Ovarian dysfunction
Symptoms, treatment and prevention of ovarian dysfunction
Ovarian dysfunction is a violation of the hormonal function of the reproductive system. This disorder often develops against the background
Diagnosis and treatment of herpes on the labia
Genital herpes in women is a widespread viral erosive and ulcerative disease of the genital organs. Infection occurs
Paraovarian ovarian cyst
Paraovarian ovarian cyst: is treatment possible without surgical intervention?
Paraovarian ovarian cyst is a cavitary single-chamber tumor-like neoplasm that forms from the ovarian appendage. Such
Uterine hypoplasia, what is it? — Degrees, treatment and pregnancy
Causes The main cause of the pathological condition is hormonal imbalance, a lack of hormones that are responsible for
Conization of the cervix using the radio wave method
What is electroexcision of the cervix? This operation involves the removal of damaged cervical tissue.
What is endometritis? Main signs, diagnosis, treatment methods and prevention
Causes of endometritis Most often, various manipulations that are performed on the uterus lead to endometritis. They
Features of the treatment of chronic vaginitis in women
Women often have to think about how to treat chronic vaginitis. According to
Indomethacin in gynecology
Indomethacin suppositories. instructions for use in gynecology, where to insert during pregnancy, after surgery, what helps. price, analogues, reviews
Suppositories are one of the most common groups of medications for the treatment of gynecological diseases. IN
Commonly prescribed pills for inflammation in women
Inflammatory processes often occur in the female genital organs. They are dangerous because they can cause
Early stage of proliferation what is it
Smear for CYTOLOGY - interpretation of the cytogram (NILM, ASCUS, LSIL, HSIL)?
The role of the endometrium in a woman’s reproductive function The structure of the endometrial layer is quite complex. Part
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