The woman's labia are swollen and itchy
Why do the labia itch? Itching of the labia
Itching of the labia due to excessive or poor hygiene The most common reason that in
Fishy smell of discharge in women
Unpleasant vaginal odor: types of odor and what it means, treatment
Discharge with a slight and barely noticeable odor in women is a normal physiological process.
at the doctor's
What methods are used to treat submucosal leiomyoma of the uterus?
Uterine leiomyoma is a benign tumor that is formed from the muscle tissue of the organ and in
Instructions for use of Fluconazole for thrush
Pharmacological action The abstract contains information that the drug acts as an antifungal agent, inhibiting
Histology - what is it: what tissue analysis shows
Histological examination: when is it necessary? Histology in gynecology is one of the popular and
Atrophic vaginitis in menopausal women
Colpitis - what kind of disease? Colpitis is inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. The second name is vaginitis.
STDs: transcript. Sexually transmitted diseases: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention
General information Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) -
For thrush, Livarol suppositories
Livarol for thrush: instructions for use, reviews, price
Why does white vaginal discharge appear after using Livarol suppositories? White curdled masses
Bend of the uterus causes and consequences photo 1
What is a tilted cervix, does it need to be treated and how to increase the chance of pregnancy?
Pregnancy does not occur, although there are no obvious reasons for this and all tests are normal?
diagnosis of leukoplakia
Leukoplakia of the cervix: what is it, symptoms, prevention, treatment
What it is? Photo of cervical leukoplakia Cervical leukoplakia is an atypical change
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