified a number of predisposing factors:

  1. Insufficient thickness of the endometrium becomes a consequence of endocrine disorders.
  2. Congenital or acquired vascular disorders that affect blood circulation in the uterus.
  3. Complications resulting from surgical interventions and injuries to the uterus, for example, after induced abortions and curettage, which led to damage to the epithelium of the reproductive organ.
  4. Anomalies of uterine development, sexual infantilism.
  5. Infectious and inflammatory processes of a chronic nature in the area of ​​the reproductive organ.
  6. Long-term hormonal contraception.
  7. Hereditary predisposition to insufficient growth of the endometrium.

How to enlarge the endometrium when planning pregnancy

If the mucous membrane is thinner than 7-10 mm, then the likelihood of implantation of the fertilized egg is very low. If it is not thick enough, the pregnancy may freeze or a miscarriage may occur. To protect yourself from these troubles, you need to figure out how to grow the endometrium for conception. Various methods are used for this: treatment with hormonal and other medications, physiotherapeutic procedures. In some cases, folk recipes help.

Drugs to help you get pregnant

The process of growth of mucous tissue is directly related to hormones. If you want to find out how to quickly grow the endometrium, then pay attention to hormonal drugs. They will ensure the fastest onset of results. However, self-administration of such medications is strictly prohibited; you must first consult a specialist. For those who do not understand how to grow the endometrium, the following drugs will help:

  • medications containing estradiol;
  • drugs to increase estrogen levels;
  • medications with progesterone.

Proginova for endometrial growth

The drug contains estrogens and estradiol. Taking Proginov helps improve blood circulation in the uterus. The medicine is recommended for girls who have previously had miscarriages for recovery. Taking Proginov is one of the most important stages of preparation for IVF, before which enlargement of the endometrium is necessary. The drug is allowed to be combined with other medications.

How to properly grow the endometrium with the help of Proginov in order to get pregnant? The method of administration is determined by the doctor. There are these options:

  1. Cyclical. They take 1 tablet of Proginova for three weeks in a row at the same time, skip 7 days, then repeat the course.
  2. Continuous. The pills are taken non-stop.

Treatment with Proginova is not recommended for:

  • pregnancy for more than two months;
  • breastfeeding;
  • taking medications with estrogen;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • tumors;
  • diseases of the liver, gall bladder;
  • diabetes mellitus

Divigel with low estradiol

This drug is prescribed to those who are looking for ways to improve the endometrium for conception. It contains estradiol, a synthetic analogue of estrogen. Divigel not only thickens the mucous membrane of the uterus, but also makes the organ itself, the vagina, mammary glands and fallopian tubes, function more actively. The drug is used once a day, strictly at the same time. The gel is applied to clean skin of the shoulders, forearms, lower abdomen, buttocks, and lower back. The dose is determined by the doctor. Divigel should not be applied to inflamed areas, chest, or mucous membranes. It is used only as prescribed by a specialist.

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Divigel cannot be used for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tumors or inflammation of the genital organs and breasts;
  • predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • disorders of fat metabolism;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • liver and kidney diseases.

How to take Hormel when planning pregnancy

This is a homeopathic medicine in the form of drops, the intake of which activates the production of estrogen. The composition includes only natural ingredients and alcohol. How to grow the endometrium by taking Hormel? Dilute 10 drops of the drug in half a glass of water and drink half an hour to an hour before meals three times a day. As a rule, in addition to Hormel, other medications with natural composition are prescribed. The course of treatment ranges from one month to three.

It is not recommended to drink Hormel if:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • liver diseases;
  • brain injuries or pathologies.

Enlargement of the endometrium using folk remedies

When choosing a way to increase the thickness of the endometrium, use the following recipes:

  1. After menstruation, until the middle of the cycle, take a decoction of red brush, and then hogweed. To prepare the drink, you need to pour a tablespoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours. Use the resulting mixtures four times a day at equal intervals. Borovaya uterus can also be infused with alcohol or used for douching.
  2. Fresh pineapples are excellent helpers in building up the endometrium. You just need to eat one fruit a day. If the endometrium is thin, eating citrus fruits, red apples, and honey helps. If you eat cherries, cranberries, strawberries or grapes, as well as salmon, mackerel, tuna and anchovies, this will also have a beneficial effect on the quality of the endometrium.
  3. Prepare and drink decoctions from raspberry, mistletoe, clover or clover leaves. You can use linden, hops or licorice, sage, celery root, lovage, calamus or hogweed for these purposes.
  4. To prepare dishes, use spices such as curry, ginger, paprika. Dill, thyme, mint and cinnamon are suitable.
  5. Do gymnastics to pump up your abs, Kegel exercises, and take up dancing.

Thick endometrium during pregnancy

Hyperplasia is an even more unpleasant condition. Excessive growth of the endometrium interferes with normal conception and gestation; its size matters during implantation of a fertilized egg and during pregnancy. It is difficult for a woman with this pathology to become pregnant. Conception is possible only with focal hyperplasia.

If you manage to get pregnant with this diagnosis, pregnancy often occurs with complications. These include miscarriages, pathologies of fetal and placental development, and the formation of tumors. In severe forms of hyperplasia, the doctor will insist on terminating the pregnancy.

What to do if there are deviations from the norm?

First you need to exclude hormonal or inflammatory pathologies. This must be done before planning a pregnancy. Each patient requires an individual approach. The examination includes ultrasound, tests for infections, and study of the woman’s hormonal status. Based on the diagnostic results, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

Hypoplasia is usually associated with hormonal imbalances. Since a small endometrium interferes with the normal onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to build up a thin layer of mucous membrane with the help of drugs containing estradiol and additional treatment and prophylactic procedures. This could be physiotherapeutic treatment, gynecological massage, gymnastics and diet. This pathological condition in most cases is amenable to therapeutic correction, thanks to which a woman can conceive and bear a healthy child.

To combat hyperplasia, hormone and physiotherapy are also used, and additional vitamins are selected. Depending on the cause of the disease and the neglect of the pathological process, there may be a need for surgical treatment - therapeutic and diagnostic curettage of the uterus, which is performed under general anesthesia. After this, the woman is prescribed oral contraceptives for several months and undergoes dynamic ultrasound monitoring to prevent the development of relapse of the disease.

Many women are afraid of conservative and surgical treatment and resort to herbal medicine, hoping that plant extracts and herbs will help grow the endometrium, which will be normal during pregnancy. Unfortunately, traditional treatment, as well as self-medication, cannot completely eliminate the pathology, but it can completely lead to final infertility.

The main purpose of a woman is motherhood, but it is not always possible due to certain reasons. The endometrium is important during pregnancy; thanks to it, the fetus can develop safely. Modern medicine does not stand still; it can eliminate problems associated with hyperplasia and hypoplasia of the uterine layer, and, therefore, increase the chances of becoming a mother.

Author: Olga Rogozhkina, doctor, especially for Mama66.ru


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