Cavinton Forte: indications for use, reviews of the drug and its analogues

Category: Published 02/13/2017 · Comments: · Reading time: 4 min · Views: 4,722

A modern pharmacological agent that helps to repeatedly improve blood circulation in the brain structures is Cavinton tablets. What does this medicine help with? The instructions for use recommend the drug "Cavinton" for various neurological pathologies in both adult patients and adolescents.

Dosage and method of administration

If you need a drug that improves tissue regeneration and trophism for external use, then it is better to purchase Actovegin.
By the way, it can even be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. For ulcerative lesions, a preliminary cleansing treatment should be carried out using a gel, which must be applied in a thick layer and covered with a compress with 5% Actovegina ointment. The dressing needs to be changed once a day. In the future, it is recommended to continue therapy with a 5% cream, which must be applied to the affected area in a thin layer. To prevent bedsores, use only cream or ointment.

Cerebral circulation

Supplying the brain and spinal cord with blood, bringing nutrients and oxygen and removing waste substances, is the key to the high-quality functioning of the entire human body. Cerebral circulation can suffer for many reasons - from genetic diseases to poor ecology. Pharmaceuticals offer a fairly large range of medications that can improve and normalize this part of the blood flow system. One of them is Cavinton Forte 10 mg.

Directions for use and dosage

Patients quite often ask which is better: Cavinton or Vinpocetine? Doctors answer this question that Cavinton is more effective. But if you need a cheaper analogue, then it is better to use Vinpocetine. For oral administration, it is prescribed 5 or 10 milligrams three times a day. In the form of an intravenous injection (for example, in acute conditions), a single dose of this drug should be 20 mg. If Vinpocetine is well tolerated, then its amount is increased over 2-4 days to 1 mg/kg. The treatment period should last no more than 10-13 days.

Composition of the drug and its release form

In pharmacies this medicine is sold in the form of tablets and ampoules for drip administration. The main active component of the tablet drug is the substance vinpocetine. Each pill contains 5 milligrams of the active ingredient. Additional components are colloidal silica along with magnesium stearate, food starch, medical talc and lactose. One package of Cavinton contains fifty tablets.

As for the ampoules, they contain 10 milligrams of vinpocetine. Their composition is supplemented with ascorbic acid, benzyl alcohol, water for injection, sorbitol and sodium metabisulfite.

Cavinton Forte

"Cavintona Forte" with the active component, vinpocetine, is a drug for improving blood flow in the brain. The active rhythm of life of a modern citizen involves a huge amount of stress and an increased load on the brain. This very often leads to disruptions in its active functioning. A clear sign of such disorders is poor development of cognitive functions. You can also note:

  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • difficulties with intellectual activity;
  • decreased reaction speed.

In the absence of therapeutic measures, blood flow disorders will become chronic and will develop. The main role in eliminating diseases of this profile is given to therapy aimed at stabilizing metabolism in the tissues and blood vessels of the brain. For these purposes, drugs are used that prevent damage to brain neurons, one of them is Cavinton Forte.

The positive effects of vinpocetine on blood circulation, metabolic processes and cognitive functions of the brain have been demonstrated in more than one hundred trials conducted in clinical settings. First of all, the active component is distributed in the tissues responsible for the performance of higher functions of the human psyche, including memory and intellectual activity. The action of the active substance is aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the most complex areas of the brain that require oxygen.

Cavinton Forte activates blood movement in the brain, dilates its blood vessels, without causing a decrease in systemic blood pressure. In addition to this, the drug does not stimulate calcium deposition on the walls of the arteries. The main quality of the drug is its ability to stimulate blood flow in the brain by improving blood characteristics. Cavinton Forte is an antioxidant. The antioxidant activity of the drug is sufficient to ensure normal regulation of blood flow in the brain after ionizing radiation.

Cavinton Forte actively promotes the entry of oxygen and glucose into cells, controlling their stable functioning. The use of the drug helps protect nerve cells during periods of increased stress. The medication extremely rarely causes negative side effects and is well tolerated by patients with kidney and liver dysfunction.

Indications for the use of Cavinton Forte tablets are:

  • reducing the severity of neurological symptoms due to poor blood flow in the brain;
  • vascular eye diseases;
  • treatment of hearing loss;
  • treatment of a non-purulent disease of the patient's inner ear.

The drug does not harm the body if used strictly according to indications. Reviews about the use of Cavinton Forte are mostly positive. Doctors often use the medication in small doses (up to 5 mg per day) when refusing antidepressants at the end of therapy. Also, the indication for the use of Cavinton Forte is complex therapy for mental vegetative disorders, as well as therapy for uncontrolled urination in young children.

Special Recommendations

There are the following recommendations regarding the use of Cavinton for adults:

  • A course of medication requires mandatory monitoring of the electrocardiogram.
  • The drug contains lactose, which must be taken into account if the patient has a diagnosed intolerance to this substance.
  • Cavinton ampoules contain sorbitol, so if you have problems with sugar, you need to control your glucose levels.
  • If the patient has fructose intolerance, intravenous administration of the drug is prohibited.
  • The drug does not cause hepatotoxic effects.

It should also be borne in mind that introducing this drug into the course of treatment for hemorrhagic stroke is allowed only on the fifth day. This medication is not used in pediatric practice. Renal and, in addition, hepatic pathologies do not require dosage adjustment. The presented remedy cannot be combined with alcohol intake.


Cavinton injections are available in the form of an infusion solution, 1 ml of which contains the active compound - 5 mg of vinpocetine. The product contains additional ingredients:

  • vitamin C;
  • purified injection water;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • antioxidant: tartaric or dioxysuccinic acid;
  • sodium disulfite;
  • sorbitol.

The release form of the medicine is ampoules of 2, 5 and 10 ml, made of dark thick glass. The fracture site is marked with a white line on the neck. There are 5 ampoules in a package. They contain inside a clear liquid for intravenous administration, colorless or light green.

Features of the composition of the drug

The main medicinal substance is vinpocetine, as shown in the instructions for proper use. The medicine is usually available in the form of a high-quality solution, which is intended exclusively for administration into the veins; it can also be tablets with a basic dosage of 10 and 5 mg.

The essence of the drug’s action is based on the following actions of all medicinal components:

  1. Immediately after the drug enters the blood, the Cavinton substance is completely absorbed by brain cells, vessel walls and heart muscle.
  2. This provides an opportunity to quickly start the process of fairly active regeneration of all tissues, as metabolism and oxygen consumption levels increase.
  3. Brain cells begin to absorb a sufficiently large amount of useful glucose, and the general mental ability of a person is accordingly stimulated, as well as the basic regenerative abilities of neurons and axons.
  4. Neurons have the optimal opportunity to significantly increase their resistance to short-term hypoxia, which can occur when blood flow is disrupted.

This essence of action can seriously reduce the risk of death of the main brain structures in fairly extensive strokes and heart attacks. As the main medicinal component accumulates in the body, as the instructions for proper use say, various free calcium elements are partially blocked. This has an ideal effect on blood pressure levels.

special instructions

Cavinton - special instructions for use include a section of instructions that you should pay close attention to:

  • in case of long QT syndrome or taking drugs with the function of prolonging it, it is necessary to periodically conduct an electrocardiogram to monitor heart function, which may dilate blood vessels;
  • in case of increased intracranial pressure, arrhythmia, or while taking antiarrhythmic drugs, treatment with the drug begins after analyzing the benefits and risks for the patient;
  • Cavinton contains lactose (140 mg of lactose), several mg of glucose, so patients with lactose intolerance, galactose, or impaired glucose-galactose metabolism should not take the drug;
  • the drug is not used for children;
  • studies on the ability of the drug to influence the speed of psychomotor reactions have not been conducted, but there is a risk of drowsiness and dizziness when using it.


Cavinton is a broad-spectrum vasodilator that improves the functions of certain parts of the brain.

This drug is used to treat various vascular pathologies. It is well tolerated and has minimal side effects. The main active component of the drug, vinpocetine, improves oxygen metabolism and has an antithrombotic and vasodilator effect, thereby improving cerebral circulation.

On this page you will find all the information about Cavinton: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Cavinton. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

special instructions

When prescribing Cavinton to patients with a long QT interval, it is necessary to regularly monitor the heartbeat using an ECG. It is forbidden to use the medication if you are intolerant to fruit sugar and have a deficiency of fructose 1,6-biphosphatase. Vinpocetine increases the sensitivity of cells to fast carbohydrates, which in this situation can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the body.

Vinpocetine does not have a toxic effect on the fetus during pregnancy, but a high dosage of the drug can cause bleeding of the placenta. Therefore, a woman must be administered the drug in a strictly specified volume, preferably in a hospital setting. During lactation, IV drips with Cavinton are prohibited. If vinpocetine enters the body of a newborn with the mother's blood, it can provoke the development of allergies or internal bleeding.

Interaction with other drugs

Cavinton is not recommended for use with hypotonic drugs and beta-blockers. When used in parallel, both medications will lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure, fainting, and precoma. If the kidneys and liver are functioning normally, such medications are used with an interval of 6 or more hours.

When giving injections, the simultaneous use of anticoagulants, especially those containing heparin, is unacceptable. This combination of medications provokes the development of internal bleeding. They arise due to strong dilution of the blood, which begins to flow from vessels with high permeability. If there are problems with the cerebral arteries, cerebral edema and intracranial hemorrhage may develop.

Cavinton should not be used in conjunction with solutions containing amino acids. The latter reduce the bioavailability of the drug and inhibit the binding of the active substance to plasma proteins.

Alcohol compatibility

When carrying out drug therapy, which includes regular administration of Cavinton, it is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages. The ethanol they contain destroys vinpocetine, narrows cerebral arteries, and increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. Therefore, the therapeutic effect is not achieved. Ethyl alcohol partially thins the blood, which, when taken together with Cavinton, can lead to internal bleeding.

Features of interaction with other drugs

The use of Cavinton in ampoules in combination with heparin is unacceptable. These substances are chemically incompatible, so you should not administer them at the same time. Also, the solution of this drug is not recommended to be combined with other infusion solutions that contain amino acids.

The combination of Cavinton with antiarrhythmic drugs and centrally acting drugs can be dangerous.

Drugs that can be combined with Cavinton:

  • Beta blockers.
  • Digoxin.
  • Hydrochlorothiazide.
  • Glibenclamide.
  • Clopamid.

These tablets and solution do not combine with alcohol, so it is better to refrain from drinking alcohol during treatment.

The use of Cavinton during heparin therapy increases the risk of developing various hemorrhagic complications. The drug solution for injection is incompatible with heparin.

Side effects of Cavinton Forte

The use of the drug can lead to negative reactions from various body systems, these include:

  1. Dry mouth.
  2. Heartburn.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Tachycardia (sharp increase in heart rate).
  5. Extrasystole (heart rhythm disturbance, which is characterized by extraordinary contractions of the heart or its individual parts).
  6. Arterial hypotension (a long-term condition of the body, which is caused by low blood pressure and various autonomic disorders).

What other unwanted reactions can be caused by Cavinton tablets? Side effects are as follows:

  1. Phlebitis (inflammatory process in the walls of the vein).
  2. Insomnia (disturbances in the functioning of the “biological clock”, which is responsible for the alternation of waking and dreaming).
  3. Increased sleepiness.
  4. General weakness.
  5. Migraine (a neurological disease characterized by periodic or regular attacks of headache on one side).
  6. Vertigo (a disease known as vertigo, which is characteristic of ear pathology or, less commonly, brain damage).
  7. Redness of the skin.
  8. Rashes.
  9. Itching.
  10. Angioedema angioedema (reaction to various biological and chemical factors, often having an allergic etiology).
  11. Anaphylactic shock (immediate type allergy, a state of sharply increased sensitivity of the body).

What undesirable reactions can develop when using droppers with Cavinton? Side effects in this case manifest themselves in the form of increased sweating. The occurrence of undesirable reactions is considered a reason to reduce the concentration of the active substance or completely discontinue the drug.

Features of the drug's action

Before you find out what Cavinton is used for and for what diseases it is prescribed, you should understand the principle of its action.

It consists in the following. Vinpocetine, which is the active substance of the drug, acts on the smooth muscles of the patient’s blood vessels, relaxing them.

Due to this, blood flow increases, and more nutrients and oxygen reach the brain. This helps restore metabolism and also increases blood flow, preventing the formation of blood clots. These features determine the main indications for the use of the drug.

Indications for use

  • chronic and acute cerebral circulatory failure;
  • neurological and mental disorders in patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • vasovegetative manifestations of menopausal syndrome.

In ophthalmology it is used for the following pathologies:

  • eye diseases caused by vasospasm, atherosclerosis, ocular embolism, arterial or venous thrombosis;
  • degenerative disorders of the retina, choroid, or macula;
  • secondary glaucoma (post-traumatic nature, due to inflammatory diseases or partial thrombosis of eye vessels).

Used in the treatment of otolaryngological diseases:

  • hearing loss of toxic, vascular or other origin;
  • senile hearing loss;
  • cochleovestibular neuritis;
  • dizziness of labyrinthine origin;
  • noise in ears;
  • Meniere's disease.

Cavinton drug

According to the pharmacological classification, Cavinton belongs to the semi-synthetic derivatives of the alkaloid devincan. In its natural state, the substance is found in the periwinkle plant, which is part of the Kutrov family. Two forms of release of the antioxidant drug are produced, differing in dosage and method of use. Each of them contains the active substance vinpocetine.

Composition and release form

Cavinton is available in pharmacies in tablets and solution for infusion. The first format contains 5 mg of active vinpocetine, the package includes 50 pieces. Cavinton Forte already has 10 mg of the main substance. Ampoules contain a 0.5% solution with a volume of 2 or 5 ml, 10 pieces per package. Auxiliary composition of the drug according to the instructions:

pharmachologic effect

According to the instructions, the drug Cavinton, when entering the body, dilates the cerebral vessels of the brain, increases blood supply, increases the supply of oxygen to brain cells and tissues, and utilizes glucose. By inhibiting certain enzymes, the drug helps accumulate phosphates in brain tissue, which reduces platelet aggregation and lowers blood pressure. The active substance has a vasodilating effect and relaxes smooth muscles.

The medicine enhances the metabolism of norepinephrine and serotonin, reduces pathologically high blood viscosity, and helps increase the plasticity of red blood cells. Pharmacokinetic properties: vinpocetine is rapidly absorbed from the proximal gastrointestinal tract, reaching a maximum concentration in the blood plasma one hour after oral administration.

When it passes through the intestinal wall, it is not metabolized by vinpocetine and accumulates in the liver and gastrointestinal tract. 66% of the substance is bound to plasma proteins, bioavailability is 7%, clearance in the blood plasma is higher than in the liver. Vinpocetine is excreted by the kidneys and intestines; it does not accumulate, so dose adjustment is not required in patients with liver and kidney diseases.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use of Cavinton, the medicine has the following indications for use:

  • neurological, mental disorders;
  • disorders of cerebral blood flow (strokes, post-traumatic atherosclerosis, hypoxia), memory (pills improve blood circulation);
  • hypertension, vascular diseases (injections improve metabolism);
  • impaired blood circulation, vascular tone, vaso-vegetative symptoms of menopause;
  • atherosclerotic and angiospastic changes in the retina and choroid;
  • degenerative changes in the macular spot;
  • secondary glaucoma associated with partial thrombosis;
  • decreased hearing, dizziness of toxic or labyrinthine origin;
  • vestibular disorder.

Cavinton in ampoules instructions for use

Injections of the medication do not need to be given intramuscularly, because in this case it will not have a therapeutic effect. The drug contains no excipients that allow vinpocetine to quickly penetrate the local bloodstream without loss of bioavailability. The medicine cannot be administered in concentrated form. It must be diluted with physiological and any other compatible solution.

Each ampoule is intended for one-time use, but if necessary, the single dosage can be increased 3 times. As soon as a person’s condition improves, the daily dose of Cavinton is reduced.

The drug is rarely used to treat seriously ill and intensive care patients. This phenomenon is due to the effect of vinpocetine on the rheological properties of the blood - it thins it, provoking internal bleeding. A patient with a serious condition in this case may die.

Cavinton injections are given only in the hospital. When the solution is administered, doctors simultaneously monitor brain activity and monitor indicators of the cardiovascular system. This approach allows us to assess the severity of the therapeutic effect.

Method of administration and dosage

Cavinton is given as a dropper. The rate of introduction of the solution should be slow. To prepare the daily infusion dosage, use 1-2 ampoules of Cavinton and 500 ml of solution:

  • Ringer;
  • Salsola;
  • Reomacrodexa;
  • 5% glucose;
  • physiological.

After the ampoule with vinpocetine is diluted in solution, you need to put in a dropper within 3 hours from the moment the mixture is prepared. If necessary, the daily dose of the medication is increased to 1 mg of vinpocetine for every 1 kg of the patient’s weight. Treatment is continued for 10 to 14 days.

The dosage of Cavinton depends on the type of pathology:

  • disturbance of blood flow in the cerebral arteries - 1 ampoule no more than 3 times a day;
  • hypertension complicated by encephalopathy requires administration of 5 mg of the drug 2 times a day for 3 weeks;
  • rehabilitation in the post-stroke period - 5-10 mg of vinpocetine 3 times a day for 2 months;
  • against the background of atherosclerosis, 3 droppers per day with 5 mg of vinpocetine are given for 3 weeks.

For the treatment of vision organs, Cavinton is administered 10 mg 2 times a day. Therapy continues for a month.

Is it possible to administer Cavinton intravenously?

During infusion, the rate of drug administration should not be increased beyond 80 drops/min. Otherwise, the risk of side effects increases, the blood thins, and convulsions may occur. Cavinton is administered by drip rather than stream in order to prevent a deterioration in the patient’s general condition.

Overdose and side effects

No cases of overdose were identified during preclinical studies. Theoretically, the drug in high doses can cause a range of internal bleeding, swelling of the brain, a drop in blood pressure and hemorrhages inside the skull.

Cavinton (injections), the instructions for use of which require strict adherence to the daily dosage, if administered incorrectly leads to the development of negative reactions:

Internal organs and systemsSide effects
The cardiovascular system
  • tachycardia;
  • violation of myocardial contractions;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • chest discomfort.
Gastrointestinal tract
  • increased thirst, dryness or burning in the mouth;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.
central nervous system
  • sleep disorder;
  • dizziness;
  • vertigo;
  • trembling throughout the body;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • presyncope;
  • muscle weakness;
  • headache.
General action and reactions at the injection site
  • allergies, manifested in the form of rash and itching;
  • inflammation in the area of ​​infusion;
  • phlebitis;
  • visual and hearing impairment;
  • increased sweating;
  • skin redness;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

Application of Cavinton

The initial dose of Cavinton for an adult is from 20 to 25 mg in 500 ml of solution, gradually it is increased to 50 mg (depending on the patient’s body weight). Do not forget that the doctor will select the dosage most competently, therefore, if there are appropriate indications, you should seek medical advice before starting treatment. The duration of treatment is individual, on average it does not exceed two weeks.

Usually the drug is used in the form of a solution for infusion, and after a course of therapy it is recommended to use it in tablet form (2 tablets 3 times a day); relapse of the disease is what Cavinton tablets are recommended for.


This remedy is not prescribed to patients suffering from:

  • hypersensitivity to vinpocetine or auxiliary components of the drug;
  • hemorrhagic stroke (in the acute phase);
  • coronary heart disease;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, etc.

Cavinton is not prescribed to pregnant women because it can penetrate the placenta, causing placental bleeding and causing spontaneous abortion. Due to its ability to pass into breast milk, it is not used during breastfeeding.

Due to the lack of confirmed data on the effects of Cavinton on the children's body, it is not recommended for children and adolescents under the age of 18.

Side effects and overdose

The main side effect of this drug is a decrease in blood pressure. Only a small number of patients experience:

  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmias;
  • dizziness;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • nausea;
  • thrombosis with inflammation of the vein wall at the injection site;
  • allergic reactions, etc.

In case of overdose, gastric lavage is done, activated charcoal is prescribed as an antidote; then symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Compatibility with other drugs

With simultaneous use of the drug with other drugs, its hypotensive effect (alpha-methyldopa) may be enhanced. Cavinton should not be diluted in infusion solutions containing amino acids; it should not be used in the same mixture with heparin.

It is prescribed with great caution along with anticoagulants and drugs with central or antiarrhythmic action. It does not interact with a number of drugs (clopamide, acenocoumarol, beta-blockers, digoxin, etc.), so they can be safely used during treatment with Cavinton

The drug is absolutely incompatible with ethanol. Interestingly, due to its ability to restore blood circulation and normalize brain function, it is successfully used in the treatment of alcohol addiction.

In this article, we tried to tell you in as much detail as possible what the medicine Cavinton is used for and how it is used.

You should not take it on your own; be attentive to your health!


Reviews about the drug are mixed. Patients who took Cavinton report that it helps, but there are statements that no positive effect from the therapy was noticed. The advantage is the low cost of the drug. In addition, patients note the occurrence of adverse reactions.

It must be remembered that Cavinton should not be given to children. But at the same time, doctors still take risks and prescribe this medication to young patients. Feedback from parents indicates that when children take the drug, unwanted side effects appear, such as irritability and insomnia.

According to patient reviews of Cavinton, side effects most often manifest themselves in the form of high blood pressure. Some doctors still note this condition in their patients.

And yet, the drug is well tolerated in most cases, but since it not only reduces, but sometimes also increases blood pressure, it should not be used by people with unstable blood pressure.

According to reviews, while using the drug, you must completely avoid taking alcoholic beverages and ethyl alcohol-based medications. Since Cavinton provokes vasodilation, alcohol will be absorbed into the blood much faster. According to reviews of Cavinton, side effects after discontinuation are eliminated quickly.

Transport and machinery management

There are reviews that these tablets can affect a person’s ability to operate machinery.

It depends on the individual, but in some cases there are actually problems with concentration and other difficulties that interfere with the person's normal functioning.

Therefore, if there are indications for prescribing Cavinton, the patient should be very attentive and careful while driving a car. But if it is possible to refuse to use the drug, it is worth doing. You can also use analogues of the drug.

Domestic drugs

The list of Cavinton analogues produced by Russian enterprises is quite large:

  • Bravinton - this drug also has vinpocetine as an active substance. It works very effectively, but costs 3-4 times less. It is used to improve brain metabolic processes and also as an antispasmodic. In addition, this drug helps with dizziness, headaches, memory impairment, encephalopathy, vascular disorders in the retina, and hearing impairment. Bravinton can be purchased in the form of tablets, solution or concentrate for its preparation for intravenous injection. Cost 65-80 rubles;
  • Vinpocetine is the main Russian analogue of Cavinton, which improves blood circulation in the brain, its oxygen supply, and also reduces platelet aggregation. Vinpocetine has the structure and all the characteristics of Cavinton, including effectiveness. The price of a package of tablets is 30-140 rubles, a solution for injections is ~45 rubles;
  • Cinnarizine is the cheapest analogue of Cavinton in tablets. You can buy it for 25-55 rubles, but such a low price does not affect its effectiveness at all. The active ingredient, cinnarizine, improves cerebral, coronary and peripheral blood circulation. It is prescribed for dizziness, tinnitus, labyrinthine disorders, vomiting, nausea;
  • Telektol - most often used in the acute phase of a stroke. But it cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug has a vasodilating, antihypoxic, antiplatelet effect, increases blood flow and optimizes the metabolism of brain cells. Price – 130-160 rubles;
  • Korsavin - created on the basis of vinpocetine, available in tablets. By dilating blood vessels, it increases blood flow and blood supply to the brain, reducing the risk of stroke;
  • Actovegin is a deproteinized calf blood extract containing low molecular weight peptides derived from nucleic acids. The drug activates cellular metabolism due to an increased supply of oxygen and glucose to cells. The price of Actovegin is ~120 rubles. But its main advantage over its analogues is the possibility of not only intravenous and oral use, but also external use;
  • Mexidol is a drug with ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate as an active substance. This is a new generation antioxidant. It is often used in parallel with Caventin for cerebrovascular disorders in patients. The price of tablets is 200 rubles, solution – 400 rubles.

Features of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Cavinton is not used during pregnancy. This can be dangerous for both mother and baby. Excessive amounts of vinpocetine in the baby's blood and placenta can cause bleeding or miscarriage.

When breastfeeding, the use of this medicine is also undesirable, since the active substances of the drug can harm the baby’s body. Therefore, if during lactation there is a need to take these tablets, you need to stop feeding your baby breast milk.

These tablets are not recommended for young children. Although there are reviews indicating the successful use of this drug for the treatment of infants. However, here the opinions of doctors differ. Some do not see anything dangerous in the use of this drug, others prefer to avoid its use.

According to some pediatricians, in some cases children need to be treated with this remedy. Most often I use it for children in the treatment of encephalopathy. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Frequent headaches.
  • Nervousness.
  • Attacks of irritability.
  • Recurrent dizziness.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Problems with coordination.

This disease can occur in both newborns and adolescents. In very young children, it is usually caused by trauma received during childbirth. In this case, the newborn needs medical attention.

Dosage and method of administration

"Cavinton" is taken by patients after meals. The usual dosage is two tablets (with a dosage of 5 mg), which must be taken three times a day. The initial dose per day is 15 mg. The highest dose per day is 30 mg. The therapeutic effect occurs no earlier than a week from the start of drug therapy. The course of therapy ranges from one to three months. In case of kidney and liver dysfunction in a patient, the drug is prescribed in a standard dose; the uniform distribution and removal of the active substance from the body allows for long courses of treatment.

To prepare the substance for injection into a vein, the concentrate is diluted with saline or a solution containing dextrose. The infusion is carried out slowly, with a maximum rate of 80 drops per minute. The initial dose per day is 20 mg (two ampoules), which must be dissolved in 500 ml of solution for infusion. Depending on personal tolerance to the medication, over the next two days the dosage can be increased to no more than 1 mg per 1 kg of patient weight per day. The duration of therapy takes from ten days to two weeks. The average dose per day, for a patient weighing 70 kilograms, is 50 mg (five ampoules in 500 ml of solution). In the presence of liver and kidney diseases, dosage adjustment is not required.

Upon completion of the course of treatment, it is necessary to continue therapy with Cavinton Forte tablets (one tablet three times a day) or Cavinton tablets (two tablets three times a day). The solution containing Cavinton should be used within the first three hours after preparation. Remember: only the use of injections with Cavinton according to indications can lead to the desired effect without harm to the body. You should not use the drug yourself; you should use the medicine only as directed and under the supervision of your doctor.

The duration of the course of therapy and dosage are selected individually. Indications for the use of droppers with Cavinton are determined according to the patient’s condition and are clarified using diagnostic studies.

How to take Cavinton

The drug is taken orally as tablets or intravenously as a solution for infusion. The dosage depends on age, severity and type of disease, and is prescribed by a doctor according to the instructions for use. The course lasts about a couple of months for tablets and a couple of weeks for intravenous therapy. The dosage of the product is calculated individually.

Cavinton tablets

According to the instructions, the tablet format of Cavinton is taken orally, 1-2 pieces three times a day. The maintenance dose is considered to be one tablet three times a day. The course of use is long, determined by the doctor. If improvement in blood circulation is observed after about 7-14 days, then the duration of therapy is extended to two months or even more. This is necessary to eliminate symptoms for a long time and avoid relapses of the disease.

Cavinton in ampoules

Cavinton is administered intravenously only by drip and used according to instructions in neurological practice. The contents of the ampoules eliminate acute focal ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation in the event of a discrepancy between the need of brain tissue for oxygen and its delivery. The condition for using the solution according to the instructions is the absence of hemorrhage (bleeding).

Drip infusion includes 10-20 mg of vinpocetine (1-2 ampoules) per 0.5-1 liter of isotonic sodium chloride solution. Repeated slow infusions are prescribed to improve metabolism, if necessary, three times a day, then the doctor transfers the patient to oral administration of the drug. The rate of administration does not exceed 80 drops/minute. It is prohibited to administer Cavinton solution intramuscularly or intravenously without dilution.

The initial daily dose of vinpocetine for adults is 20 mg in 500 ml, which can be increased to 1 mg per kg of body weight, the course lasts 2-3 days. The average duration of treatment to increase blood flow is 10-14 days. It is allowed to dilute the medication with a solution for infusion with glucose. Cavinton is administered intravenously to prevent convulsive syndrome in children with cerebral metabolic disorders - 8-10 mg/kg per day in a 5% glucose solution, for a course of 2-3 weeks.

Therapeutic effect

Medication "Cavinton":

  • Improves metabolism by increasing the absorption of glucose and oxygen by brain tissue.
  • Increases the resistance of neurons to hypoxia.
  • Increases the flow of glucose to the brain.
  • Transforms the process of glucose breakdown into a more economical way.
  • Increases the concentration of a universal source of energy for all actions in brain tissue; enhances the metabolism of serotonin in the brain.
  • Has an antioxidant effect.
  • Reduces the effect of platelets and blood viscosity, increases the changing ability of red blood cells and helps to increase the release of oxygen by red blood cells;
  • Increases the preventive effect of adenosine on brain neuron damage.
  • Increases blood flow in the vessels of the brain, reduces the resistance of the vessels of the brain without adjusting indicators of systemic blood flow (blood pressure, minute volume, heart rate, peripheral vascular resistance).
  • It does not have a robbing effect, it increases blood supply, primarily in areas of the brain damaged by diseases.

pharmachologic effect

Cavinton tablets - what are they for? The main active ingredient is vinpocetine. Belongs to the group of cerebrovasodilating agents. The drug improves cerebral metabolism, cerebral circulation, and rheological properties of blood. Cavinton has a cerebroprotective effect, significantly reduces the severity of the damaging effects of amino acids, and inhibits the activity of transmembrane calcium and sodium channels, AMPA and NMDA receptors.

The drug Cavinton has a potentiating effect on the neuroprotective effect of adenosine. Vinpocetine increases absorption, improves absorption, metabolism of oxygen and glucose in the brain. The drug is able to shift glucose metabolism to a more beneficial energetic aerobic direction. Stimulates the cerebral metabolism of serotonin and norepinephrine, has an antioxidant, stimulating effect on the noradrenergic system.

Drug dosage and side effects

It should be especially noted that, unlike Cavinton, the drug Phezam has quite a lot of side effects. For example, from the central nervous system, the patient may experience hyperkinesia, drowsiness, nervousness and depression. As well as dizziness, ataxia, headaches, insomnia, imbalance, anxiety, confusion, agitation and hallucinations. From the gastrointestinal tract - increased salivation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In addition, people taking Phezam may experience allergic reactions (dermatitis, skin rash, swelling, itching, photosensitivity, etc.).

So we looked at what analogues of Cavinton exist today and compared their characteristics. Which of the above medications to purchase is up to you. When purchasing this or that product, some people adhere to the doctor’s recommendations, while others are more concerned about the financial component. Therefore, it is quite difficult and wrong to advise something specific in this situation. There are qualified specialists for this, and you need to turn to them for help. Be healthy!


Cases of overdose with this drug are very rare. However, there are reviews in which such situations are mentioned. An overdose of Cavinton manifests itself in increased side effects.

The main side effects that can increase with an overdose:

  • Arrhythmia.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea.
  • Severe decrease in pressure.

If symptoms of overdose occur, gastric lavage should be performed. In addition, measures may be needed to overcome the symptoms that arise.

At this time, information about overdose is limited. It is recommended to lavage the stomach, use activated charcoal and use symptomatic therapy.

Indications for use

The indication for the use of Cavinton, according to reviews, is the need to improve cerebral circulation and metabolism. The medication is prescribed to reduce the severity of negative symptoms in neuralgia in various forms of insufficiently stable blood circulation in the brain. This may include:

  • Stroke and its negative consequences.
  • Recovery stage after a stroke.
  • A central nervous system disorder that represents acquired dementia in a patient.
  • Disruption of brain activity due to weakening of blood flow in its vessels.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.
  • Hypertensive or acquired pathology after brain injury.
  • Thrombosis of the central artery or vein of the retina.
  • Dysfunction of the hearing organs of the perceptual type.
  • Diseases of the inner ear of a non-inflammatory nature.
  • Tinnitus.

When is it prescribed?

Indications for prescribing Cavinton may vary. The main ones:

  • Neurological diseases. Problems with blood circulation in the brain.
  • Developing or completed stroke.
  • Encephalopathy.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Difficulties with coordination of movements.
  • Aphasia.
  • Frequent headaches
  • Ophthalmic diseases.
      Secondary glaucoma.
  • Retinal disorders.
  • Diseases caused by vascular embolism, atherosclerosis, thrombosis.
  • Otolaryngological problems.
      Hearing loss associated with age.
  • Noise in ears.
  • In all these cases, Cavinton has good reviews, so the presence of any of these diseases can be considered as an indication for prescribing the drug.

    Since these tablets are prescribed for various diseases, the doctor must clearly explain how to take the medicine. For the drug Cavinton, the instructions for use must be followed very strictly, otherwise there is a risk of deterioration. Under no circumstances should you start using the product yourself.

    Taking Cavinton depends on the indications for its use and what it is used for, as well as on the individual characteristics of each patient. However, there are some general rules according to which Cavinton is prescribed.

    The tablets are taken three times a day, one or two at a time. This medicine is used for a long time - usually at least two months. If the treatment method is chosen correctly and there are no deviations, the results will be noticeable after two weeks.

    The use of Cavinton Forte is somewhat different. It should be taken one tablet three times a day. The treatment course lasts for three or four months. If there is a need to stop taking the medicine, this should not be done immediately. It is necessary to gradually reduce the dose, and only then can treatment be interrupted.

    Cavinton in ampoules helps with serious disorders of cerebral circulation. This drug is administered in doses of 10-20 mg, dissolved in sodium chloride. If there are necessary indications, the drug can be instilled repeatedly (3 times a day). Next, the patient is transferred to tablets.

    There are positive reviews about the use of this drug as a preventive measure for childhood convulsive syndrome.

    This is usually done after a brain injury. The drug is administered intravenously at the rate of 10 mg per 1 kg of patient weight. Dilute the product with glucose solution. After 2 weeks of treatment in this way, the child is switched to tablets.

    Contraindications and side effects

    All analogues of Cavinton (we will look at them in more detail below) and the original itself have their own side effects and contraindications. Thus, this drug is not recommended for use in the acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke, severe coronary heart disease and arrhythmia, as well as hypersensitivity to vinpocetine. Due to insufficient research and data, this drug should also not be taken by pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 18 years of age.

    Side effects after using the drug "Cavinton" were detected extremely rarely. Thus, from the cardiovascular system, some ECG changes, extrasystole and tachycardia were observed. From the central nervous system, sleep disturbances (excessive drowsiness or insomnia), dizziness, headaches and general weakness were identified. From the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, dry mouth and heartburn were noted.

    Side effects

    In practice, less than 1% of patients experience an individual hypersensitivity reaction, hypotension, dry mouth, weakness and a tendency to tachycardia².

    The doctor should remember that benzyl alcohol in solution can provoke toxic and anaphylactic reactions, and sodium disulfite can provoke hypersensitivity reactions and bronchospasm (very rarely).

    The instructions for use indicate all possible adverse reactions that have ever been identified in numerous studies of the drug.

    What is the drug for?

    The use of Cavinton is indicated for the combined treatment of a number of diseases, which include:

    1. Ischemic stroke (impaired microcirculation of the brain with disruption of brain tissue, as well as its functions as a result of difficulty or cessation of blood flow to one or another department).
    2. Cerebral atherosclerosis (a pathological process in which the arteries of the brain are affected by cholesterol plaques).
    3. Transient ischemic attack (temporary disruption of cerebral circulation, which leads to disruption of brain function with subsequent recovery).
    4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia (a complex of functional disorders based on a violation of the regulation of vascular tone by the autonomic nervous system).
    5. Vascular dementia (a disorder characterized by a persistent decrease in intelligence and impaired social adaptation).
    6. Post-traumatic or hypertensive encephalopathy (chronic damage to brain tissue, which is characterized by disturbances of cerebral hemodynamics in patients with long-term, poorly controlled hypertension).
    7. Ophthalmological pathology.
    8. Retinal artery or vein occlusion (clogging of the central vein or retinal artery by an embolus or thrombus).
    9. Pathology of the inner ear.

    In addition, the drug is used for hearing impairment and the presence of idiopathic noise in the hearing organs.

    Description and composition

    Cavinton Forte is a flat-cylindrical tablet of white or almost white color with a dividing strip, chamfer and engraving “10mg” on one side.

    1 tablet contains 10 mg of vinpocetine.

    Auxiliary components:

    • corn starch;
    • lactose monohydrate;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • colloidal silicon dioxide;
    • talc.

    Release form of the drug, information about the manufacturer

    The drug used in Cavinton is the chemical substance vinpocetine. It belongs to the group of drugs that dilate primarily cerebral vessels. There are 4 variants of the drug registered in the Russian Pharmacopoeia: “Vinpotecine”, “Recervin”, “Vinpoton”, “Cavinton”. They are produced by various manufacturers. The trade name of the drug “Cavinton” belongs to the pharmacological company “Gedeon Richter”. The drug Cavinton is available in two forms: tablets and injections.

    Main features of the pharmacokinetics of the drug

    This drug is absorbed quite quickly and completely from the digestive system when taken orally (absorption occurs mainly in the proximal parts of the digestive tract).

    The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma is achieved within an hour after ingestion, while it does not undergo any changes passing through the intestinal wall, and also easily overcomes the blood-brain barrier, which is especially important for drugs used in neurological practice.

    During the studies, it was found that the active substance of the drug is excreted to a greater extent by the kidneys, and to a slightly lesser extent through the intestines. The main metabolite of Cavinton is apovincamic acid, which is formed when the drug passes through the liver.

    The absence of a cumulation effect, as well as the metabolic features of the drug, allow its use without changing the dose in case of insufficiency of liver and kidney function, as well as in elderly patients, in whom there are practically no differences in the concentration of the active substance compared to younger patients.


    Cavinton injections improve blood circulation in the brain and metabolic processes in its tissues. The drug has proven itself to be excellent in the treatment of chronic defects in cerebral circulation, the consequences of stroke, encephalopathy of various origins, and vertebrobasilar insufficiency.

    The drug is used in pediatric practice by many specialists; it helps well with VSD with persistent cephalgia, perinatal encephalopathies, cerebral circulatory disorders, during the recovery of a child after a head injury, dizziness and hydrocephalic syndrome. The cost of the drug is affordable, the effect is significant.


    Tanakan is used by doctors to treat patients with peripheral and cerebral circulation disorders. The active substance of the drug is a plant component that affects the metabolic processes occurring in cells, as well as the vasomotility of blood vessels.

    For which diseases should it be used?

    Tanakan is actively fighting the following diseases:

    • disturbances of visual functions of vascular origin;
    • decreased visual acuity;
    • neurosensory deficits of various forms;
    • Alzheimer's disease;
    • Raynaud's disease;
    • extraneous noise in the ears;
    • dizziness.

    What side effects might there be?

    In general, Tanakan is tolerated by patients without problems. But in rare cases, abnormalities such as nausea, eczema, headache, dyspepsia, bleeding disorders or abdominal pain may occur.

    Reviews about the medicine

    One of the popular means for normalizing blood circulation in the brain and its metabolism is Cavinton Forte 10 mg. Reviews from doctors about him are quite positive. This is a drug with a long history, time-tested. Although for some time now, in official structures, for some reason, he has caused an ambivalent attitude. The substance vinpocetine is included in the list of vital and essential drugs, which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, on March 16, 2007, following the results of the meeting of the Presidium of the Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, formalized in the Resolution, this medicinal substance was recognized as “an outdated drug with unproven effectiveness.” For the vast majority of medical practitioners, this drug and drugs based on it remain in demand and effective in the clinical practice of cerebral circulatory failure and its metabolism.

    For the drug Cavinton Forte 10 mg, the instructions for use indicate a fairly extensive list of indications for use. Patients who had various indications for treatment with this drug, and who completed the full course of taking pills according to the regimen specified by the attending physician, leave only grateful reviews. People note that after a course of taking the medicine, the frequency and severity of headaches decreased, and dizziness disappeared. Many noted the activation of mental abilities and a surge of vitality, improved memory, and normalization of sleep. The vast majority of patients thank Cavinton Forte for improving their overall well-being and the absence of fatigue.

    But there are also reviews from dissatisfied patients who noted an increase in the symptoms against which the drug was supposed to act. Experts tend to consider this a manifestation of the intensification of the disease itself, and not the lack of effectiveness of a drug based on vinpocetine. About 20% of patients experienced minor side effects caused, in their opinion, by the use of the drug Cavinton Forte.

    Cerebrovascular accidents and cerebrovascular disorders, as well as complications resulting from improper or delayed treatment, are one of the common causes of mortality and disability. Brain lesions can have different etiologies and the most dismal prognosis if prevention and high-quality timely treatment are not carried out. Regular preventive medical examination allows you to timely identify disorders in all systems of the human body and carry out high-quality preventive treatment that can prevent serious health problems.

    Timely detection of disturbances in the blood supply to the brain, as well as during metabolic (metabolic) processes in it, will allow you to maintain health, active, high-quality life. But under no circumstances should you take medications from the group of correctors for cerebral circulatory disorders, including Cavinton Forte based on vinpocetine, on your own. Only a doctor’s prescription after a high-quality examination and identified medical indications can be the reason for taking this and similar drugs.

    What is the drug taken for?

    The substance Vinpocetinum, which Cavinton Forte 10 mg tablets contain, is included in the pharmaceutical group of correctors of cerebral circulatory disorders, in other words, it is a drug that improves cerebral blood flow. Today, this medicinal substance is successfully synthesized, but it was originally discovered in the form of an alkaloid from the plant Vinca minor, from which, by the way, it got its name. Pharmacological analysis and research have proven the effectiveness of the medicinal plant and its medicinal substances. As the instructions say about the drug "Cavinton Forte" 10 mg, in which the working component is vinpocetine, it has an antiaggregation, antihypoxic, neuroprotective, vasodilating and improving cerebral circulation effect.

    "Cavinton Comforte": reviews from patients and doctors

    This medicine is very popular among doctors, as it shows itself only from its best side. However, experts prepare patients for the fact that they should not expect an immediate effect from Cavinton Comforte. At least a week should pass, and only after that your health will begin to improve.

    Patients taking Cavinton Comforte tablets have noticed significant improvements in their health. Pain in the head appears less and less often, and thought processes improve. This drug improves memory, attention and concentration. Also, this drug very rarely leads to side effects. Only occasionally do patients complain of digestive problems and general fatigue. However, such symptoms disappear approximately a week after the start of treatment with Cavinton Comfort. Patients are pleased that the taste of the pills is quite pleasant, so they can be dissolved.

    Similar drugs

    One of the frequently prescribed medications to normalize cerebral circulation is Cavinton Forte 10 mg. Analogues of this drug must contain the same working component - vinpocetine. There are a lot of them in the pharmacy chain. The most famous: “Bravinton”, “Vinpoton”, “Korsavin Forte”, “Cavintazol”. A lot of drugs from various pharmaceutical companies that are generics can be seen in pharmacies. All of them have the name "Vinpocetine" with various prefixes registered with the company. Which medicine the patient should take is decided, of course, by the attending physician. The patient himself may be interested in replacing it with an analogue if he is not satisfied with the price of the drug. The drug "Cavinton Forte" 10 mg 30 tablets per package can be purchased at a price of 230 to 300 rubles. For a package three times larger, containing 90 tablets, you will have to pay an average of 600 rubles. This is much more profitable, given the duration of treatment with the drug from 1 to 3 months. But a similar generic drug, Vinpocetine-Acree, for example, is sold at a price 3 times cheaper - on average from 130 to 150 rubles per pack of 30 tablets.

    In clinical medicine, there are quite a lot of drugs belonging to the nosological group of correctors of cerebral circulatory disorders. Vinpocetine and drugs based on it are only part of such drugs. Similar in action to vinpocetine are:

    • vincamine;
    • xanthinol nicotinate;
    • naftidrofuryl;
    • nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid;
    • nimodipine;
    • nicergoline;
    • cinnarizine.

    These active substances serve as the basis for drugs similar to the drug Cavinton Forte. Only a specialist can decide which substance to choose for treatment in a particular case. Self-medication with any of these medications is contraindicated, as it can lead to pathological consequences.

    Important Precautions

    Doctors do not recommend prescribing this drug to patients suffering from low vascular tone and labile arterial hypertension. If, nevertheless, the remedy was prescribed by a doctor, then the patient should closely monitor the state of his health and notify the specialist of even the slightest deterioration.

    The product can be used by people suffering from diabetes, but in this case the level of glucose in the blood needs to be monitored much more often.

    If the patient has been diagnosed with an acute form of hemorrhagic stroke, then Cavinton Comforte tablets can be used only a week after it.

    The drug is not prescribed to minors, since in medical practice there is not enough information on how this medicine is tolerated by children.

    Cavinton Comfort: analogues

    Today there are a large number of analogues of this drug. However, self-medication is not recommended. If you have to stop using this medication, be sure to tell your doctor so that he or she can find a replacement for you. Most often, doctors prescribe analogues of Cavinton Comforte tablets, such as Vinprocetin, Vinproton, Cavinton Forte, Korsavin Forte, Telektol. They all have similar active components and also have similar effects on the human body.


    Cavinton Comforte tablets really do an excellent job of their purpose, which is why doctors very often prescribe them to patients. But under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Of course, the pills themselves will not have a negative effect on the body, but if certain pathologies are present, they can cause serious harm to your health.

    Be sure to take care of your well-being. Eat right, exercise, get rid of bad habits and go to the doctor on time, and then you will not need medications. Believe me, it is much easier to cure any disease if it is at an early stage. Be healthy and take care of yourself.

    Who produces the drug and in what form?

    The Hungarian pharmaceutical corporation Gedeon Richter Ltd. was founded more than a century ago. Over the decades, it has grown from a small pharmacy into the world's largest company engaged in the development and production of medical drugs. The primary activity of the pharmaceutical corporation is diseases of the cardiovascular system, gynecology and the central nervous system. The demand for the drug Cavinton Forte 10 mg (30 or 90 tablets in one package) is an indicator of consumer confidence in the company’s products around the world. Since the corporation has representative offices and factories in many countries, the medicine can be produced in a partner country.

    In Russia, the corporation has one of nine production and research enterprises, located in the city of Yegoryevsk. A drug for improving cerebral circulation is produced in the form of Cavinton Forte 10 mg tablets. Their manufacturer's description is as follows: the tablets are flat, round in shape, white or almost white in color. Each tablet is chamfered along the edge, one side of the tablet has a pressed inscription “10 mg”, on the other side there is a line mark dividing the tablet in half.

    The path of medicine in the human body

    The drug Cavinton Forte (10 mg tablets) actively penetrates into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract. The highest concentration of the substance in the blood is achieved within 1 hour. It binds to plasma proteins of the human body by 66% with a bioavailability of the active substance of 7%. It is noteworthy that this drug, passing through the intestinal walls, does not undergo the metabolic process. The drug is biotransformed in the liver. The substance is excreted in feces and urine after 10-12 hours.


    In modern medicine, Cavinton injections can be used in three ways:

    1. Neurological Medicine;
    2. Ophthalmological practice;
    3. Obstetrics and gynecology.

    In the first case, the drug is almost always prescribed for strokes and ischemic attacks. It does not matter whether the circulatory disorder in the brain is chronic or acute. Doctors also prescribe taking the drug if there is a significant degree of atherosclerosis in the anamnesis, a characteristic feature of which is damage to large vessels. Cavinton is also effective for transient ischemic attacks.


    The drug Cavinton, which is prescribed by injection, as indicated in the instructions for use, corresponds to the dose for one administration. In situations where the patient is in a fairly serious condition, and cerebrovascular accident is classified as acute, it is permissible to give no more than three injections per day. After stabilization or normalization of the patient's condition, administration is carried out once a day.

    It is important to understand that the drug should be prescribed very carefully to seriously ill patients. The thing is that the introduction of Cavinton helps to increase the total volume of lost blood. Accordingly, if a person is bleeding or has another problem associated with blood loss, the prescription and administration of the medicine will lead to death.

    Actually, before administering the drug itself, the ampoule must be shaken well so that all the components are thoroughly mixed into a homogeneous mass. After this, the contents of one ampoule are diluted with saline in an amount of 200 to 400 milliliters. In certain cases, the medicine is combined with glucose at a 5% concentration.

    Patients should also understand that the administration of such a serious drug requires high qualifications, so it is best to install an IV exclusively in a hospital setting. Or you can, for a fee, invite a doctor to your home. During the entire procedure, the specialist must monitor various biometric indicators of the activity of the brain, heart and vascular system.

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